Title:Somewhere I Belong 1?

Author: SeulWolfe/Vasaio/Calanor

Rating: Mature (M)Eventually NC-17

Pairing: Snape/Harry, Remus/Lucius, Draco/Hermione, Mentions of Harry/Cedric, Harry/OCC

Contains: angst, drama, romance, AU

Warnings: Spoilers through book 4, NO book 5 or 6

Disclaimer:Jk owns Harry and company. Original characters and storyline is mine.

A/N: It's a rabid bunnie that demanded to be fed and wrote. Betaed by the lovely Jadzia7667. Any other mistakes are mine.

Summary: After the last task and Harry's telling of the rebirth of Voldemort, the young man is banished from the Wizarding world by Minister Fudge. No one to turn to, Harry must find a place where he belongs and his way in the world alone. Slash and Het.


August 2000

Five years have passed since the Triwizard Tournament that brought about the second rise of the Dark Lord also known as Voldemort and the expulsion of Harry Potter from Hogwarts and Great Britain altogether.

Accused of being a murderer and telling lies of the rebirth of the Darkest Wizard of the century, Harry was turned away from the very world that lauded him as the savior one day, yet had him joining the ranks of the Death Eaters the next.

His wand was snapped and he was banned from entering any other magical school in Europe. Harry Potter just walked away with a purpose in his heart and his mind. Voldemort may have won the battle but he would not win the war.

There was somewhere where he belonged. He just had to find it. The answers lay somewhere. All he had to do was search for them.

It was late in the night when Harry finally left Hogwarts, where he flooed to Diagon Alley and visited Gringotts. No one saw him pass back through the doors again.

Harry Potter had disappeared.

Not that anyone cared until five weeks later when Voldemort and his faithful followers attacked the Ministry of Magic and the Hogwarts Express as it arrived at King's Cross.

Those who had followed blindly and listened to those in authority, believed what they were told; these witches and wizards who'd been so careless and callous were outraged. Twenty-four children died on the platform. Fifty-five people were killed at the MoM.

Fudge somehow survived only to face persecution for his actions against Harry Potter. The populace called for his impeachment from the office he held. Questions were raised as to why Harry Potter wasn't properly questioned.

There are ways to find out the truth, even with an underaged wizard.

Amongst the chaos, a secret prophecy and one dawning horror...Harry Potter was missing.

So they searched. Dumbledore was especially upset. Apparently the Headmaster had placed tracking charms on the young man, and now they were gone.

The only clue they had was a sighting of a boy walking into Gringotts on the day of Harry's expulsion. The Goblins weren't talking.

The only thing the Wizarding world knew was that they'd thrown away their only hope by not standing up for what was right and standing against what was wrong.

Harry Potter was gone and they, the witches and wizards of the magical world had no one to blame but themselves.

The years have been hard on the Wizarding World. Holding back Voldemort and his Death Eaters took nearly everything they had. Their spies were revealed in the first year and Peter Pettigrew was captured in the second. Sirius Black was a free man finally after all this time, but he had nothing to look forward to anymore. At one time with his freedom came Harry. Now that was no longer a given.

Only the second hand knowledge from Voldemort's connection to Harry's scar, was all they had to tell them that Harry was still alive somewhere out there...

And that came from the only remaining spy in the inner circle.

A spy no one knew about and trusted completely by Dumbledore. Which on some days scared the hell out of the Order members.


The weather was nice for this time of year. Cool and clear, perfect for riding along on his motorcycle. It gave him time to think and roll the past around in his mind. He needed to organize his thoughts for the coming confrontations.

Harry Potter rode automatically, barely noticing the swiftly passing scenery. His thought were focused on friends, past loves, and those he considered family.

He frowned at thoughts of those who died needlessly. Like his parents. And Cedric.

Harry's first crush. First dance. First kiss, not that anyone knew about it and the first person he ever saw die.

