(A/N: I had to re-do this chapter like a billion times and it was only now that I pulled an all nighter and spent quality time at Daigona's house that I was even able to pull this off. I think that since I started off with only 3 pages I did a damned good job.)


Yo Bro, this is Ghostio. Just came back from my crib to give you this next chapter. This isn't my story but if you steal my character Reiko and my home bros Sai we might have to fill you with a stomach full of lead. So sit down Johnny tight lips and remember that this story line and only a few characters actually belong to us. Don't you dare forget that we don't anything from Naruto keep that dirty scum out of this heist Johnny or the coppers might just find you to be a cold skin.

(A/N: Okay I have been heavily influenced by gangster and mafia movies. I would like to tell you all now I wouldn't actually kill you and if you do get a stomach full of lead it wasn't from me, so all of you pencil munchers cut it out. I don't want to be blamed for your death's in the near future and yes I realize that pencils aren't exactly made of lead anymore but you get the drift. Yeah, just don't get a stomach full of lead; I don't really think that it's a very good thing. However if you already do and like... my bad.)

(E/N: My God, do you never shut up woman!)

Chapter 20: "Welcome to our World, now who's crazy" "Reiko?" "Oui!" "....Do you even have to ask?" "...Fine ruin my fun but Gaara you have to meet my pets... and don't you mind Reiji, no one likes Reiji. Reiji doesn't even like Reiji."

Reiko just stared at Gaara then replied in an uncertain tone, "Well I'm glad that you noticed that we aren't anywhere near where you live. However I would like you guys to get your big fat asses off of me."

But Reiko shouldn't have really said that because right after Sai started pushing her even deeper into the ground, crushing the poor girl's ribs, "Oh I'm sorry are we still on you?"

Reiko's face was so crushed against the carpeted floor that her voice was muffled when she replied, "Sai I know that you like that Gaara is on top of you and it may just be the last time that you experience this... but get the hell off of me!"

Sai stared at the back of Reiko's head before smacking her across the back of it and just to show Reiko who was boss she pushed her head once more into the ground before getting up again, along with Gaara.

Gaara couldn't help but look around the room; there were things that were present that he had never seen before in his life. In the room was a box that had words written all over it and music was coming out of it. Then there was another box that had some man's voice coming out of it, perhaps this was how Reiko and Sai punished their oppressors; by sticking them in boxes.

Turning to look at what the two were doing he saw Reiko getting up and prancing about exclaiming about how happy she was to get back and how she had to go see her pets ; she then left the room in a hurry. Sai however just appeared to be relatively calm and just went to go to her bed to pick up a device that she held in her hand and pointed it at one of the other boxes. On the front of the box an image appeared, then she pushed something on the device again and it began to glow blue. Sai just raised an eyebrow as she looked at it and then removed the image from the screen.

"What is that?" Gaara said pointing at the box.

Sai looked at him and the television, "That's a television, I would have assumed you guys had one after all they aren't really as high tech as some of the things out there. But anyway I have to run and get Reiko, our work starts in two hours and I don't want to become Reiko and be late. I know she's friends with the owner and everything but I'd rather not fall to her standard," Sai went over to her closet and pulled out a coat, "If you get hungry there's some food in the cupboards. Whatever you do don't leave the house and please don't go into the next house even if Reiko says it's okay. Only people that are used to it can go in there alone. So when we get back we can go in there and make supper."

"Why can't we go and cook supper in here?" Gaara asked in a Gaara-like way.

Sai just looked at him as she reached the door and hadn't quite shut it behind her yet, "Quite simply because she has a bigger kitchen and the only times she goes in there is to get food if she's really hungry. As you can see she'd probably live on take-out if it weren't for me. Anyway, caoi, I'll be back at seven."

With that Sai shut the door and we can only assume that she left the house to get Reiko and go to work. Gaara sat on the bed and felt utterly alone, not that he didn't usually feel that way but there wasn't really anything that he could do and according to Reiko's ranting and how he managed to get here he couldn't help but hope he really wasn't in another world. The only thing that Gaara could find as a good thing was that at least there was someone he knew here and it wasn't Reiko... he didn't want to know Reiko.

