Ghost Titan

Summary: Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom joins the Teen Titan's, moving on and away from his old life the teen halfa makes five new friends who share his goal in fighting injustice. After spending some time with the Titan's people the Titan's and Danny hoped they would never see again show up. For the Titan's it's Slade, for Danny it's Vlad Masters/Vlad Plasmius. Slade and Vlad join forces and align forces with the Titan's and Danny's other foes. Will the two Raven haired Titan's be able to come to grips with their arch foes coming back into their lives? Read on to find out. Pairing's: DannyxRaven(Well duh if Sam isn't in the picture of course he's gonna be attracted to Raven), RobxStar.

This is rated T for mentioning of character death, extensive swearing, and romantic situations.

A/N: Yeah I know alot of you can't see Danny as a Titan, but you've gotta bare with me. I do not own Dannny Phantom or the Teen Titans I only own the plot and anything else you don't recognize. Now on with the fanfic.

Ghost Titan

Chapter 1, Arriving in a New City & Meeting the Titan's

Miles Above the Earth; On an Airplane Headed to Jump City, New York: 7:00pm

Danny's P.O.V.

Danny Fenton who was now 16 years old, and had matured into a handsome young man, his face seemed to have a more muscular tone, he now had a black goatee, a pierced eyebrow, and he had a Robin built body tone. You know not built but athletic, and slightly muscular. He was and wearing a black wife-beater, black baggy jeans, black arm-bands with his "DP" insignia in white on them, black fingerless gloves, and black combat boots was sitting in a seat near the window, looking out the window he sighs as he thinks about his family and friends. There aren't many people who would give up their entire life and move to another city to help people after their parents and best friends died. Danny thought.


It was a usual day for Danny Fenton he was out hunting ghosts as Amity Park's superhero Danny Phantom, when his arch enemy Vlad Plasmius showed up with some of Danny's most powerful ghostly foes; the Lunch Lady, Skulker, Technus, Fright Knight, Wulf, Young Blood, Desiree, and Johnny 13.

The ten ghosts surround Danny "Plasmius what the hell are you doing here," Danny shouts in rage.

"Destroying you and this pathetic city of course," Vlad says "Skulker, Technus take care of the boys little girlfriend 'Sam Manson'. Youngblood, Ember take care of his friend Tucker Foley. Johnny 13, Wulf take care of the rest of the Fenton's. And Fright Knight and I will take care of the 'hybrid'." Vlad said adding emphasis on the word hybrid.

The 8 ghosts flew off to their destinations in a matter of minutes Vlad and Fright Knight had Danny on the ground struggling to fight back. Somehow Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Maddie, and Jack made it to where Danny was. (A/N: No Danny's parents don't know it's him.) They used all of the ghost-hunting equipment available to fight off the ghosts, but it wasn't enough. Skulker & Technus took out Sam with a powerful combined electrical blast "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" Sam cried in pain. Danny whirls around and is hit with an ectoplasmic blast that sent him into a wall.

Danny phased through the ground and came up next to Sam, to his horror there was no pulse. With this his ghost powers strength grew x10. Danny created an ectoplasmic orb and threw it at Skulker. The attack was so powerful that it created a portal to the ghost zone, Danny tackled Technus into the portal. Young Blood and Ember double teamed Danny, Young Blood fired several cannon balls out of his peg leg and Ember shot flames from her hair.

Danny phased through the attacks and threw Young Blood and Ember into the Ghost Port. Danny tried to stop Fright Knight from using the Soul Shredder on Jazz but Wulf stopped him. With the Soul Shredder at its full use Jazz's heart imploded from the fear of stress. Danny's power increased x30 and Danny gained a new power the ability to fire ectoplasmic-heat vision. Grinning Dany fired the two green lasers from his eyes at Fright Knight, which sent him flying into the Ghost Zone portal.

Danny turned to Wulf who had slashed Tucker and Jack in half, Danny's powers increased by x60 and he gained a new power a power 'Ghost Breath'; breaths intense ectoplasmic waves that can damage, knock out, or throw back an opponent. Again Danny smiled and using his new power blew waves of ectoplasmic energy from his mouth at Wulf into the Ghost Zone portal, unnoticingly Johnny 13, and the Lunch Lady finish off Maddie. With the final death Danny's powers go out of control "PLASMIUS YOU'RE DEAD!" With that Danny launched himself at Vlad and unleashed the full extent of his out of control powers in a blast that measured about 40 feet high and 20 feet long. The blast forced Vlad out of his ghost-mode znd into the Ghost Zone.

Danny was shooken out of his reverie by a flight attendant "Excuse me sir but we have arrived at our destination," the young woman said. Danny nodded and got out of his seat, cautiously he got out of the plane. After the things he had brought with him were unloaded he got into the Ghost Assault Vehicle aka the Fenton RV, with the Specter Speeder locked onto a mover. Danny revved up the RV and drove off.

Danny finally got across the bridge knowing that the Teen Titan's tower was on the otherside of the bridge he drove straight to the waters. Danny activated the boat mode on the RV/mover and with the progress of a speedboat he made it onto the titans island in less than 15-minutes. As he drove his way up to the door of the tower it began to rain, very hard.

