A/N: In this story Abby was never an alcoholic. All right and her and Luka are just friends nothing more.

Abby was watching the whole entire party scene from far away. She had accompanied a few people from work to go to this ER summer party or whatever you want to call it. Half of the people were drunk so wouldn't remember it anyway. The music was blaring and she didn't know half the people that were there. Luka, Dr. Greene, Benton and Kerry had to stay in the ER. She saw as Dave tried to hit on some girls and Randi was trying to hit on Dave. Someone had spiked the punch and, thanks to Dave, also had available to them beer, scotch, rum, margaritas, Bloody Marys and any other alcoholic beverage imaginable. She wasn't even sure who had offered their house but the backyard was huge and had a swimming pool in the ground. It was night so the lights that illuminated the yard were the pool lights, the neon lights at the outdoor bar and some lights that popped up from the ground. Everyone was laughing drunkenly like a bunch of high school kids. She decided to sit at the bar to not get intertwined with all the other drunken people. As she neared the bar she saw Carter sitting and talking to no one she could see.
"Who are you talking to?" she asked Carter as she near him.
"Myself. Expect until now I was the only sober person around." She smiled at this comment and sat down next to him. He had a beer in his hand and did appear to have had a few drinks.
"Join me won't you?" Carter told her as she handed her a cup of punch. She took it and took a drink.
"Whoa," she said as the alcohol hit her quickly. She didn't realize much she choked down.
"Are you all right?" Carter asked concerned.
"Yeah, I just didn't expect it to be so strong." A small lightness filled her. She looked at Carter's cute look of concern. She felt a small attraction to Carter. She wasn't sure if the drink or an actual feeling induced it. Carter smiled and took another large drink himself. Dave came over to Abby and began to ask her to dance with him, obviously drunk. She looked at Carter.
"What harm could it do?" Carter said. She got up and Dave took her by the wrist toward the dance floor. He had a cup of beer in one of his hands, and kept taking great big gulps as he danced with Abby. Carter just laughed as she mouthed the words 'help me' to him. After 5 or 6 dances she managed to escape from Dave and sit back down with Carter, who beginning to show signs he was getting drunk. His eyes were getting a glaze look to them but that came and went.
"Did you have fun with Davie?" Carter teased.
"Shut up and hand me a beer" she shouted.
"Sorry, here" Carter looked down at the table, embarrassed that Abby had yelled at him.
"No, it's okay." She took the beer. Carter looked at her and smiled. She put her cup down on the bar and asked Carter to dance.
"Come on" she urged him on.
"All right, all right, but I must warn you. I'm not a good dancer." He put his drink down next to Abby's and went to the dance floor.
"Wait! Duck!" Abby quickly pulled Carter into a small crowd. Carter saw Dave was looking for Abby, but Dave instantly gave up and went to the bar.
"That was close huh Abby?" he said with a smile.
"Shut up" she punched him in his arm, softly. They danced around for awhile. The slow dances came on and they both went back to the bar, self-conscious to ask each other to dance to THOSE. They sat down, picked up their drinks and both of them took a huge swig of their beer. They talked while the music played at a deafening volume. Pretty soon Carter and Abby were very relaxed and began to laugh at each other's jokes and telling each other their most humiliating experiences. Abby began to feel very relaxed and lightheaded. She didn't think she was drunk, she'd only had a few beers. Carter had stopped drinking after they came from the dance floor and took that big gulp, but he too told Abby he was feeling lightheaded.
"Maybe it's from the few drinks we had. It's a good thing we stopped when we did." Carter tried to explain.
"Yeah, you're probably right." She took one more drink of beer and asked Carter to dance with her again. This time Carter, more than willingly, went with her. He practically pulled HER to the dance floor. She danced very close to Carter feeling sheltered by him. Their chests right against each other. They both were laughing and couldn't seem to stop. Abby felt the music swallowing everything around her and within her. She began to spin in circles with Carter, nothing stopping. She was seeing different colors surround them. Abby just kept laughing and laughing. Smiling, feeling this great sense of freedom. She smiled even wider and laughed harder when she began to spin, faster and faster and faster. She threw her head back and could see the stars. They too were spinning. Abby closed her eyes and felt herself falling. It seemed almost surreal. She was now on her back looking at stars. Abby's eyes were gradually closing. She heard Carter say her name, so she said his name back. Then his face interrupted her view of the stars. Carter smiled. His eyes were slowly falling too, and extended a hand out to her. She took it and stood up. All the blood rushed to her head and she almost stumbled down if it wasn't for Carter. She was in his arms and felt the same freedom she did a few minutes ago. She slowly turned around and began to dance to the music with Carter. She led Carter away from the party and into a garden. No one had noticed Abby had fallen. They began to dance just like before except no spinning. They swiftly danced and began to move even closer to each other. Then Carter looked down at Abby who was looking up at him. He moved his hand down to her waist and she moved it up to his chest. Their dancing slowed down gradually until it stopped altogether. They just looked at each other's eyes, and Abby wanted to kiss him. But her body was forcing her to stay in place, she felt so tired. Carter's appearance revealed he was very tired too. Somehow Carter found the strength to moved down to kiss her. His or her lips were just about to touch when someone hit Carter in the back with a very hard object. He fell unto Abby. She tried to see who hit Carter but her body drained of energy, objected. She saw a man standing over her and he pushed Carter off.
"You little SOB! She's mine!" and then kicked Carter in the stomach repeatedly. All Abby could do was watch, leaving Carter groaning on the floor. The man picked up Carter by the shirt collar and punched him a few good several times. Then threw Carter with violence unto the floor. Abby saw an unconscious Carter a few feet away from her, blood dripping form his nose and mouth. Abby felt the man pick her up but gently. He threw her over his shoulders and walked off. Abby looked at Carter still lying on the floor, then fell into darkness.