A/N: Please review so I can know what you, the reader, is thinking. If you want to talk to me directly then E-mail me at [email protected]. Sorry again for the long wait, *growls *, my computer got me mad but as long as it's fine now I feel better... Oh and I don't know whether or not sleeping pills come in bottles so don't flame me 'cause of that.

Disclaimer: One of the lines in this story was taken from Girl, Interrupted. Oh and "the box" was borrowed from The She Devil's story "Brought to you by..." Read it, it's hilarious! On with the show, or story or whatever!

Chapter 3: Two Hours

"Abby! I'll help you!" Carter yelled. He didn't know what was happening or where he was. He looked around and saw everything white.


"Is that you Abby?" He kept looking around then saw her far away, barely visible.


"I'll help you! Hold On!" He ran toward the image. "Hold On!" He tripped on his own feet. He fell to the floor and he looked up. Abby was gone. "Abby?" He got up and looked around. "Abby? Where are you?! Abby? Abby? Abby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"That's the last time I let Dave bring so many alcoholic drinks to a party!" Randi said angrily as she saw Dave stagger away. His face had a bright red mark from where she slapped him. It had taken three people to get her off him. She needed to cool down before she saw Dave again.

He had tried to get fresh with her, she was enjoying it, but then he got out of hand and started whispering things to her that he wanted both of them to do. The things he started whispering he must have seen in the videos in "the box" he had in the back of his closet. He threw himself on her and tried to kiss her. She slapped him and then pushed him on the ground. She was just going to punch him when several people got her off him.

"You were lucky Malucci! Wait until I get my hands on you, you pervert!" She yelled. She knew she had to get away from Malucci before she did something she would regret. She decided to look around the huge backyard and get away from the party. She saw a small path leading away into a garden.

"Wow, this is beautiful", she said as she looked around the place. As she kept walking in the dark she felt the ground wet. She bent down to see what it was. She looked around and felt the grass. Her fingers had some sort of thick liquid on them. She tried to see what it was.

"What the-" she looked around "Oh...Oh my god!" she stumbled backwards with her hand on her mouth, which covered her face in blood. "No, no, no" her whole body was now shaking. She ran quickly back to the party.

"Help! Some-someone help me!" A few people ran to her. She just kept telling them to help. She led about four people back to have all of them find a doctor lying on the floor bleeding. They instantly ran to him.


"Someone call an ambulance!" They looked at Randi, who wasn't doing anything but watching.

"Can you hear me? Please answer me! WHERE'S THAT AMBULANCE RANDI!?"

"Carter? Carter? OH SHIT!!! Don't do this to me!!! He's not breathing! It could be a GSW, a knife wound! It could be anything! I can see an exit wound though."

"Dammit Randi! Go get help!" She ran crying to the house and went to the phone.

"Hello? 911? I have a man here that appears to be shot or stabbed or something! Yes. No. This happened at a party. No. I-I don't know." She started to sob harder. "Yes. At 5673 Philmore Drive. Hurry. No. All Right. Thank you." She hung up the phone. She ran back to the garden. Dave just a second later passed by. A guest at the party stopped Dave.

"Hey it's been two hours." The man told him.

"Two hours since what?"

"Well you told me to tell you when two hours have passed."

"Oh that's right. Thanks Man!" Dave ran to the front of the house. He looked around and made sure no one was there but him. He could only see the street lights on both sides of the street.

"You're late Dave." A man's voice came from behind him. Dave turned around.

"Sorry man, I was distracted." He rubbed at the spot at where Randi had smacked him.
"Did you do what I told you to?" the man asked.

"Actually," Dave threw the man an empty, small plastic packet. "I couldn't do it."

"WHAT!?" the man grew angry.

"Sorry, but I'm going to tell everyone about you. He's my friend. You can't buy me off with money. I'll make sure you'll be rotting in jail." Dave was still a bit drunk and was slurring his words.

"Oh? Is that a dare or a double dare?" the man instantly pulled out his gun.

"Don't move." he commanded Dave. The man moved closer to Dave then started to move toward Dave's back.

"Don't move." the man repeated. "Put your hands in the air." Dave instantly did as he was told. The man moved closer to Dave and put the gun to Dave's back.

"Now, tilt your head back." Dave put his hands down and did as he was told. The man reached into his coat and pulled out a bottle of sleeping pills. He put them in front of Dave point of view. "Swallow this."

"No way man" Dave started to move away but the man shoved the gun harder in Dave's back.

"Now, or you die." He clicked the trigger. Dave's forehead broke out in a small sweat.

"What have you done with Abby?"

"Oh I have her stored away for a rainy day."

"You sick bastard. I'm glad I didn't kill him."

"Do you have a death wish? Huh? Now swallow the damn bottle!" He fired the gun in the air, which made Dave yell. He immediately put the gun back to his back and clicked the trigger once more. The man put the bottle in front of Dave's face once more. Dave reluctantly took it and swallowed the whole entire thing.

"Good boy." He slapped Dave's face. Dave turned around and faced the man, who in turn put the gun to Dave's chest. Dave punched him hard in the face. The man staggered backwards in shock but instantly punched Dave back. The sleeping pills were now taking effect and Dave began to lose his balance.

"Oh you are going to die!"

"Please kill me." Dave told the man.

"What?" the man was confused at this comment.

"Please kill me! I gave my friends over to you. And for what? Money!"

"You were drunk and very gullible. I promised you anything you wanted." Dave's eyes closed. The man let Dave fall to the ground. He wiped the gun with a cloth. Then placed it in Dave's hand. He threw the empty bottle next to him also.

"Well at least you have done the most important thing I asked you. It's a shame it's been two hours, even without you killing him, He's as good as dead anyway." The man put his hands in his pockets. He walked away into the dark, soundless night. His mind wandered to what he would do to Abby. Randi's scream broke his train of thought as she now discovered Dave. The man just kept walking, smiling.

Chapter 4 should be ready in a few days. Thanks for being patient.