Disclaimer: I do not own Code LYOKO. But I do own my plot.

Chapter three: A new Beginning?

Ulrich and Yumi turned to the now blushing Aelita. Yumi then looked at Ulrich who also looked shocked. They sat there in silence for a moment not knowing what to say.

Ulrich then asked a little confused, "But then that means you were with Aelita all night, right?" Yumi heard this and became red with anger.

"How could you both do this to Jeremy?" she asked a little worried

and very angry.

Odd and Aelita looked at each other. Aelita felt a little ashamed. What would Jeremy think; would she be able to confront him again? What if she and Odd were still dating when Jeremy came back from summer break? Would it be awkward? Would he even talk to her again? Just thinking about this made her head hurt. She held her head with both hands and groaned.

"Aelita? Guys! Cut it out. We're happy and you should be happy for us." Odd snarled. He stood and helped Aelita to her feet. Then both of them exited the cafeteria.

Yumi sat there staring at her scrambled eggs until Ulrich broke the silence.

"Yumi, can I ask you something?" Ulrich asked. She nodded and looked up from her eggs to give him her full attention, so he went on to continue…"I wanted to know if you-" but was interrupted by the breakfast bell. There are many interruptions in my stories lol!


"So are you sure you're okay?" Odd asked lifting Aelita's head to look at her. She smiled sweetly as she kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm sure. I was just thinking about a lot of things and it gave me a headache."

"That never happens to me!" Odd joked trying to get his girlfriend to laugh. It worked she was giggling uncontrollably when she suddenly snorted. Odd also began to laugh.

After laughing for a good five minutes, Odd took Aelita's chin and pulled her face close to his and kissed her. He pulled away and looked at his smiling Aelita. she took his hand and began to run towards the gym.

"Where are we going?" Odd questioned.

"You'll see." She said plainly tugging even harder on his arm.

Yumi was sitting in the stands I call them bleachers but whatever! watching Ulrich practice soccer with Jim since most of the team had gone away for summer break.

Ulrich was running up the field Jim wasn't far behind him. The goal was wide open and Ulrich went to take the shot…but he saw a sparkle of light out of the corner of his eye. He took a quick look to see what it was. It had come from the stands where Yumi was.

She was standing and stretching. He could tell she was bored; the glitter of light had come from her bracelet that her grandmother had sent to her for her birthday that year. He was still running but was now in a sort of trance. He liked Yumi. But did she like him? He thought about this as he slowed down.

"Ah ha! I got it!" Jim called as he stole the ball from Ulrich and headed the other way. He was just about to score when he realized that Ulrich was standing in the same spot that he slowed to a stop in. "what are you doing Ulrich? I stole the ball and am about to score; you know you're supposed to stop me?" Jim asked half teasing him while he still stood there in a trance.

Yumi now realized Ulrich was staring at her. She simply smiled and waved. As if controlled like a robot Ulrich also smiled and waved.

Ulrich jumped startled that Jim had come up behind him. "So do you think she knows that you like her?" Jim asked. Ulrich whirled around and just stared at him. "Ulrich, I may seem stupid. But I wasn't born yesterday. I know these things and from what I can tell, she feels the same." Ulrich continued to stare at Jim a little confused and worried that his feelings were that obvious.

"I…I don't know what you're…talking about." Ulrich stammered avoiding Jim's gaze. Jim chuckled and slapped him on the back.

"Come on now Ulrich. Don't lie to your good buddy Jim now." He looked at him in a great deal of interest. After a long silence Jim got the message. "Well, I think that's enough practice for today." He said, and then lowered his voice to a whisper, "why don't you tell her how you feel. It's better to be hurt, then to be alone…no er it takes longer to fill that empty space in your heart than it does for a broken heart to heal…oh well something like that." Jim picked up the soccer ball and walked away. But not before giving a little wink to Ulrich.

Yumi was walking towards Ulrich now.

"What was that about?" she asked confused.