With Reiko and Sai

Reiko and Sai entered the large Japanese shop and were welcomed by a very attractive man. A very, very attractive man; and you know what that means. Oh yeah, this man was as gay as Liberace (Pronounced Lee-Bear-Aa-Chi). The man came forth with his blonde hair swept across his face in a fashionable manner, his eyes a deep brown. He grabbed Reiko's head with perfectly manicured hands and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Oh Reiko dear, I'm so glad that you came in to work today!" said the man, "After all, whose my best little dancer."

Reiko giggled, "Me."

The man just stared at her still holding her face, "No, I was going to say Pablo... Just kidding! You're still my best even though you trip and drop the orders every now and then."

Reiko laughed, "Thanks Kuro, I'm going to go to the back now and put on my uniform."

Then Reiko gave him a hug before running to the back of the shop. Kuro just sniffled as he wiped an imaginary tear out of his eye.

"Oh Ryuu dear she's almost as happy as you were before you died." Kuro said looking at Reiko as she entered the back room.

Sai looked at him and then where Reiko had just disappeared to, "...Kuro you didn't have to hire her or put up with her just because you were dating one of her brothers."

Kuro looked down at her, "Why that girl was practically my sister, of course I would. Besides she's really not that bad and she does bring in customers."

"Well yeah but that's only because she get's dressed up in the uniform here and for her it's practically like cross dressing." Sai said as she crossed her arms over her chest in a stance that was meant to intimidate.

"...But she brings in money and I really don't mind. Besides, she can't help the way she is and my motto is 'If they're cute nab them before someone else does.' That and her brother was co-owner."

"Keh! Reiko isn't cute!"

"Ah, but one day she very well may be, so here's for hoping. Anyway why don't you go and move that cute butt of yours to the kitchen. Remember we fulfill our duty or else...." Kuro said trailing off.

Sai looked at him, "...Or else what?"

Kuro just looked at her then away, "Yeah I got nothing."

Sai looked at him through her bangs, "No wonder you guys get along so well. Anyway I'm going to go get changed and get to the kitchens. See you later."

With that Sai left in the same direction Reiko went to the change rooms. Then the door to the restaurant swung open and customers came in; Kuro ran flamboyantly over to them, his hands flapping behind him, "Honored guests come in, come in."

With Gaara

"What the hell did I just do?" said Gaara as he stared at the smoking box that contained the moving pictures, he was just trying to save some ninjas that were trapped inside and now it would appear that he just killed them. Would he forever be cursed in killing people?! That's all he would ever be, a monster. Feeling angry with himself Gaara left the house, even though Sai told him not to. It wasn't like he promised that he would stay confined in there.

'I need to get rid of these thoughts anyway; it just seems too much like something... that someone else would do.' Gaara thought to himself.

Walking down the street Gaara was able to see many things that he had never encountered before, such as moving metal monsters.

With Reiji

Reiji was trying on a few outfits, all of them Armani as Calvin Klein and other so called designer labels were strictly for peasants. Looking in the mirror he smiled so brilliantly that it could've blinded Joey from that show 'Friends'.

Putting a bit of spit, that was surely as minty fresh as his teeth, on his finger he stroked his eyebrow to further the perfection of his perfect symmetry and god like figure. Straightening up he posed, a beautiful pose, and looked into the mirror victoriously announcing as if to the world, "If I do say so myself, which I do, I am gorgeous."

Then - as if by magic - a wind swept across the changing room, which carried many varieties of petals from many different flowers. His dark hair floated around him as if he were some kind of divine being and when it should have ruined his hair it only seemed to place it in a much more attractive way. Butterflies flew around him and if one were to listen closely you would have heard singing as a faint light dawned on him.

Arrogantly he tossed his jacket over his shoulder and swaggered out of the change room, and over to the clerk. Looking at her square in the eyes she blushed at his handsome features. He leaned in and said to her, "I'll be taking this, might you put it on my tab," he looked down at her name tag on her chest and looked back at her suggestively, "Jennifer."

If the poor girl wasn't hooked she was now. She swooned and looked at him through heated eyes her face completely red, "You can have it sir!"