"Kill the spare!" The words floated in his early morning dreams. Other things brought back pleasant memories of the forever young Hufflepuff. Even now, Harry blushed at the way he had acted at times around Cedric. He'd been awkward and young; that was all Harry had as excuses.

The Yule ball, Harry was sitting alone. Ron was arguing with Hermione over her choice of date and Harry was just plain tired. He was just about ready to go back to his dorm and get some sleep, when someone sat next to him. Thinking it was another girl, he turned to find Cedric sitting next to him.

"Hey Harry. You look nice tonight. Having fun?" Cedric's words were rushed.

Harry smiled at the young man seated next to him. "You look nice too, Cedric. As for having fun? I'm not much for dancing. And my friends' squabbling is grating on my nerves along with all the giggling females." Frowning, "Where's Cho?"

Cedric grimaced. "She's off giggling with her friends." Dropping his voice to a whisper, "I escaped before I was over ran by them all."

Harry snorted.

The lights in the great hall lowered till there were only shadows. "Last dance, everyone," was announced by the band as a slow song started.

Harry was startled when a hand grabbed his and pulled him up. "Come on Harry. Dance with me."

It wasn't the last time Harry and Cedric danced. They found ways to see each other; most of the time all they did was talk. But the last time they danced was the night before the last task.

They had met up at the Astronomy Tower. Harry locked the door and they danced under the moon. Swaying quietly and sweetly, they kissed and held each other till the wee hours of the morning, not knowing in only a few hours that Cedric would be gone.

Not knowing Voldemort would once more walk the earth.

With that last thought, Harry found himself at the front gates of Hogwarts.

Harry propped his bike up on the inside of the gates of Hogwarts. There were no students here but he still placed charms around his bike. It was his favorite.

Looking up to the castle, Harry smiled. He had really missed this place, he thought with a small smile as he started walking the long path towards the Main doors. His long dark duster billowed out behind him as he walked.

At the doors, Harry reached out and placed a hand on the closed doors. For a moment they glowed before slowly opening.

Stepping back, the man pulled his sunglasses off and walked through the large doors.


Albus Dumbledore felt the wards shifting, which was normal for the castle. But this was different. Subtle but different. He stood up from the head table just as a figure stepped into the main hall. Walking towards him was a man who seemed to be in his late twenties or early thirties. The headmaster didn't recognize the man, until he turned green eyes on the full hall.

Harry Potter?

"Harry? Harry is that you?" Sirius Black stood from the table he was seated at. Tentatively he moved, slowly at first, till he was clear of the chairs. Reaching out an unsteady hand, he approached the green eyed man. "Please..."


Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, was better known as Eneto Alejandro Santiago for the past fifteen years. He was a boy when he left; a man when he returned. Fate has a funny way of bringing everything full circle.

The naive child he was faded away as he walked a different path. He hadn't wanted to return here but he had to. All roads lead back to the beginning. A week ago, he wouldn't have thought to come here until Samuel was killed in the terrorist attacks in London.

All the chaos was blamed on some sleeper cell of terrorists coming out to play rough. Only Harry saw more. He saw the Dark Mark hovering overhead. It was then he knew that he had to come back.

Come back and finish it.


Severus Snape was sitting at the head table along with the other inner circle council members of the Order of the Phoenix when the main doors to the great hall opened and a stranger stepped through. Astonishment, panic and excitement rushed through Severus' body when he realized who the man was. Raven locks that were a mess of curls, dark chocolate eyes, and a whiskey laced voice marked the man who was his on again, off again lover of the past five years. Alejandro had come to Hogwarts.

Alejandro was here.

Oh how he itched to run his hands through those soft curls...


Harry walked up the aisle between the four house tables when he noticed all the adults in an attendance. Had to be an order meeting. He knew all about the secret organization from his contacts he had spoken with over the past years. There were some Weasleys and Hermione was sitting beside Draco. Remus was sitting close to Lucius Malfoy... and Sirius was sitting between them all.