"Oh, just some soccer tips and stuff like that." He said as he reached to scratch the back of his neck. His trademark for lying. "Ok…." She knew he was lying but didn't want to get in a fight so continued. "…so what did you want to ask me this morning at breakfast before we were so rudely interrupted by that god damn bell? I was thinking about it when I noticed you looking at me." she smiled as he began to blush.

"Well…I wanted to know if…you…" He paused and looked at her. She wore a questioning look combined with a sense of anxiousness. He took a deep breath before attempting to continue. "…you…well if you liked me? You know more than a friend. Because I like you a lot and I have for a while and I wanted to know if you felt the same. But every time I would go to tell you, somehow I would be interrupted and now I just can't stop talking because I'm afraid you're going to answer "No!"" he stopped and took another deep breath. He couldn't bear to look at her. But she had put each of her hands on each of his cheeks and pulled him close to her face.

"Of course I like you Ulrich. I was also afraid that you didn't feel the same, so I never said anything." And with this she leaned in and kissed him right on the lips.

Aelita pulled Odd into the gymnasium and closed the doors behind them. Since it was summer they actually weren't supposed to be in there unless they were with a teacher.

"And why are we here?" Odd questioned as Aelita finally let go of his arm.

"We're going to see who the better climber is." And with this said she ran to the rock wall and was half-way up by the time Odd began. "I'm going to be the best and then you owe me a kiss." Odd teased as he stopped mid-reach to look at his now slightly bruised arm. But when he went to look to Aelita, she was gone. "Aelita?" he called a little worried.

"Up here!" she said as she looked over the edge. She beat him all right and was on the top.

Odd came soon after and Aelita pulled him onto the landing. He looked around to see a blanket, a basket, and two pillows. "What's going on?" he asked.

"I just thought I'd make a place where we can be alone." She said as she grabbed his arm and collapsed on the blanket. "Hungry?" she asked as she opened the basket to reveal sandwiches, fruits, whip-cream, soda, and bottled water.

Odd immediately grabbed a sandwich and took a bite. His face turned slightly green as he forced himself to swallow. "What is in this sandwich?" he asked as he grabbed a bottle of water.

"It's all your favorites." Aelita said.

"No, what did you put on it?"

"Peanut butter, chocolate syrup, pickles, and hot sauce are your favorites, so I made you a favorite sandwich." She smiled as she said this.

Odd looked at her with an expression that said, "Are you nuts?"

"Do you not like it?" she asked.

"No I love it." He lied. "But I bet kiwi will like it more so I'll save it for him." And he kissed her on the cheek.She smiled and kissed him back. They sat there and talked the whole day. The next thing they knew there was a ringing of a bell in the faint distance. It was time for dinner.

Ulrich was sitting down across from Yumi at the table when Aelita and Odd walked up and sat down with their trays in their hands. Yumi was on her mobile talking to, what could be heard, was her father who was raising his voice from time to time.

"But please...I will….okay, I love you too. Bye." And she hung up. Odd and Aelita just looked at her for information they had missed. "Oh, I asked Jim if I could stay the weekend here in Aelita's room because my parents are going on some sort of vacation and I didn't want to go. Is that okay with you Aelita? I would have asked but couldn't find you…and I think you may have forgotten your mobile in your room." Aelita nodded. Suddenly Jim walked up.

"I have a spare mattress for you Yumi. I have already set it up inside of Aelita's room. All you have to do now is head home to get your things and be back before curfew." He said a hint of excitement in his voice. Yumi simply jumped to her feet and gave him a hug.

"Oh thank you! Thank you Jim!" she said. She then gained her composure and sat back down.

They were all happy and cheerful to know that they would all be together the entire weekend. But what they didn't know was how quickly it could go from bad to worse.

Woo hoo! My first cliff hanger….anyways, I don't have any new ideas for next chapter yet to make it go bad…oooh maybe Jeremy will come back early to find the girl he loves in the arms of another…or something like that. Please review and give me some ideas!

All for now, Bobbi