"Oh thank you," Reiji said touching her hand lightly, then turned away carrying on with his previous clothes in his grasp. Lifting up a hand in a wave he called back without looking at her, "I'll be seeing you later."

As he exited the store he heard a thud which came from 'Jennifer', the girl at the till, as she fainted. Smiling arrogantly he continued on his way, when he noticed something, "Where the hell is the bag boy?"

He looked around him calling, "Bag boy?"

Now from what may have appeared to be a display of some sort for different clothing designer labels and accessories ended up not being so, because from somewhere within that pile of at least fifty bags you could hear a voice call out, "Sir, sir I'm here."

"You fucking moron," Reiji exclaimed as he took the bags off the boy to reveal a boy of at least 13, "What are you doing with all these bags on the floor?"

"I'm sorry sir it's just I can't carry all those bags. It's just so hard!" the boy said as he got up off the floor.

"And I'm sorry that I have to fire you," Reiji said with a bright smile, "You seemed so happy when I first hired you," he paused as he took a breath with a single sigh, starting to put bags in his own arms with ease, "because you were able to help keep your family afloat. I thought you were prepared for anything but it seems that you're just another Oliver Twist.." smiling brightly and managing to wave his hand out to the boy with all the luggage on his arms he drawled out, "Now move along little peasant boy, you're wasting space. Perhaps they should put a garbage bin there, as it serves the same fundamental purpose that you do."

Walking out the doors of the mall he looked around thinking to himself, "Now where can I find myself a bag boy."

With Gaara

It was obvious that Gaara had no idea what he was going to do. He had run from the metallic beasts but when he tried to use his ninja abilities he was absolutely overcome with shock when he realized that they were no in existence… or at least didn't work. The whole experience was not a welcome one. It was as if some being had stripped him of all his knowledge of what was going on and if he wasn't as dazed as he was he might have been embarrassed due to his several falls to the demeaning ground.

"What is going on," Gaara thought, "Why isn't any of my chakra working? What kind of place is this when it can strip you of all of your chakra? What are the people of this country plotting?"

Kakashi had earlier on explained to him the situation pertaining to the two pests; well one wasn't so bad but the other… He would rather face any humiliation in the world than spend another second with her, especially alone.

At that moment, what had to be the most attractive man in the world stepped before him, and even Gaara had to admit the man was handsome. But anyone from millions of miles away could see the arrogance that also graced his features along with that giant grin.

Looking down at Gaara the man looked at him through his sunglasses, men call them shades, and extended a thin, pale, elegant finger at him and said to him, "You. Boy, you shall be my new bag boy. Now take these bags at once."

As if under some terrible and awful spell Gaara walked over to the man and took the massive pile of bags from him with the same ease that the man before him did. After all with the physical extensive training that he had undergone this was easy; at least this didn't leave him like his chakra did.

"Good, now we should be off. I was going to head to my sisters home but she should be at work at the moment from what my sources tell me," the man said as he looked down at his wrist. "Where is that damned driver? I'm going to rip his fucking heart out when he gets here and feed it to his repulsive beasts he calls children!" Not even waiting another minute the man stomped his foot and turned to Gaara, "I've waited long enough for that ungrateful being. You boy, you will now have the honor of picking up the great me: Reiji Yamashita, world renowned model."

To say that Gaara was even more shocked was an understatement. He couldn't believe what he was doing let alone this man. Gaara thought to himself, "This guy has to be pretty important to the people of this village. If I follow him for a bit and do what he asks maybe he can explain what is going on and perhaps bring me back to that place where the two left me at."

This was Gaara and he would never, and I mean never admit that he was lost. So with a repulsive feeling settling in his chest Gaara bent down. Not that he had to as Reiji was a pretty tall man and could have easily gotten on Gaara's shoulder with no help at all.

But probably the most bizarre thing about the whole situation as that they didn't look one bit ridiculous, in fact it was strangely …gorgeous.

With Reiko and Sai

A group of girls were on stage each one of them wearing a kimono, and each and every one of them donning long black hair and wearing rice powder make up. They had the same make up on though their heights and kimono colors varied. Each one of them however could be defined as being pretty.

