Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, its characters and settings, are property of Capcom, and are being used here without permission. This fic contains adult male/male content.

Final part! Takes place after GS3, but shouldn't take any extra knowledge or contain any spoilers.

This chapter is rated NC-17 for sexual content.

Steady Inhale

Part 4/4

A year passed.

Edgeworth went back to Europe. Gumshoe knew he would, so there was no reason to be disappointed. He didn't ask why or if he'd back. But a few weeks later he got a postcard from Paris, with a short message about how Edgeworth was doing. He tacked it up on the bulletin board by his desk, and when another came a month later, he added that one, too.

Then it was February again, and colder than ever. Another chill winter, another heavy case behind them. Gumshoe was just relieved that he'd scraped through with his job intact again. But as was always the case even with the most difficult trials, a few days later everything was back to normal. Or at least, as close to normal as things ever were.

Gumshoe tugged his coat higher as he stepped out of the courthouse. It was only mid afternoon but the clouds were so dark and so low that it might as well have been the dead of night. Sometime during the proceedings it had begun to snow. He shivered; it hadn't been a difficult testimony but the weather was starting to get to him, and he tightened his coat as he made his way down the courthouse steps.

Preoccupied as he was with his own thoughts, Gumshoe didn't notice the figure leaning against his beat up old car until he'd reached the base of the stairs. It was an all too familiar man wrapped up in a long, dark overcoat, his already silver hair highlighted with flecks of fresh snow. He was staring off into the street apparently lost in his own contemplation. Gumshoe slowed his gait as he approached. When the tap of his footsteps was close enough to be heard Miles Edgeworth finally glanced over, and upon seeing the detective a slow smile worked its way across his lips. The warm, sincere expression gave new feeling to Gumshoe's numbing fingertips.

"Mr. Edgeworth." Gumshoe stopped just in front of him, awkward but unable to hide how pleased he was—Edgeworth had been waiting for him. "What are you doing here, Sir?" He grinned meekly. "Hiding out again?"

Edgeworth reached up to brush the thin layer of snow off his shoulders. "Not this time," he replied easily. For a moment his smile tightened in a way that was almost shy. "I was waiting for you."

"You…were?" Gumshoe repeated, baffled. He shifted his weight from foot to foot. "I thought…you would'a been on your way home by now, with the trial over…you know. Back to Europe."

"That's just what I was waiting here to tell you." Edgeworth pushed away from the passenger door that he had been leaning against and titled his head up. "I've decided to stay."

By then Gumshoe had imagined those words so many times that hearing them spoken didn't seem convincing at first. He shook himself. "You have?" A little tremor of hope scrambled up his spine and down into his stomach. "Really, pal? Here?"

"Yes." Edgeworth grinned. "I have."

Gumshoe's lips parted with the intention of speaking, but his throat abruptly closed off, and instead he threw his arms happily around Edgeworth's broad shoulders. He could tell that Edgeworth had braced himself for the sudden show of affection—Edgeworth knew him that well—and when a pair of arms twisted firmly around his back he nearly sighed out loud. His friend was finally coming home.

"I'm so glad, Mr. Edgeworth!" Gumshoe's voice rushed back to him all at once and tumbled over all the things he wanted to say. "Everyone's been waiting for ya—I kept all'a yer postcards at the station. Even Mr. Wright kept asking 'bout ya, pal. It hasn't been the same since you been gone…."

Edgeworth chuckled against Gumshoe's shoulder, and after a moment urged him back—he had been holding onto the prosecutor very strongly, and he had to gasp for air a moment. "Thank you," Edgeworth said, looking a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry I took so long."

"Not at all, Sir!" Gumshoe couldn't stop grinning, couldn't fight back the anxious flutterings of relief filling his stomach. There was still too much he wanted to say and not enough breath to do it in. "Are you staying in your old house, pal? I poke in on it every couple'a weeks, it's been doing fine. Or…."

"I only decided today," Edgeworth said with a slight shrug. "You're the first person I've told, so…my place has no electricity." He gave his coat a tug. "Or heat."

"Oh…." Gumshoe scratched the back of his neck. "You want me to drop you off at your hotel, then?" he offered.

