Title: Another First Time
Author: Lioness Black
Pairing: Roger/Mimi, Mark/Maureen
Rating: PG-13
Genre: General/Angst
Summary: Roger has another first time.
Notes: I don't know the exact timeline of moving in's and out's of the loft, so I just played with it.
Spoilers: None Warnings: Character Death Disclaimer: Not mine, just good fun.

First times were always a little nerve-racking. First day of school, first time on stage, first kisses, first time in bed with a girl, first time in bed with a guy, Roger had been through them all.

You'd think he'd be used to them by now.

But first times never end. There's always something new. There will always be another first. They will always take you by surprise.

He lit the candle next to his bed. They had shut off the electricity the night before. He wouldn't mind so much, if it wasn't for the rain. Rain got in the way of everything. He'd spend the night on the roof if it wasn't for the rain.

He remembered the first night he spent in this apartment. It was years ago. Back in the day, with Collins, Benny, Mark, and Maureen.

Roger was pretty sure they didn't have electricity that night either.

"This is no big deal," Mark had said. "We go through this all the time. You're lucky it's summer. In the winter, nights without heat are killer."

"That's why we cuddle," Maureen said, sipping her arms around his waist, her hand landing on his crotch.

He looked over his shoulder at her, with raised eyebrows. Roger looked away, and laughed to himself. He had the sudden feeling that he would be fitting in just right here.

Now they had all moved on, moved onto bigger and better things. Lives beyond Avenue A. One by one, they filtered out, and Roger stayed there with Mimi. They wanted to get out too, but as long as they had each other, they would survive.

It would always be okay. It always managed to be, in the end.

His first time with Mimi would haunt him for the rest of his life as one of the most embarrassing moments of his life. He smiled, then, though, thinking about it.

It was practically an accident. He had gone to see her at work, the Cat Scratch Club at the time. It was less than three weeks (eighteen days, to be exact), since they had started seeing each other, inside those lines of "official" and "unofficial." Roger hadn't been planning on sleeping together so soon, but then, he hadn't really been with anyone since April. He would have been nervous, had this been planned.

"Roger!" She was in the back, getting ready to go on stage. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit. Just.. say hi."

"Catch all the girls changing into the costumes?" She smiled, teasing, as she gave him a kiss.

"Well, of course."

She laughed and kissed him again. They kissed again and again.

"Back here," Mimi said, pulling him into a closet. It was only half full of skimpy outfits. She kissed his neck and unbuttoned his jeans.

I like where this is going, he thought, allowing Mimi's hands to explore his hips, his thighs...

"Mimi," he said, nearly breathless, "I don't have a-"

She cut him off with a kiss. "All taken care of." She reached up into the top shelf of the closet, and pulled out a shoebox. She opened it, and inside was a stash of condoms.

"You've done this before," he said.

"We all know they're here. This is a popular spot."

It seemed she was right. During their less than romantic sex, his hands behind her thighs, holding her up as she moved on him, the door opened.

Roger dropped Mimi, she lost her balance, fell on the floor, and then he came. Mimi burst out laughing, and so did the couple who were about to use the closet.

Mimi loved to tell that story to anyone who would listen. Roger would always hide his face, but she'd pry his hands away and kiss him and tell him that it was the moment she knew she loved him. It was almost worth being embarrassed by the memory.

He went over to the window and looked up, searching for stars, but the sky was black with clouds. "Oh, Mimi."

He looked over his shoulder, almost expecting her to come up behind him, wrap her arms around his shoulders, kiss him, and tell him that everything would be okay.

That didn't happen. It wouldn't happen again.

It was another first time.

This would be the first time he'd sleep in his bed since Mimi died.