They moved their fans about them and to the audience it appeared to be like a sea of pretty colors. However there is always one in every group that though they seemed to move energetically and were infectiously merry their movements were undoubtedly not as graceful as the rest and they were completely off beat and seemed to just being doing their own thing. So when it was finally time for the lot of them to bow the crazy one made the audience laugh when they tripped on their kimono and did a brilliant display of air guitar before crashing on the their pretty face.

The rest of the girls in the group hid their laughter behind their fans while the clumsy one hoisted themselves up and let out a loud, "Ta DA."

To which the older people in the room just laughed and clapped as if they were at some child's performance. While others simply just took glee at the utter display of clumsiness, even though when they exited they walked with a bounce to their step that clearly showed that the certain person was not nearly as affected as others would think them to be in fact they almost appeared to be proud of their humiliation.

Racing to the kitchens Reiko burst through the doors to Sai who was working over some noodles and pouring sauce on them. Not even turning around Sai said to Reiko, "Before you say it I saw you on the monitor, congratulations you did better than normal."

"Aren't you going to ask how my trip was," Reiko said expanding her arms out wide, "Or that you'll see me next fall."

Sai snorted as she turned around passing the tray of food to Reiko, "I could only wish. Reiko you really need to just take this food over to the people at table six. They placed their order during the performance, which I must say you ruined quite well."

"But I ruined it awesomely right?" Reiko said with glee.

"…Yeah, sure," Sai said shoving the food into Reiko's incapable and untrustworthy hands, "Just take the damn food to table six."

"Okie Dokie," Reiko cheered and with that she bounced her way out the doors again.

But instead of hearing the crash that Sai expected as she spooned more sauce over the replacement noodles she heard Reiko yell. Not that, that wasn't anything out of the ordinary but the fact that there wasn't any other yelling from anyone else or any sounds of breaking plates, caused Sai to worry.

So leaving the Reiko-free safety of the kitchens she came face to face with one of her worst nightmares ever: Reiji Yamashita better known as Reiko's jack ass brother.

Normal POV

Reiko was pointing at Reiji, her mouth open in shock and shaking furiously as if she was being zapped by some invisible force and Sai wasn't much better off, she had frozen in the doorway of the kitchen looking utterly stunned.

The only person that seemed to have any sense of mobility in the entire place, including the customers was Kuro who walked into the room with such speed it surprised even Gaara who was forgotten under the arrogance of Reiji who seemed utterly unconcerned with how the two girls reacted upon the matter of his presence.

"Maybe we should all go out back, hmm?" Kuro suggested as he motioned his hands over to the kitchen in an authoritative way.

Sai could only nod as Reiko just started to vibrate in such a way it was frightening the customers due to the way she convulsed as if she went into some sort of seizure. Kuro grabbed onto Reiko's shoulder and dragged her through the swinging doors of the kitchen as Reiji and Gaara trailed behind, or rather Gaara trailed behind and Reiji rode along.

Once reaching the dirty outside of the alley Kuro turned around and looked at the four, his hands placed firmly on his hips, his foot tapping impatiently, "Well what's going on here Reiji?"

Reiji snorted as he got down from Gaara and looked over at Kuro, "Oh shut you're cock sucking mouth you know damned well why I'm here. I came to see my sister." Turning to Reiko he raised an elegant eyebrow and drawled, "And what kind of hello is that for your favorite brother."

"Brother?!" Gaara caught himself saying out loud, looking at bother Reiko and Reiji.

The two held a likeness in the way that they both held their heads and perhaps their skin coloring but that was were most of the similarities came to a halt. Where Reiko had bright, happy eyes that were filled with excitement, and possibly every emotion she felt; Reiji's were dark, unhappy, dull, and bored. Where's Reiko's face beamed with utter naivety and good will, Reiji's was full of knowing and arrogance. The two were filled with differences, especially with how they carried themselves. Reiko was an utter klutz but from what Reiji had shown him, he was very unlike her and his whole being cried out perfectionist.

"Gaara, what are you doing here?" Reiko said as she turned to look at him seemingly noticing him for the first time.

