A/N: I am so sorry! It took me way too long to update. My computer was messed up. I had the chapter all written up but I couldn't upload it! I feel really bad people! Please don't hate me for it. Anyway, without further ado… I am proud to introduce the newest installment of Sesshomaru's Problem! -

Disclaimer: I don't own Fluffy or anyone else but my own people!

Rin trotted happily through the garden. She had hoped that Sesshomaru would have come with her, but he claimed he was too busy. 'Rin knows what will make him happy. Rin will pick him a bouquet of pretty flowers!' She bent down and collected various plants for her lord. "La la la lalalala la," she sang merrily to herself like she always did. Rin was oblivious to the person standing behind her.

"What are you doing Rin?" the loud voice questioned. The nigen jumped and quickly turned around to find the inu-youkai behind her with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Sesshomaru-sama! You started Rin!" The girl's startled expression quickly morphed into an elated one. "You came at a perfect time! Rin has something she wants to give you!" The tiny girl presented her master with the bouquet she had fabricated just moments ago. "Rin thought it would make you happy." She put on her best just to impress her lord.

If you don't believe in miracles now is the time to start believing, for the ice-hearted Lord of the Western Lands finally cracked a smile a puny little smile for the puny child. He nodded his thanks to her. "Come Rin, let me show you something." Sesshomaru grabbed Rin's hand and led her away from the garden.

"Where are we going to go Sesshomaru-sama?" Rin questioned. She turned slightly red when the youkai picked her up and held her in his arms. 'It's sad that Rin's a woman, yet Sesshomaru-sama can still pick her up.' She glanced up at her lord's expressionless face, somehow managing to turn her face even redder. 'Rin has to admit, it feels nice to be held by him.' A large grin blessed her face.

'She is so beautiful when she smiles. As much as I hate that human who tried to take Rin from me, I have to thank her for giving birth to Rin.' He set Rin down when they reached a secluded area. The sight took Rin's breath away. It was a gorgeous area with lush greenery, exotic flowers, and a majestic waterfall. Rin's smile grew much wider than anyone thought was humanly possible.

"It's WONDERFUL!" She went skipping through all the flowers. Sesshomaru followed her calmly. Rin picked a few of her favorite flowers and showed them to her lord. The nigen threw her arms around the youkai and gave him a peck on the cheek. Then she ran off to play.