"Actually…." Miles grin twitched into a smirk. "I was hoping you'd offer something a little more…personal."

Gumshoe straightened, his already cold-flushed cheeks growing darker. "P-Personal? You wanna stay with me, pal?"

"Unless you'd rather I…"

"No!" Gumshoe shook his head, and nudged Edgeworth away from the car so he could open the passenger side door for him. "No, it's fine! But…my place is so…." He winced. "It's not any cleaner'n the last time you saw it, Sir."

"I'll manage," Edgeworth chuckled, sliding into the car. "Thank you, Detective."

"N-No problem…."

Gumshoe hurried around to the driver's side, and fidgeted nervously as he buckled himself in and pulled his car away from the courthouse. He did his best not to glance at Edgeworth beside him, fearing that it would only fuel his racing imagination and impair his driving. Gumshoe wasn't the kind to let himself dwell on fantasies, and in the year since that one, brief night, had let the memory rest undisturbed at the back of his mind. However sweet his mouth had been, that was not the only reason Edgeworth had been missed.

At the moment, though, Gumshoe's mind was telling him otherwise. There were a dozen ways to interpret a request to spend the night, but coming from Miles Edgeworth he suddenly didn't know what to think. The prosecutor had to have known he was asking for a dirty little apartment with a single, lumpy mattress, when he could have easily afforded any hotel room in the city. The more Gumshoe considered, the more Edgeworth's request sounded like an invitation.

Stop that! Don't be ridiculous. Gumshoe licked his lips and forced himself to speak, to break the silence. "So what changed your mind, pal?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the road. "About coming home, I mean."

"I realized…all my friends were here," Edgeworth replied after only a short pause. His sincerity was a little bit surprising. "All the people I really care about. And I'm needed here."

"That's for sure," Gumshoe chuckled. "We're losing prosecutors left and right…"

Forgetting his earlier reasoning he glanced over at the man, and was captivated momentarily by the look of sheer content in his face. It wasn't until then that he believed Edgeworth really intended to stay with them.

Gumshoe was first through the apartment door, and he hurried ahead of his company to clear the entrance of old newspapers and empty cans. "Ya gotta start giving me warnings," he laughed as he shoved the clutter into piles and threw away an old pizza box. "I'd've cleaned up…."

"Don't worry about it," Edgeworth assured as he followed a few steps behind. He looked back and forth around the small apartment, reacquainting himself. His eyes narrowed slightly on the couch before turning to join Gumshoe in the kitchen. "Besides, it's…cozy."

Nice way of saying "small," Gumshoe though with a glum smile. But he wouldn't let that deter him. "Can I get you something, Mr. Edgeworth? Some water? Oh! I think I have some of that tea y'sent for New Years…"

The sound of Edgeworth's quiet chuckle paused him, and he glanced back curiously. Edgeworth was folding his overcoat over the back of a chair, looking more amused than was normal for him. "Um…what's so funny, pal?" Gumshoe had to ask.

"Nothing." Edgeworth shook his head. "Some water would be fine, thank you."

Gumshoe pursed his lips and selected a glass from the cupboards; it was a little irritating that Edgeworth seemed so at ease when he himself was so tense. As he filled the glass Edgeworth came up beside him and he tried not to let his discomfort show. "It's, ah, still pretty early," Gumshoe said as he handed over the drink. "I've got the evening off'a work, but…"

Edgeworth set the glass down, untouched, and pressed his hand against Gumshoe's shoulder to turn him away from the sink. He moved slowly but the detective was still caught off guard when Edgeworth's arms slid around his ribs in a firm embrace. The breath went out of him and it took him a moment to respond. "Sir…" His own arms curled around Edgeworth's shoulders once more. He wished he could have seen the other's face but it was pressed too close to his neck to make out any expression.

"Thank you," Edgeworth murmured, his voice rough with embarrassment. It wasn't often that he offered such genuine sentiments, and the gesture was not lost on Gumshoe. "I've…wanted to tell you that for a while now, Detective." His arms tightened. "Thank you."