Titans Tower. Jump City, New York: 9:00pm

Titan's P.O.V.

The Teen Titans were all doing their usual Cyborg, and BeastBoy were playing Revenge Racing2 on the game station, StarFirewas in the kitchen making a tamaranian desert, Raven was sitting at the dinner table reading the "Tales of Edgar Alan Poe", and Robin was of course in the gym training.

The doorbell rung and Raven looked up, nobody moved. The doorbell rung again "Isn't anybody going to get that?" she asked and got no answer. Raven sighed and levitated over to the door and opened it. Before her stood a handsome fairly muscled teen boy with wet black hair and blue eyes who was wearing a black wife-beater, black baggy jeans, black arm-bands with a "DP" insignia in white on them, black fingerless gloves, and black combat boots.

Raven blushed and said "What,"

"Umm, this is Titan's Tower isn't it?" the boy asked.

"Yeah, who are you and what do you want?" she says emotionlessly.

"Can I come in, that way I can explain." the boy said.

Raven shrugged, and led him inside. "StarFire get me some towels, BeastBoy go get Robin, Cyborg take his RV into the garage." Raven said.

Danny tossed Cyborg the keys and turned back to Raven. Raven led the boy over to the couch "Stand don't sit." she commanded. Danny just shrugged "Look my names Danny Fenton I was wondering if I could become a Teen Titan."

Raven smirked "Look you've gotta talk it over with Robin our leader," Raven answered.

Just then StarFirereturned with the towels "Hello new friend what is your name, what is your favorite color, where did you come from and do you wish to be me my friend!" StarFiresaid almost too enthusiastically as she threw aside the towels and grabbed him into a bone crushing hug.

"Danny Fenton aka Danny Phantom, uh blue, Amity Park, and sure," Danny gasped "Can't breath, can you let go?"

Star gasped and said "Sorry new friend Dan-knee Fen-ton," then she let him go. Cyborg came back in with a huge grin on his face "Hey man where'd you get all that tech," he asked.

To Star he said "First it's Danny Fenton," to Cy he said "I kind of inherited it from my parents." Danny responded.

Suddenly BeastBoy came back with Robin, who was eyeing Danny suspiciously and walked over to where they were. "Who are you?" Robin asked.

"My names Danny Fenton I was wondering if I could be a Teen Titan," Dann responded.

"We'll have to see what you can do in training tomorrow, anyways my names Robin, this is StarFire, Cyborg, BeastBoy, and Raven. By the way do you have a codename, and do you have any powers?"

"I'm known as Danny Phantom, I have ghost-like powers such as; invisibility, flight, intangability, I can fire ectoplamic beams from my hands, I can create an ectoplasmic force field around me, I can possess people, Ghost Breath, Ectoplasmic-heat vision, and I can talk to animals." Danny answered.

(A/N: If I missed some of 'em remind me if I did.)

"Well Danny Phantom it was nice meeting you, by the way are you hungry?" Robin asked.

Danny thought for a second, but his stomach betrayed him and let out a long & loud grumble. "I take that as a yes," Robin said.

StarFirewass quiet for a moment but then asked "What is this Fan-tum you speak of friend Danny,"

Danny thought for a sec and said "Well, I guess you could say Phantom's are like ghosts." Starfire looked confused at his answer but quickly dismissed it.

"Umm, if you guys don't mind if I cook you something to eat," Danny asks. Robin looks at the other Titans and they shrug their shoulders "Uhh, sure."

Walking over to the stove Danny shouts "What do you guys want?"

"A tofu dog," BeastBoy exclaimed.

"A cheese burger for me and Star," Robin answered.

"A cheese steak dawg," Cyborg said.

"Whatever you're having," Raven said absentmindedly.

"Okay, I'll be done as soon as I can," Danny shouted back.

Titans Tower. Jump City, New York: 10:00pm

Danny was finally finished cooking and the Titan's were sitting at the dinner table waiting to be served. Danny first served Raven which to her surprise was a fish sandwich, and her favorite herbal tea "Here you go Raven," Danny said kindly which caused Raven to blush furiously. 'Why does he have to be so cute? Get ahold of yourself you hardly know him.' Danny served Robin & StarFire next, and lastly Cyborg & BeastBoy. The six teens sat there quietly until Robin said "Danny just so you know training starts 8:00 sharp. Make sure you're there 'cause I'd like to get to see you in action alright."

Danny nodded his head and said "Sure, I'll be there." After the Titans and Danny were finished eating Robin gave Danny a pillow and a blanket to cover himself up with while he slept on the couch. Then the Titans said goodnight, Cyborg activated the Towers security systems and went to bed. Danny laid down on the couch and pulled the cover up to him where he fell fast asleep.

to be continued

Well that's the end of Chapter 1, for those who're saying why doesn't he update his stories don't worry I am. Hasta Manana, Amigos y Amigas (See you later my friends.)

And whoever the bastard is that keeps sending me spiteful reviews(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) can go fuck themselves. Sorry about the swearing but I'm pissed right now. If you want to know what happend Email me.