Sorry its been so long, had to re-watch the episode 'Lightspeed' to get some more inspiration. No own the Teen Titans!

Chap: how much do you love me?

Jinx paused at the door of the cabin, panting as quietly as she could so to not alarm Flash. She tried to compose herself as best she could, smoothing her hair, wiping off the sweat and dust from her run. The girl had left the groceries on the road; the better to get here and make sure Uriah had kept his word.

She slowly opened the door, almost dreading what she might find inside. Uriah might have decided to kill Kid Flash just for fun. A grin of pure relief and joy spread across her face as she saw her hero still asleep on the couch, snoring in a really cute way. Jinx got out of her shoes as quietly as she could and padded over to his side, sitting on the small table near the couch to look at him. She ghosted her fingers over his soft red hair and down the side of his jaw, a hard ache forming in her chest. Tears pricked the back of her eyes. "I don't want to leave you," she whispered. "I love you, Wally."

Wally stirred, eyes blinking open. He sat up, stretching out his arms with a yawn and twisting around to start waking up. "Jinx?" He started at the sight of her so close to him. "What are you doing in here?"

"I-I went out to get breakfast," she stammered. "I j-just wanted to get an early start to the day."

Flash stared. Jinx, stuttering? What the hell? Her pale face had gone white as snow, and she was sweating like she was in full fight-or-flight mode. He frowned in concern. "Jinx, what's wrong?"


"Jinx," he took her hand, "you may have been a great villain and terrific actress, but you're a lousy liar. What is it?"

Suddenly black portals appeared beside his head, gloved hands moving through to grip the top of his head and jaw. The boy jerked in his hold, making the demon force his head into a painful angle. "What the"—

"Let him go!" Jinx screamed, power instantly flaring in her hands. "Don't you dare touch Wally!"

"Jerk, I don't know it you know this, but its rude to interrupt people when they're talking. So get off me," the hero growled, beginning to vibrate his body. He went to his maximum speed, but impossibly the hands gripped him tighter. He couldn't phase out of them! "Who are you! What do you want with us!"

It laughed. She didn't tell you? I am Uriah, her mate. And you are not what I'm after here. Now Jinx, if you don't keep your word, I promise you I'll snap his neck, a voice like poisoned velvet growled.

"I will," she said, her voice shaking. "I'll do as you say, but you have to let him go."

"Jinx, what's going on?" Flash asked. "Who is this guy? What does he mean 'your word'?"

She swallowed hard, trying to think of how to explain. "You know that Kid Wickyd's part demon, right?"

He nodded.

"Three years ago, I found Kid Wickyd in the dark matter dimension. He was being torn apart by this guy," she pointed to the hands, "Uriah. But Uriah is part of Kid Wickyd, his demon half. He couldn't fight Uriah off anymore, and asked me to help him. So I sealed Uriah away when I was back in the Academy with my demonology teacher, and it took a blood oath for me to do it."

Kid Flash did not like the sound of that. "A blood oath?"

She means that the seal was made with her own blood and magic, binding her to me, Uriah purred. So long as the seal was whole, she was free. But now it's been broken by that charming Halfling called Raven. I've come to make good on the deal my new mate made. But you, he growled, are distracting her from me, and are therefore in my way. I'll just get rid of you now—his hands began to twist—

"NOOO!" Jinx screamed. Her power winked out, making her fall to her knees. "I'll do anything you want, anything! Just don't hurt him," she asked.

Wally stared in shock. "Jinx," he whispered.

A pleased hum sounded, and solid black chains of energy formed around Flash's wrists and ankles, binding him in place. He tried again to vibrate out of them, but to no avail. The black portals joined together and grew larger, finally reaching the point where Uriah could step through. The hero glared at him, wanting more than anything to get loose and punch the devil's lights out.

Uriah smirked down at her with a look of mock pity. Poor little witchling, reduced to this. Does he really mean that much to you?

She bowed her head, knowing he could tell if she lied. "Yes."

Then its time to go, he moved to leave.

"Not yet," she said.

He looked back over his shoulder at her. Oh?

"I want an oath from you," she said, standing. "I have to go with you, that was my blood oath. But help you? That was never in the deal."

The demon's red eyes narrowed in annoyance. Don't cross me, mate. I don't think you'll like the artwork I'd do with his corpse. He sent a pulse of electricity through the chains, making Wally jerk in pain.

"I know," she said. "But what promise do I have that you won't kill him once I leave with you? I want your oath that you will not hurt him in any way. Once I'm with you, he's safe, or else."

Uriah smirked at her. Or else what? Little witchling, you don't really have much of a choice. You have to come with me, or your own blood will betray you. You'd kill yourself in a very interesting way. It's a very messy way to go.

Jinx looked him straight in the eyes, unflinching. She didn't say a word, but her determination was clear in her gaze.

Wally knew exactly what that meant. "Jinx?" He called, disbelieving.

She didn't waver.

"Jinx, no!" he screamed. "You can't do this! You can't!"

Oh, shut up, the devil growled, forming a black gag over Wally's mouth. Flash fought and struggled mightily to get loose from his bonds, but nothing worked. This can not be happening, he thought in denial. He can't be taking her away from me!

All for him? Uriah asked her softly, creeping over to her side to whisper in her ear. To betray your oath and kill your magic? You would die, to keep your little hero safe?

"You will not touch him," she growled hatefully. "You will not harm him: you will not come near him. If you want me so badly, you can't ever have him."

He shook his head in bemusement. Very well, mate. He will be safe from me, on my oath. He held out his hand to her. Shall we?

"You'll let him go?" She asked, moving towards the black portal.

After we leave, he amended. Can't have him trying to follow after us. He took her by the wrist. Time to go. He bared his fangs in a smile. Oh, mate, you'll love it in the dark. We'll have so much fun together, you and I.

"No!" Flash tried to shout through the gag as the portal glowed to let them through. "Jinx!"

She looked back once, smiling back at him. 'Love you,' she mouthed, before she was pulled through the portal. As it faded out, the chains dissolved to smoke from his wrists and ankles. He tried to make for the portal, jumping to follow after her, but only felt smoke going past him. "Jinx!" He cried out.

For me. For me! She was willing to die to save me. Oh, god, Jinx!

He fell to his knees, tears beginning to fall. "Jinx!" he cried out again, fist pounding the floor.



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