Where the Sidewalk Ends

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except Kristen, my very own, customize as you wish character.

Chapter One: Broken hearts know no boundaries.

There were several things wrong with her, if you ever had the chance to ask her. Her eyes are to wide set, her nose it too big, her lips are too thin, and her arms are as weak as chicken bones. But then again, everyone is there own worst critic.

As she stared into the mirror over her bathroom sink, like always, she began to pick at her facial features with fury. That hateful, discriminatory voice in her head swelling up for another round of Make Fun of Me like the Other kids do.

"No, you can't have a perfectly slanted nose...you have to have that stupid bump from when you broke it when you were six. Those thin, ugly lips. Those hideous brown eyes that are almost meters across your face" she spoke out loud to herself as if another person was speaking to her.

Eventually, as the comments went thin, she finished up her game and started to get changed for school. She pulled on the plain, white golf shirt her school mandated along with the maroon and grey pleated kilt since it was sunny outside. She attended Notre Dame, an all girls catholic private school for the rich and well off. She pulled her long, curly brown hair into a floppy bun at the back of her head and pulled on some black and purple gingham knee socks. Fishing her black ballet flats out of her closet, she ran down the stairs, grabbed an apple and headed off to school.

"Kristen? Kristen Phoenix?" a plain Jane teacher asked from her plain, standard pine desk at the front of the room. Everything about Notre Dame Academy was plain, right down to the lockers, which were a plain beige. A few seconds after the bell rang, she ran into class and plopped herself down on her desk chair, which was in the back of the class room.

"Present!" she said cheerfully, her voice perky and happy. Some of the girls in her class giggled and glanced back at her, throwing her pitiful glances of hate and loathing. Looks like some of the other girls share in Kristen's game.

Kristen, by definition of her whole senior class, was a nerd. A dork. A bookworm. A geek. If her black, square framed glasses didn't give off that impression, her heavy backpack full of binders and text books would have. All the signs that screamed nerd.

"She's such a weirdo...her boyfriend just dumped her because she wouldn't even have sex with him!" a blonde, preppy girl with hot pink hair ties holding her strawberry blonde hair in perfect pigtails whispered to her other friends. A giggle was unanimous and Kristen felt her rosy cheeks from running to school get even redder.

Unfortunately, what the girl had said was true. Her boyfriend, if that is even the right word for him, had recently dumped her because she wasn't willing to have sex with her. A) Since she had only been dating him for almost 2 weeks and b) she was saving that right for someone she actually loved. And he had called her ugly infront of her face. But she had felt very strongly about him because he was her first boyfriend and they did have a very good relationship despite everything. She might have had a broken heart, but she sure didn't show it.

She wasn't that unfortunate looking though. She had big, brown eyes and wavy brown hair that was often slung back in the typical bun it was in at the moment. Every time she wore her hair down, it got frizzy and ugly and it never worked, no matter what gel or mousse she used. The thin lens of her black square glasses covered her bright eyes and her skin was olive toned and smooth, with no pimples or blemishes on the horizon. If it's one thing she loved about herself, it was her flawless skin.

"She's such a freak!" another girl whispered to her friend. Giggles erupted again since the girl had said it loud enough for everyone to hear. Kristen shuddered; she hated that word.

"Better a freak then a whore" she whispered to herself as she opened her History textbook as instructed by the teacher. She opened to a page about World War Two and let her school day begin.


"What's the matter with you? Are you sick?" a young, preteen looking boy asked with a heavy British accent. He was wearing a flashy looking gold crown on his dark brown hair and his dark eyes were bearing intently down on an older looking boy with sandy brown hair who's head was in his hands. The younger boy was wearing a black satin outfit that looked like it belonged in the pre-Medieval Times where everything was very renaissance.

"Shut up Edmund" the boy growled in reply, his accent present as well, running one of his hands through his crown free head. This boy was wearing navy blue satin and was in a similar outfit to the other boy's. His face was towards the ground and his tanned, rough hands were holding his head in place.

"It's about Isabel. She broke up with him a few days ago and he still hasn't gotten over her" a pretty, teenager girl replied as she entered the large bedroom in which the two boys had been talking in. She had long, dark, dark brown hair that was currently tied up in a knot and pale blue eyes that were astonishingly bright.

"Susan" the boy with the sandy brown hair groaned, looking up at his sister. The boy had amazingly soft features, with pale pink lips and aquamarine eyes. His expression was harmless and kind, yet you could tell he had the capacity of fierceness and anger also.

"This? Your like this because of a...a girl?" Edmund, the younger looking boy with the dark hair asked flabbergasted, his expression shocked with flicks of disgust.

"I really liked her! But then she dumped me for Prince Whatshisface down south" the older looking boy complained to his two siblings. He was very handsome and friendly looking and with the deepness of his eyes, you could almost search his soul.

"You've gone soft…I'm telling you" Edmund complained as a young looking girl with shoulder length, curly brown hair entered the room. She had bright blue eyes and an exciting and adventurous look on her face.

"I just talked to Aslan…we're getting a new visitor tomorrow! She'll be a queen also" the little girl said excitedly, her voice squeaking in delight. She looked at her three other siblings expectantly, waiting for their reaction.

"Perfect. Not only am I getting over Isabel, I have to be all Kingly and show this new visitor around! Just perfect" Peter said bitterly as he got up. He went over to his window and looked out into the horizon of Narnia. Everything he saw, every tree and lake, belonged to him and his three siblings. He was King Peter, the Magnificent. But right now he felt like his old self, the way he used to feel back in the real world. He felt down and low and angry at Aslan for bringing a vistor when he needed all that pressure the least. The balls…the initiations…Isabel…oh lord. Of course she's going to be invited to everything, he said to himself. He groaned and heard a door shut, telling him his family was gone. He needed to be alone right now, to get over Isabel. He had loved her so much and then she called it off because she "found someone else". He was a 17 year old that was love sick that needed something to get his mind off of Isabel.

Little did he know, that something was on it's way.

((Author's Note: You know what to do fools. Read and Review it))