Gaara however just turned away as Sai too finally caught notice of the red haired boy. Reiji then suddenly moved and blocked the view of Gaara from the two, "I believe I am the one that you two are supposed to focus your attention on, hmm?"

"I think not," Sai spat as she looked at him, "Get out of the way, you're blocking the pretty with your ugly."

Reiji stepped back in utter shock, reeling with surprise as he looked at her, "I am most certainly not ugly Ms. Sai!"

"You're related to me aren't you," Reiko muttered to herself turning away from everyone her head bowed.

"Sometimes I wonder. Why would I call the unlucky charm of our family a relative of mine?" Reiji said sarcastically.

"That wasn't her fault and you know it Reiji, it was an accident," Kuro shouted at him, "Reiko had absolutely nothing to do with it, so cut the crap."

"He can't Kuro, he's practically made up of it," Sai said to him.

Reiji mocked hurt as he turned and looked at Sai, "Oh you cut me deep Sai. After all there was a time you didn't think that my crap was so bad."

"I'm not your fucking toilet Reiji spray your shit somewhere else, it's not welcome here," Sai said to him viciously.

"Why are you here Reiji?" Reiko said, her voice filled with exhaustion.

Reiji turned to look at Reiko, "I would think that you would know why I was here dear little sister."

"Humor me," Reiko said darkly.

Sniffing slightly Reiji turned his head, no longer looking at anyone, "Fine," then he started to pace. "As you should already know, our parents as wonderful as they were, stupidly and naively left the entire fortune to you."

Reiko tensed up, "They did not Reiji, they gave you and Seri part of the inheritance as well and you know it."

"That may be but they gave you the major corporations and left us with what? A bit of money and one company," Reiji said as he continued to pace.

"That bit of money was a large fortune and a high ranking company you whiny asshole," Sai snapped at him.

"But it doesn't even compare to Yamashita Corporations now does it Sai," Making Sai glare at him even more. Staring at Reiko's bowed head Reiji continued, "And grandma as we both know refuses to see reason. So what I am trying to say is," Reiji said as he turned on his heel and looked over at Reiko, "Hand the company over to me Reiko, you have no right to own it."

Reiko's hands started to clench and her wigs hair blocked her face completely. Gaara was utterly confused with what was going on, "Is she some rich heiress," Gaara questioned silently, "If that's the case she definitely doesn't come off as the type."

"You know as well as I do that I can't just hand the company over to you Reiji," Reiko said through clenched teeth, "I don't even get the company until I'm eighteen. Grandma has total control over it till I come of age and you are damned well aware of it."

Reiji laughed mockingly at her, "I don't want it now Reiko."

"Than what do you want?"

Casting an eye on her he said, "I want a promise that you will hand it over when you are able to."

"Well that's not happening," Reiko said to him finally looking up at him in anger, her eyes challenging his own. "I have other plans for it and you are not going to interfere with them. Not now, not ever."

"Hmm well I see that you are continuing to be difficult," he said after studying her a bit, turning on his heel he turned away from Reiko and the rest moving towards the door. "Maybe another time. Oh and before I forget, have you talked to Seri lately? It seems that she had a boy, I'll be seeing you, believe it."

Two shoes came at his head like rockets though one missed and hit the door with a huge bang and the other caught him in the arm even though he moved to get out of the way from the expected attack.

The shoe that caught him was once on the black socked foot of its owner whose red eyes were burning into him like a red hot poker. Grinning at Sai he said mockingly, "Oh Sai don't think that I won't be coming back to see you either. After all I am your fiancé," Then he laughed as he continued to leave," By the way you can get the dear bag boy to send the bags to one of my homes now can't you my love?"

"That's an arranged marriage you ass hole, I would never willingly marry you!" Sai yelled at him, as he continued to laugh finally leaving her sight.

Gaara looked over at Reiko and Sai his face filled with confusion; and yes though normally he wouldn't care for this sort of thing, the surprises and drama just entranced him. Kuro seemed to read his thoughts and started to explain things to him as Reiko and Sai headed back into the kitchen to cool down.

