Yo. I will put up another chapter of A hitokiri's wrath ASAP, but I had this idea for a poem about Yugi and Yami, so I'm writing it down and posting it. Truth is, I love the idea of Yami and Yugi being brothers, I wish it would happen in the show. Either way, here ya go!

Disclaimer Thingy: Yu-Gi-Oh belongs to Takahashi-san, not me.

How can I repay you

You've protected me my whole life

Fighting on when I could not

You've always looked out for me, watched over me

Even though I was difficult at times, you stood by me

You're always there when I need someone to talk to

It was like having an older brother or even a guardian angel if you will

I felt the void between us was sealed millennia ago

Or was never there

Oh Yami, do you really have to go?

I wish that it could be this way forever

That you would never have to leave me

It seems selfish, I know

But we've had wonderful times together

And I'll hurt after you journey on to the afterlife

You've been family to me and I ask just one more thing

How can I repay you?

For the kindness you showed

For the risks that you took

Saving the world countless times

And shielding me and my friends thru all of it

It must have been so hard

Overcoming the odds even when the chips were down

I wish I could've done something

To help you during those times

But I couldn't so please tell me

How can I repay you?

Yami's response

Silly aibou-chan

There is no need

Anything of earthly value I could not use or carry

You have repaid what you thought was a debt in so many ways

That you didn't notice

You trusted me with your life at Duelist Kingdom

Thus giving me a motivation to win

At Battle City, you did all that was in your power

To ensure that victory

You sacrificed yourself when I made the mistake of playing the Seal of Orichalcos

And helped to banish that darkness within me in our fateful duel

And in the past few weeks, you have shown more bravery and courage

Than I had ever seen before

Yugi, I wish I didn't have to leave you either

But it is my fate and I cannot change it

You have also been family to me

And I wouldn't be doing this, had I the choice

All that was hard to take, but

You're worth it

Do not think you are selfish for grieving my departure

It's a natural human emotion, and I feel it as well

But even though I'm leaving

I'll still look out for you hikari

So don't give up on life

You only live it once

And I know someday

We'll meet again

In the meantime

Take care of yourself

I've cherished the memories we've shared

And I always will

Don't worry about me

You know I'll be okay

I always have been

And I always will be

Sayonara, onni-chan.

So kawaii! (sniffs) I never knew I could write that good. For those of you who don't know what onni-chan means, it's little brother. I have to go, I'll see ya.

Review, please! Love ya, Skye.