Ok chapter 11! Epilouge! Sorry it took so damn long!

Sasuke: Thank you! I was getting sick of this story anyway!

Naruto: That's mean to say!

Sakura: Yeah Sasuke!

Sasuke: Yeah, yeah, yeah Can we just start already!

Me: Ok this story I enjoyed writing and some of you enjoyed reading! But it must end. So I give you the last chapter!
Disclaimer: Like I said before do I have to repeat myself? Why'd ya think I ask people do it for me!

Spring has finally came and the cherry blossoms, or sakura trees, have started to bloom. With the birds signing there ever so lovely tune, made the people in town smile. But something was missing. Something that was sort of apart of this town. Who or what was it?

In a house not so far from the town lived a boy. Uzumaki Naruto was his name. He was loved and sometimes rejected. What ever happened to him? A couple of weeks later after living with his new boyfriend, Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto has decided to separate from him. Not forever. He wanted to travel around other places and get stronger. Leaving the poor Uchiha alone for awhile. Sasuke didn't want to end it right there. What if Naruto gets hurt or dies for that matter? Having to make the Uchiha go through a lot of stress, he to have decided to travel.


"Are you sure about this Naruto? You don't want me to come with you?" Sasuke was sitting up on the bed and looked down at the blonde idiot.

"Yes Sasuke, i'm sure. Iruka-sensei and I have been talking and he says i'm ready for this kind of thing. Well that's what he thinks. I know i'm still young, but right now I think I can do it! I know I can and I want to improve myself! I want to get as strong as you Sasuke! Maybe stronger!" Naruto sat up and looked at Sasuke with determined looking eyes and a silly smirk on his face. "Besides if I let you tag along you might get in the way!" Sasuke rosed an eyebrow. "I mean that you'll care so much for my safety that you'll never let me go. I want you to trust me Sasuke. We have been living together for at least a month. I think. Maybe it was three weeks...hmmm..Oh who cares starting Spring, you won't be ever seeing me again for awhile!"

Sasuke just started at him for like a minute then he spoke up. "Naruto, you're one strange guy. If it's something you really want to do then..." He sighed. "I won't stop you." Sauke loved him to much to stop him from doing something he really wants to do.

"Don't miss me to much Sasuke! I love you and I don't want you to worry so much that you'll start crying yourself to sleep!" Naruto hugged him. "You love it when I smile and you love it when i'm happy. Heh. To think all those time you've teased me I thought you hated me." He spoke softly to him. "Stop protecting me you bastard I can take care of myself you know." Naruto tighten his grip on him. He wanted to be hokage someday and he also wanted to get stronger. Leaving Sasuke behind felt like a big mistake to him, but he knows that he'll understand.

Trying to hold back the tears, Naruto held on to Sasuke for awhile longer. He also started to think about the happy times they had together. "Naruto, can you do one simple favor for me after you get off me?" Sasuke asked.

"Ok." Narruto eased up off him. "What is it?"

"Well...Spring is tomorrow. Ever considered to stay for another two weeks? You know so you can start planning and packing. I'll even help you." Sasuke suggested.

"Damn it! Ok lets do that!" Naruto still wasn't very good at thinking before taking action.

"Oh and one more thing."

"Um yes?"

"I love you. So don't get yourself killed! You got that!" Sasuke demanded with a smirk.

"Right!" Naruto smiled and gave him a kiss.

-End Flashback-

In a deep danked forest Sasuke was walking. He didn't really know where he was walking to, but he didn't care as much. He hadn't done this kind of thing for awhile now. Think about "Him" made Sasuke think alot. "Your an idiot Naruto." Sasuke sat down and leaned back on the tree closing his eyes. "But your my idiot and because of your smile I always wanted you to be happy. I want you to smile forever and I want you to know that i'll always be there for you. And even though i'm not there with you right now, you should know that i'm always thinking about you."

'Hmmm...because of his smile. Yes, his smile, your's Naruto. It's your smile. I'm happy I got to understand you more and other than that...'

Naruto was somewhere walking to a nearby river. He looked up at the sky and the wind was blowing making his hair waving forward. He smiled and then looked at the river and saw his reflection.

'I'm glad that I met you, you idiot...'

Naruto turned around and started running with a smile on his face.

Yahoo! And so ends my naruxsasu fic! I really hope you enjoyed this. I really loved how it ended lol. Sorry that it wasn't long, but hey most epilouges aren't. Also i'm sorry that I have them go their separate ways. I figured that it would be a nice a way to end it. And that I MIGHT make a sequel to this. Well should I? Oh well just leave a review! Thanks for reading I really appreciated it!