Summary: The forbidden always made Sakura thirst for more.

Oh, Father!

Chapter One

Author: Elli Cole


It was a clear Sunday morning with the sunlight dawned upon Sakura's soft, sleeping form. A small smile played upon her lips as she dreamt upon her lover, Eriol Hiiragizawa. His loving navy blue eyes and matching midnight hair was perfect. And his attitude was everything she wanted in a man.

Her bright emerald eyes slowly opened and adjusted under the light of the sun. She yawned, her arms drawing up and widening above her form, and scratched the back of her head. She looked at the clock lazily and her eyes bulged open.

The clock read: 9:52 a.m.

"Hoe, I'm late for Mass!"

She hastily stood up from the bed, the sheets drawing across her body and dashed towards the bathroom across her bedroom. She quickly brushed her teeth and swiftly combed her hair, leaving some of it strangled on the edges of the comb. She changed swiftly from her nightgown to a pair of loose jeans and a plain tee.

She ran down the stairs and looked around her apartment. It was void of any human warmth except hers. Now that she was in college, she missed her father and brother's presence around her. She shook her head to get rid of the sad thoughts and went outside the pad. She locked the door and hailed a cab.

When a taxi stopped in front of her, she got inside in a hurry and told him her destination. "The Church, please." She said with a smile. The driver smiled back and tipped his blue hat.

"Right away, miss." He said toothily.

They sped across the road as they neared the sacred building. Sakura's eyes halted on the old-fashioned doors adorning the front entrance. The taxi stopped and the driver turned to her.

"That would be ten Sterling please." He said with a grin.

Sakura nodded her head and gave him the money. When she was still living in Japan, the taxi expense was cheaper than in England. She smiled back at the driver and opened the car door. She closed it behind her and ran towards the Church. The building was huge with a simple silver cross engraved on the front.

"I've made it," she huffed to herself.

She went inside the Church and started to look for a seat. A man in white beside her started to smile at her. His deep amber eyes and chestnut locks made him devilishly handsome. Sakura started to feel a blush come upon her cheeks. He looked Asian as well.

"Are you looking for a seat?" He said. His voice was so deep and manly that made Sakura's knees buckle.

"Yes," Sakura mumbled back, her eyes making contact with his.

"You can seat here, my dear." He smiled as he pointed at a seat next to him.

My dear? Sakura thought with a giggle. Is he old or something?

"Thank you." Sakura gratefully walked past him and sat at his referred seat. "I'm Sakura." She said, smiling at him shyly.

He chuckled, making Sakura blush. "What a beautiful name," he complimented. "You're Japanese, then." She blushed harder but nodded. "I'm Syaoran."

Sakura was about to tell him about the great coincidence when a man in an all-over white outfit came to Syaoran. He bowed and spoke softly that Sakura almost didn't hear… well, she wished she didn't.

"Father," the man said. "The Mass is about to start."

Sakura sat frozen, mouth wide as Syaoran stood up and excused himself from her presence. He gave her one last smile and went on his way.

Oh, God.


Note: This is going to be a short multi-chapter ficlet. Every chapter would be this short. Sorry to disappoint but this is just going to be an experiment of some sort.

For any mistakes done on my part, don't be afraid to point it out. Now, please review!