"I…" Gumshoe licked his lips. He was fighting the urge to pull Edgeworth even tighter against him. "You're welcome, pal," he replied quietly. He tried to smile but it felt shaky at best. "Though…I haven't done anything you should be thanking me for…"

"Of course you have." Edgeworth sighed; when he shifted the delicate fabric of his cravat tickled Gumshoe's throat and made him blush. "But it's all right, if you don't know."

"Mr. Edgeworth..." Gumshoe shivered, and finally it was too much. His hands slid up to the base of Edgeworth's neck, urging him back just enough so he could duck his head and touch their lips together. Edgeworth stiffened in surprised but quickly relaxed again. A slight tilt of his jaw sealed their mouths more easily and drew a soft murmur of contentment from the detective.

They separated with twin gasps, both red-faced and a little short on breath. "And that," Gumshoe breathed, his eyes wide and bright, "I've wanted to do for a while now."

Edgeworth smiled, drawing his hands back to instead curl around the front of Gumshoe's coat collar. "Is that all?"

Edgeworth pushed up on his toes to meet him in another kiss. His lips were just as full and firm as Gumshoe remembered, possibly even more so, and he shivered excitedly beneath them. He seemed to know just how much pressure exert, what degree to tilt his head. But when Gumshoe drew his hands down to the small of Edgeworth's back, following the curve of his spine, his rhythm faltered—he paused, separating their lips with a low sigh that was almost a moan.

The sound of his voice, however faint, sent a little pulse of heat through Gumshoe's already taut body. For all that Edgeworth's advances were doing to him, the thought that he could be just as enticing to his partner was even more effective. He stroked the length of Edgeworth's long back again, strongly, and shivered when another pleased sigh emptied against his jaw. He must really like that….

Edgeworth abruptly pulled back, and Gumshoe feared he was about to be teased and sent to bed when he was suddenly jerked forward by the front of his shirt. Edgeworth glanced over his shoulder just enough to see where he was going as he all but dragged Gumshoe into the apartment's small living room. A twist and a shove sent Gumshoe down onto the sofa, and to his shock Edgeworth quickly climbed after him.

"M-Mr. Edgeworth—" Gumshoe leaned back, squirming and blushing darkly as Edgeworth dropped into his lap, his knees on either side of his hips. He clenched his jaw against making any embarrassing sounds when Edgeworth shifted and pressed against his groin. "Are…are you all right…?"

"Never better," Edgeworth assured. He kissed him hard, full on the mouth, before switching his attention to the side of Gumshoe's throat. "Keep doing that."

Gumshoe tilted his head back with a blissful sigh. "Doing…what?"

Edgeworth took his hands, guiding them again to the small of his back. "That. God, that feels good…."

By now Gumshoe was certain that if his face became any redder, it would be permanent. All the same he quickly complied, massaging from Edgeworth's shoulders to the curve of his hips, all in one, smooth motion of his hands. It seemed to do the trick—Edgeworth arched his back into the touch, his breath hissing quietly against Gumshoe's neck between kisses. Soon his long fingers were relieving Gumshoe of his necktie, with much greater ease than the last time, and then they moved on to his shirt buttons. The touch of coarse palms against his bared chest distracted Gumshoe from his massage. But when his hands stilled for too long Edgeworth grunted softly and bit at his lower lip, refusing to keep undressing him until they resumed. It reminded him vaguely of a spoiled cat.

Edgeworth's coordination was impressive to say the least. Gumshoe was so enthralled with every drawn out kiss, with just having the opportunity to touch him so openly, that it took him a while to realize his hands were no longing running over the thick wool of his suit coat. Both jacket and vest were suddenly in a pile on sofa next to him. When Edgeworth started to work him out of his own long overcoat he finally had to pull his hands away from the man's back.

Edgeworth sighed heavily, and leaned back so he could tug Gumshoe forward as well. Together they worked him out of the heavy green fabric and tossed it aside.

"I…" Gumshoe leaned back against the sofa again. His own heavy breathing was beginning to make him dizzy but he couldn't help it. He had never expected a scenario like this to be played out, let alone imagined that Edgeworth would be so…aggressive. He grinned weakly and tried to put his incredulity into words. "I never thought…you…."