"I suppose this whole thing is a little much. I myself used to be as surprised as you with the whole situation in the family circle when I first came in," Kuro said as he took a seat on the dirty alley cement and motioned for Gaara to do the same.

"Reiko's family is definitely a higher up one and is of old money. They can't accept 'odd' things in their family circle and Reiko happened to be one of those odd things. Due to some results in, well, inbreeding, I suppose you can say Reiko came out looking slightly different from average. Then there was her brother and I. I think it was because she was mostly raised outside of her family boundaries that she was able to accept us. And though she got along with my love, and acknowledged me, something her family never has, he was never her favorite."

He sighed and looked up, "What was probably the hardest thing for her today was the fact that it was Reiji that came. The two used to be close and I mean really close. They did everything together, when she came over from her grandmother's home," he looked over at Gaara, "and when Sai became her friend the duo were rarely seen without Reiji there with them, and though he instigated many of Reiko's injuries he was always there for her when she was getting better. I'm not entirely sure when they stopped getting along but I'm sure that it must have been something. He was a jerk, sure, but no one in the Yamashita family escapes without being a little bit of an ass. If I were to guess though why he turned on her I think it might have something to do with the inheritance or the fact she wasn't there for the funeral."

"Keh, what is it that he blames her for?" Gaara muttered.

Kuro shook his head, "I really have no idea." Looking on in space he held onto his hands, "Reiko wasn't even there. In fact she was at school when the whole thing occurred."

"What happened?" Gaara asked with the same monotone mutter as before.

"Well it was the Christmas holidays and Reiko was at school waiting for her family to pick her up and take her to their home. But her family never came, in fact even before the car accident they weren't going to come and get her. Reiji had already flown to the meeting spot in Hawaii and her sister Seri lived there with her new husband so neither of the two could even tell her that they were going." Shuffling his feet he continued, "The fact of the matter is that they weren't coming to get her, in fact they were abandoning her again kind of like a complete slap in the face saying that 'You're not welcome get out' kind of thing."

Gaara nodded his head and thought to himself, 'I can understand that feeling.'

"From what I understand when news reached Reiko that they had left her and well… died she went into so much shock that she went into a minor coma and when she woke up she gave herself a completely different idea to what had happened. Just so that in her memories they didn't say 'I don't want you'. In any case she started to believe that she had photographic memory," Kuro grinned, "Mind you the kid's memory is sharp, and I mean sharp. But it's not what I would call photographic memory. She doesn't remember the stuff she reads or looks at forever. Maybe for an extended amount of time but not forever."

He then lost his smile, "In any case she started to believe in things that really shouldn't be and that were really out of place. Like she thought she was always a tom boy and let me tell you. That kid actually looked a hundred percent like a porcelain doll when she was little, even after her hair got cut." Kuro sighed, "I guess it's another acceptance thing, trying to make her believe that it had to do with her looks as well rather than just herself that made her parents dislike her. But after all that, she went insane, like I mean insane. She would rather do that to herself than think that her parents weren't the greatest to her. So for a good while she was in a mental institution."

"Not surprising," Gaara thought resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

"She got out a while later and started living on her own but her memory of what really happened, amongst other things, is completely submerged. I don't think that she will ever remember. The only one's that know are of course her remaining family members, Sai, and myself," Kuro finished. "And I can tell you one thing though," Kuro said as he started to get up. "That kid is going to make something of herself one day, dead or alive." Kuro brushed himself off and started to wander off, "And I suggest that you go see Reiko and Sai now. Let them know that they can go home early today, after all I don't want Reiko breaking anymore dishes today let alone any facial bones."

With Reiko and Sai

Reiko threw off her wig and started to rub her face furiously getting the costume make up off her face as Sai just glared at one spot. Once she was finished Reiko turned around and looked at Sai, "You know what I really hate?"

"What?" Sai asked her.

"Or rather who I really hate?" Reiko asked Sai.

"Who?" Sai asked her.

"…Sakura, I mean when is she going to release Custard? The poor guy needs to be set free. I say that if he isn't free within the next three years we should take her aside, and even if it means killing her, make sure he gets out of there." Reiko announced proud of herself.

