Disclaimer: I still don't own me!

Ok, thank Samala90 for this chapter, because she sent me a really nice review and suggested that maybe I should hand over the story if I was not going to finish it. Seeing as I would never let anyone else write my own story, I thought I'd finish it myself. There's only one more chapter to go, but I'm not going to make an estimative of when it will b done, seeing as I don't wanna disappoint anyone again.

I don't know how many of my old readers are still out there, but anyway I wanted to thank everyone their reviews and I wanted to thank everyone that has been with me since the beginning of this. Thanks so much for the support, it really means a lot.

Review, so I can know how many of you are still out there!

Over the years, Marissa and Seth had bonded. While she missed her best friend, Seth had to deal with the fact that he had lost the girl he loved. So, Marissa, with Ryan's help, tried to guide Seth back into life.

It had not been an easy battle, but eventually, Seth realized that trying to slit his wrists wouldn't be a good solution.

He had a new house, a successful company, great friends, and ultimately, a son. Marissa was really curious to know the little guy. Did he have Seth's curls or Summer's cute nose? She was curious to find out.

Marissa had always been a spoiled brat and everyone that knew her, was bound to learn that if Marissa wanted something, she would get it.

At 9:00 a.m. Ryan was not surprised when he found himself at Seth's doorstep with Marissa by his side ringing the bell like crazy.

Worried about waking his nephew up, Ryan tried to reason with Marissa:

"They are probably still sleeping Riss… maybe we should come back later." Marissa shook her head.

"No way! I came here to see Summer and Ty and that's what I'm going to do!"

Suddenly the door opened to reveal a very dishevelled Summer.

"Look Marissa" Summer started "I guess you have the right to be really pissed off and to scream whatever you please at me, but right now, it's not a good time. Ty and Seth are sleeping and I'm not feeling very well. Could you…" Summer was cut off by Marissa's arms trying to hug her despise her growing belly.

"I'm so glad you're back." Marissa whispered in Summer's ear, trying hard to suppress the tears. Summer hugged her back and held her best friend tightly "I've missed you so much." Marissa smiled replied: "Me too."

Ryan watched his wife and Summer, smiling lightly. It had been too long since they had seen Summer. Her departure had been hard on Marissa, and although he didn't show it so much, it been hard on him too. Through the pregnancy he had found Marissa admiring photographs of them together when they were younger. He knew she had been sorry that she couldn't have Summer as her maid of honour and that Summer hadn't been there to help her pick the dress. They had planned it for the most part of their lives and for Marissa, not be able to share those moments with Summer had been a great shock.

When they finally broke apart Summer immediately jumped on top of him, hugging him tightly too. "Chino…I've missed you!"

Ryan beamed. "I've missed having someone calling me Chino too."

"Let's go inside. You don't know Ty yet, so come with me." Marissa and Ryan nodded and followed Summer to the guest's room. Ty lay in the middle of the big bed, his tiny body hugging a stuffed bunny and his dark brown curly hair was could be seen on the pillow.

Marissa marvelled about how cute he was and Ryan smiled proudly at his nephew.

Summer scooted over to him and waked him up softly.

"Ty… I want you to meet someone…" Ty yawned and turned around on the bed. "Who?"

"Remember Kid Chino and Cosmo girl? Well, these are Marissa and Ryan, and they inspired daddy to make the characters."

Ty nodded and looked up with such a reverence that only three years old could muster. His awe struck face instantly made Ryan smile and Marissa giggle with excitement.

"Summer he is so cute… Ryan, look at him… Oh my god, just look at him, he looks so much like Seth, it's almost scary…" Marissa gushed happily, reaching forward hug the infant.

As if on cue, Summer felt a pair of arms encircle her waist from behind.

"So…" Seth spoke "Talking about the mini me, right?"

Ryan, that was already ruffling Ty's hair, quickly replied: "I'm proud of you man! Who knew you could produce so cute kids?"

Smiling, Summer said: "Without me, he would never have a such a gorgeous son. Cohen's genes are not that good."

Hearing Summer's voice, Marissa threw her arms around her friend's neck for the second time in minutes. "Oh my god, I really missed you! Say ew please!"

Summer scrounged her nose: "What kind request is that?"

Marissa replied. "Just say it." Summer smiled once more and did as she was told. "Ok, ew!"

Ryan, Marissa and Seth all laughed upon hearing that sound. It was incredible how much they had missed that word over the years and it felt great to hear it again. That was the prove that their Summer was back.

"So tell me, what have you been doing?" Ryan asked Summer, while handing her a bottle of milk.

"Oh, I finished college and majored in journalism, but I never really worked on it. I am a secretary back home. I have been on the same job since I got there." Ryan nodded, clearly impressed.

"Back home? Do you really feel that your home is there now?"

Summer shrugged. Yes, San Francisco had been hers and Ty's home for years and maybe she would miss some things about it, but seeing her friends again made her realise all over again how much she missed this place.

Reality aside, home is where your heart is.

As long as she had Ty by her side and hopefully Seth, Ryan and Marissa, she would always feel home.

"I'll always have a special place in my heart for San Francisco, but I think Ty needs to be with his father. He has been far away from him for too long."

Ryan was shocked with this new Summer. She seemed so down to earth, so responsible. Anyone could see that her life in the last four years hadn't been easy, and for Ryan, it was just another reason to respect Summer for who she was now.

"And what about your father? You're going to see him soon?" Summer shook her head fiercely.

"Since he was the one to make me run away in the first place, I think I'm not going to pay him any attention for now."

Ryan nodded again, understanding why Summer was not comfortable with the issue.

Seth and Ty arrived to the kitchen moments later, with Marissa right behind them, all fully dressed, playing around with each other. Seth shifted Ty from arm to arm, pretending to make him fall, 'causing the youngster to giggle loudly with Marissa, while grasping his father's neck.

Summer's eyes held a look of contentment that made Ryan smile truthfully at the scene before him.

Who would have known that when Seth told him "She has Tahiti written all over her." he has talking about the mother of his child, the woman of his dreams?

Who would have known that he would marry the town drama queen and make her happy?

Yes, maybe life was unexpected. Maybe, we find and lose our heart's desire in less than a heartbeat.

But if in the end of it all, all humanity was able to feel the kind of happiness he was feeling right that moment, just maybe, life was worth it.

And that was all that mattered.

You know the drill.

I'm not a native speaker, yada yada yada ;)

Thanks again and review.

Take care

Joana (or Coheny, as you wish)