The Wolf With Steel Fangs

I have returned for the revenge.

And now we fall together…

The Wolf With Steel Fangs


What about everything?

What about aeroplanes?

And what about ships that drank the sea?

What about...

What about the moon and stars?

What about soldier battle scars

And all the anger that they eat?

What about...

What about aliens? What about you and me and...

What about gold beneath the sea?

What about...

What about when buildings fall?

What about that midnight phone call...

The one that wakes you from your peace?

Well, I am not, I am not, I am not in need

"Shit! What the hell is with your eyes!" Dark Link shouted.

Link shrugged. He knew what his shadow was talking about, but he couldn't explain it. He stood up, seeming much more…stable, confident, strong…than he had been when he descended. No more words were exchanged between the two, and Link left the temple. The summer sun was high in the sky, though there were soon to be clouds. Once Link set foot on the island housing the Triforce pedestal, the faint breeze became dead, and all the sounds of Hyrule fell silent. Link stepped off the pedestal, and his ears heard footsteps. Many of them. The footsteps of those which were not human.

Over the hill, by the laboratory, came legions of wolves. Link had never seen so many wolves before in his life. But they came, faster and faster. They gathered on the shore, all waiting for him to move. Link knew what he had to do. He walked across the bridge and onto the land where the wolves gathered. He looked out to the castle off in the distance.

And with an army, he began towards it.

Storm clouds were gathering. The girl could feel the aching of her scars. A violent storm was coming. Rathix knew. But she could do nothing. Nothing of importance anyways. She paced around the hallway she was in, bored out of her mind. She crawled, hoping that the incoming storm she felt was the boy she had rescued. There was a wolf in his eyes, and maybe that wolf had awakened. Then there could be real freedom. Not only for her, but for the entire country. The princess had already been subtly slipping into tyrant tendencies.

But she knew. They were coming.

The guards began sounding numerous alarms. The girl slipped away, trying to not draw attention to herself. She didn't want to be around during the carnage, but she had the feeling that she wouldn't get the chance. The Royal Black was rushing, here and there, in a panic. There were signs of a storm. They saw it. And it could be the end of them. From nowhere, the princess appeared, clad in elegant but non-practical battle garb. The girl followed at a crawl, heading towards the main balcony that overlooked the city.

Link strode towards the castle. He saw Zelda standing on the balcony, and his stomach bound itself into a knot. He didn't want to do it, but he knew it had to be done. He would have to kill her. And then what? What would he do afterwards? The rule of Hyrule would pass into some other relative's hand. Certainly not his. He refused. Ruling an entire kingdom was not for him. And what of the Royal Black? He would slaughter them. Or Rathix, what about her? Too many questions.

But his eyes showed no fear.

The castle drawbridge fell, and eight members of the Royal Black emerged. No words were exchanged, for everything that needed to be said had already been spoken in the eyes of the wolf. Link drew his sword, and the knights charged. But the knights met legions of wolves. And these were not wolves of normality. These were the divine, protectors of the soul. True wolves.

In the confusion, Link and the remaining horde charged into the castle. And there, he came face to face with the mind behind it all.

"Well…have you come to kill me?" Zelda asked.

"Only if I have to. I'd rather not though." Link replied.

"Not that you'll have a choice. Your wolves are killing my Royal Black. Once they're dead, I'll have no one to protect me, save for the Wolf With Steel Fangs."


Zelda nodded. Indeed. A sharp boy, with the wit as sharp as his sword. And wolves in his eyes as well. That look frightened her, but this was something that would not be settled with simple words. She would not be able to sway him with sugar and sweets. There was nothing left to do now but fight. Zelda raised the sword she held, her elegant armor shining. Then, she whistled, calling the girl.

But Rathix didn't appear.

"She is free now." Link said.

His eyes seemed to glow. The yellow of the wolf-eyes overtook his mind. With one swift blow, the Master Sword coated itself in blood, and Zelda dropped like the puppet she was. Link looked down at her bleeding body, his anger subsiding. The wolves that his eyes had called howled, and a wave of confusion took him. His eyes rolled back in his sockets and he fell beside her.

Rathix looked down at the unconscious boy. Quickly, she kissed his cheek and turned to the wolf pack. She brushed the hair out of her eyes, revealing the wolf eyes of gold. She returned to the pack, and they vanished into the nothingness. The hero would recover, and vanish himself. All would fade in the end…and the wolves in the walls would watch with steel fangs.