The Early Hours

In the case of a violent serial rapist, the investigating team at Sun Hill CID have profiled and cross-referenced until nothing made sense, then started all over again. Eventually, they managed to narrow the rapist's 'base of operations' down to a single block of appartments. As their only link, it was imperative that the building was kept under the watchful eye of officers running an obbo, even during the night. After the first 24 hours, it became plain that a rota system dictating who kept watch was necessary, as the officers in the house opposite the building were struggling to keep their eyes open.

By the time the two officers arrived at the house, night had fallen and the dim light of the streetlamps threw the doorway into deep shadow. Ringing the doorbell, the woman stepped back and waited, silently cursing her luck. Spending the night in a dark, unfamiliar house, keeping a watchful vigil by the window was one thing, but when they were watching an empty house, waiting for the suspect to arrive, that was enough to really get her hackles up. She still didn't see why they couldn't place a motion sensor across the doorstep and alert the uniformed night shift. Instead, she was stuck here, in the dark, with nothing to do but sit and watch, randomly fiddling with the settings on the night vision camera that had been seconded from some obscure department or other.

Earlier on, at the station.

" the two with the shortest straws get the night watch." Phil concluded his explanation.

Taking their straws in turn, Mickey had gotten the longest straw of the lot, "Alright!" while Zain looked smugly confident with his selection. Eyeing her staw dubiously, Sam looked likely to have a long night ahead of her. Phil offered Jo the choice of the two remaining straws, and winked. Unsure if he was trying to give her a hint or was setting a trap, Jo fixed him with a warning glare and made her choice.

So...who get's the short straw? Shall I be predictable, or go for something new?