Sai just stared at Reiko, "You're a special case."

Reiko grinned at her manically, "Yeah but I'm totally awesome." Then she looked at Sai mischievously, "But would you help me?"

Grinning Sai looked at her, "I would have done it anyway… the killing part I mean."

"Wouldn't anybody?" Reiko questioned as she teetered on her feet innocently.

"Only if they knew what was good for them," Sai said as she started her way to the front door where Gaara was waiting for them.

Reiko stroke her chin with one hand in thought, "I would have pondered that it would only be human instinct to want to kill her."

"Once again it would depend who it was," Sai said looking at Reiko with a grin. "After all, her doctor should have slapped her parents in the face when she came out."

"Her doctor should have been slapped for allowing her to live or at least throw her out you mean," Reiko told her laughingly.

"And be charged for littering? With a bill that that would come up to. I don't think so," Sai said grinning.

"I happen to believe that it would fall under a 'whatever it costs' sort of matter," Reiko huffed.

Sai amused by the conversation started to smile, "But Reiko I don't think that people have that amount of money to ever be able to pay for it."

"Which means the doctor should have offed her," Reiko stated firmly smacking her fist in her open palm.

Sai laughed as she opened the doors to the shop open. But she stopped soon after because Gaara was no where in sight. But what seemed to be a drastic problem on the surface could be interpreted as only a minor one depending on how you viewed it because not to far off from where they were standing there was a crowd of girls all wearing bizarre clothing. It was a clear sign of fan girls, and not just any kind of fan girls… anime fan girls.

Sai however did not view this situation as a minor problem. This was definitely Satan's work, fan girls were a breed that no scientist could ever find out. They feed on the entertainment that the animations fed them, the fighting only seemed to give them more power, and the chase only seemed to make them all that much stronger. Sai shivered and thought, "This is going to be some hard work."

Turning to Reiko, Sai said to her in a voice filled with utter discontent, "Reiko…"

"I know," Reiko said turning to Sai her eyes wide with fear, "Its fan girls. Are they? Are they? Oh I'm afraid to ask, but are they by any chance Gaara fan girls?"

Sai scanned the crowd and sure enough spotted a few that wore, what could be close to being called, poorly made Gaara like fabrications, "I'm afraid so."

Reiko looked at Sai, "This is terrible."

"I know."

"How will we fight them off?"

"Anyway that we can," Sai said, "But we have to get Gaara… he's mine."

Reiko looked at Sai hopefully, "Since he's yours does that mean I don't have to help?"

She was answered by the dark look that Sai gave her and immediately backed up.

"It's exactly because he's mine that you are going to help me."

"Oooooh I hate this," Reiko whined and then looked around and said, "Well we have to look for wea-"

But Reiko stopped in mid speech as her eyes lay upon a brilliant weapon perfect for the slaying of fan-girls. Walking over to the discarded item Reiko picked it up with triumph and marched over to the girls that were probably tearing off items of Gaara's clothing.

"What are you doing Reiko?" Sai hollered over the squeals of the fan girls.

"I'm going to get my baby back," Reiko declared then feeling the glare from Sai corrected herself, "Your baby back, and I know the only way how."

"Oh and how is what you're holding going to help you achieve that?" Sai asked.

"Sai fan-girls are like, well zombies," Reiko said lifting up her item as she casually answered Sai's question, "And the only way to deal with zombies is to strike their heads."

With that Reiko brought the bat down swiftly making a girl slump down unconsciously, her leg twitching violently.

Sai looked on with horror, "Reiko I think you just killed her."

Reiko snorted, "Good, one less person in line ups at conventions."

"Reiko you don't understand. I think that you just seriously hurt someone."

"Sai, Sai I know that, but what's more important: Gaara or some girl that just so happened to… oh what's this… a piece of Gaara's hair," Reiko said as she looked at the small tuft in the girl's grasp.

"Reiko," Sai said just loud enough for Reiko to hear.

"Yes Sai-chan," Reiko said to her.

"KILL THEM!" Sai roared as she jumped into the fray.

