Title: The White Hallway

Chapter: 5

Warning: Slash, wincest, etc.

Rating: PG-13 for now

Pairing: Sam/Dean eventually

Summary: Sam's dreams are no longer deaths foretold, but another beast entirely.

Dean cradled Sam's head, shushing him, and then he noticed the sudden gash on his left arm. "Sammy, Sammy. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's happening." Dean looked visibly scared, tangling his fingers into his younger brother's hair.

Sam stared right into Dean's eyes like he had before the shower and the nightmare. Except this time, instead of Dean hiding his emotions, his concern for Sam was written all over his face.

Sam raised his left hand to touch Dean's right cheek. One droplet of blood from Sam's arm splashed onto Dean's left arm, on the same spot Sam had cut. Sam's blood fused itself into Dean's skin, and both Winchesters had matching scars. The younger brother's arm had healed miraculously.

"I'm not going to lie, Sam. You're really freaking me out. You passed out, moaning my name. Now I'm marked like some misguided Harry Potter, and I don't know whether you're possessed, or just doing some freaky things with your mind." Dean ran his thumb over Sam's new 'scar', worry clear in his eyes.

"Dean, my dreams… I think they're real now. And it seems like its testing me. There's this book, and the dagger that cut me. And this bright hallway… I'm scared. It's changing things, like how it changed our laces." Sam hugged his brother to him, who clearly wasn't happy with the state the younger boy was in.

Sam could feel himself slipping again. "Dean!"

A/N: It's been a while. I'll update again soon, I promise.