Lots of familiar faces.

They didn't recognize him, for the boy was gone. In his place was a man, confident, competent, and capable.

The glasses were long gone. A rather complicated goblin based spell had given him keen vision. His trademark messy hair was a bit longer and nothing but a mass of curls. Pictures of his grandfather Potter showed where that trait had come from. His small mustache and barely there goatee changed the look of his face enough so that no one from his past would ever recognize him.

Even his light English skin was a dark reddish tone now, from hours spent in the hot sun of the Mediterranean and warmer European countries of Spain, France and Italy.

Even the years spent away from Dursleys was good for him, as he no longer was the scrawny short kid. He was a respectable 5'9 now.

Those goblins turned out to be quite handy at cosmetic spells. His famous scar was moved to another part of his body, making his transformation complete.

He became a man who could walk anywhere unnoticed. A freedom he wasn't used to in his youth.

All eyes were on him now as he glided up the steps and stood in front of the Headmaster. He glanced at each person before settling on onyx eyes and smirked slightly.


The man was going to kill him.

He lazily licked his lip. He loved danger.

Harry was watching Severus as he dropped the glamour and his eyes turned from brown to green.

Severus' eyes widened and then his mask fell. His trademark scowl of annoyance clamped down firmly on his features and didn't look to be letting go anytime soon.

Oh yeah...His snarky lover was pissed.


Standing in the great hall and watching Sirius walk slowly towards him, Harry was reminded of how much he actually missed these people. How hard it was to leave them behind and not send them letters or notes.

What had to be done...had to be done. He just hoped when he explained what had happened and what now must be done, they would understand.

Harry smiled and reached out for his godfather's hand. Seconds later, he found himself wrapped in a rib crushing hug. "Breathe. I need to breathe, Siri."

"Damn foolish boy! Where the hell have you been? How did you get so old?" Sirius asked in a rush, holding the young man at arms length.

Looking at his audience, "I think that's a conversation best held in private, don't you?"

Albus Dumbledore kept his face blank and his mind steady. There were too many variables here. Finding the boy had always been central to his plans. But finding a full grown man...that was something else entirely.

"Let's take this to my office shall we?"


The trek to the Headmaster's office was as long as it was short. Harry tried to pull all his thoughts together...what they needed to know and what they didn't need.

Everyone took a seat, conjured or not. Molly and Arthur Weasley sat with Bill and Ron. Hermione sat on Ron's other side. Sirius and Remus were next to Albus on the far side of the gathering. Severus was leaning against the wall trying to blend in with the shadows. Lucius and Draco sat regally as if they were the only ones in the room. Minerva sat next to Albus at his desk.

All those that were important to Harry in his life long ago were here.

"Would you care to explain," Albus waved his hand at Harry. "How you have aged."

"What is said in this room is not to be spoken of outside of here. Agreed?"

Murmurs of agreement were heard around the room.

"Swear on your magic."

As they swore, a white light encased the room and faded away.

"As of my birthday three days ago I am now thirty-four." Harry held up his hand as the questions started. "I will explain. Just let me do it."..."When you expelled me five years ago, Headmaster, I left Hogwarts and made my way to Gringotts. I had no intention of returning to the Dursleys as you ordered me to. As far as I was concerned when no one believed me, especially you, no one no longer had any say so in my life.

"At Gringotts, I had planned on withdrawing enough money from my account to support myself until I could enroll in a muggle school or find a magical school to take me. But the Goblins gave me another alternative." Harry took a deep breath before continuing, looking Dumbledore in the eye. "They sent me back in time where I grew up and had a normal life away from being 'Harry Potter'. I attended University and joined a group along the way."

"What kind of group, Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Well I know you've heard of us. We've become quite popular lately. La Fraternité de la Lame. The Brotherhood of the Blade."



AN: this is one of the bunnies.. that demanded to be written and when it bugs you while you're sleeping... you just do it...

Review please