Reiko, with great glee, threw herself into the battle smashing as many fan-girls on the head as she could, treating them like wack-a-moles to reach Sai's prize and save him. But suddenly a fan-girl took Reiko's weapon, and this girl was like the hulk and I mean was she ever. With no effort at all she took Reiko's weapon and snapped it like a twig. Reiko's eyes widened and she started to search for another weapon and that's when she saw it, another perfect weapon yelling out loud for Reiko to use it, looking over her should at her friends Reiko called, "Sai-chan I'm sorry."

"And why's that Reiko?" Sai called as she elbowed a girl in the face.

"Because I'm not supposed to use living things," Reiko said as she picked up a cat/dog thing and threw it at the girl.

The creature latched itself onto the hulk's face and very violently began to scratch and bite its face into oblivion. Reiko immediately moved on saluting the creature for it's help and with as much agility as she could muster, reached further in and grabbed Gaara's shirt pulling him out of the crowd and started to run in the direction that the apartment was in, hoping that the others would not be as quick as them.

Sai, Reiko, and Gaara managed to run away and showed that their combined fear of the fan girls was far more powerful than what their (the fan girls) determination was.

Reaching the apartment the three piled in and lay down on the floor in a breath rasping heap. Reiko stuck a fist up in the air as she rasped out, "Victory."

And though Sai couldn't say anything she was thinking stubbornly, "Gaara. Mine."

Gaara looked over at the two and said, "I was surprised when those girls came at me. But you know what surprised me even more," Reiko and Sai shook their heads, "When they knew who I was with just one glance, do you have any idea why that may be?"

Reiko spoke up, "Uh our country has a highly progressed data system."

"Even though Reiko said that wrong I agree," Sai said.

"Really?" Gaara said as glared at them, "Then why did they say that I was Gaara from Naruto, the best 'show' ever."

"…." Sai looked at him.

Where as Reiko just looked at him and then laughed and said, "OOOOOOoooh busted."

Sai glared at Reiko, "Reiko this is not funny, we're the ones that are busted."

Reiko looked over at Gaara, "Oh well never mind then, you just forget," Reiko commanded.

Gaara glared, "I don't think so."

"You two," he said pointing at them, "Have lots, and I mean lots of explaining to do."


(A/N: Even though I was aiming for twenty pages this seemed like a good place to end. I was determined to write this chapter before I left which meant even if I didn't get any sleep tonight I was going to do it. Yes that's right even though I am sick and definitely tired I thought I tortured you all long enough so I tried to muster up the drive to do this and I did. Though I plan to have more funny in the next chapter; Finally we can resume. But the thing is a lot of the characters that you know and love might become a little OOC but I think you should all know this well enough. And starting from the reviews from this chapter I hope that I will be able to continue to write back to all the reviews but only if Daigona writes back to you too. It has come to our attention that some people believe us to be one person. We are not, I assure you. Daigona, I am sure, was gravely insulted (Daigona: No, just slightly disgusted) and well I didn't know what to think. So I just laughed. I hope to remedy this issue (not really an issue) with is note. Umm on a further note I apologize for my lack of updating I blame college because I am literally at the school more often than I am at home, because unfortunately I can not bring the studios home with me. Though I have tried…

I hope to try to update the quickest that I can in spring when I go to the same city Daigona is in to take a few courses, but I will still try to attempt to pull something out of my butt before then. If my stupid brother didn't take my power cord for my laptop I might have been able to write more of the story for you guys when I was gone for Christmas holidays. But instead you got this. You all have to forgive me cause I was sick; at least that's what I am going by. And I was sick, Daigona can even vouch for me as I totally lost my voice and had to talk in a really low whisper which I think was something Daigona really enjoyed. (Daigona: Oh I did! It was damn funny!)

Oh and just to share the laughter on an incident on Christmas my mother turned to my brother-in-law when she gave him his shirt and said, "When I think of you (name) I think of something small."

And of course my brothers and sisters and I started laughing because… well my mom had no idea what that sounded like. It was one of the best laid out unintentional burns I have ever heard in my life. But what I think I liked the best was the fact that she didn't get it (Daigona: Like she would.).)