Edgeworth's expression softened. He looked amazing: his skin flushed, his soft silver hair clinging faintly to his cheeks and neck with perspiration. But it was the gleam of affection in his eyes that made Gumshoe wilt all over again, and the next kiss he offered was slow and even tender. "You said I could spend the night," he reminded in a whisper.

"Yeah…." Gumshoe blinked, realizing suddenly that Edgeworth really did kiss with his eyes open. What there was to see when they were so close he had no idea…. "Of course. You can take…."

Edgeworth cut him off with another full kiss. This time he shifted forward, and in doing so Gumshoe could feel the man's excitement pressing into his abdomen. He flinched as his own body tightened in kind, and his hands dropped involuntarily to Edgeworth's hips to stop him. "Wait, you mean…."

Edgeworth pressed his hands to Gumshoe's chest, gradually spreading his shirt open so he could slip it off his shoulders. Gumshoe was too frozen to stop him. "Why not?"

"You mean…." Gumshoe's mind was still slow to comprehend, and he gulped nervously. "You want to…with me?"

His voice had come out so childishly disbelieving that Edgeworth had to stop what he was doing to laugh. "You have to ask that now?" he teased. "After all that?"

Gumshoe glanced away. "I just didn't think…."

Edgeworth kissed the sensitive skin just below his ear, making his shoulders hitch when it tickled. "Does that mean you don't want to?"

"No," Gumshoe said quickly, his hand curling possessively against Edgeworth's side. "No, just…." He licked his lips and nodded, mostly to himself. "I mean, all right." He smiled boyishly. "If…you wanna."

Edgeworth grinned, and after relieving Gumshoe of his shirt pushed off of him once more. "Then let's find somewhere more appropriate." He took Gumshoe's hand and helped him to his feet.

"But…" Gumshoe tried to hang back as Edgeworth led him into the next room of his small apartment: the barely furnished bedroom. There was a tall dresser and a basket for laundry in the corner, but other than that and a small wastebasket the room was empty save for a single-sized mattress on a short box spring. Edgeworth frowned at it thoughtfully.

"I don't sleep in here," Gumshoe explained sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "The bed's too small, so I use the couch…."

Edgeworth chuckled. "We'll just have to make do." He toed out of his shoes and climbed onto the mattress. "Do you have…?"

"Huh? Oh, right!" Gumshoe tugged his shoes off on his way to the dresser, shivering a little now that he was half bare. He dug frantically through his top drawer—he didn't want to make Edgeworth wait—and unearthed several condoms and half a bottle of lubricant. "It's, um, a little old," he said apologetically, bringing them back to the bed.

"I don't think it comes with an expiration date," Edgeworth assured smugly. He shoved the articles under Gumshoe's pillow and gave his hand a tug. "We don't need them quite yet."

Gumshoe let himself be tugged onto the bed. He never would have guessed that Edgeworth would be one for this much foreplay, but he wasn't about to complain. Even more surprising was when Edgeworth stretched out on his back, pulling the detective over him.

Even now Edgeworth's deep kisses left him breathless. Gumshoe didn't notice for once that his feet were hanging off the end of the bed as he pressed his companion into the mattress with the weight of his body. Gradually his own hands lost their bashful nature, and he braced himself on elbow so he could undo the buttons of Edgeworth's dress shirt. The skin beneath was warm and smooth, making him feel clumsy and rough by comparison.

When it came time to pull the shirt off Edgeworth rolled onto his side, stretching his arms back to make it easy for him. After it was off he continued until he was on his stomach. But just when Gumshoe thought he might have been expecting another massage Edgeworth braced his hands against the mattress and pushed up, urging them both up onto their knees.

Gumshoe followed his prodding; once he was sitting up Edgeworth leaned back against his chest and craned his head for another firm kiss. Every movement of his body was so fluid and confident Gumshoe was almost embarrassed. Determined not to disappoint he turned to better meet Edgeworth's mouth and wrapped his arms around his chest.

When they broke apart again, he chuckled. "I can't keep up with you."

"Don't be ridiculous." Edgeworth took his hands, drawing down his body to rest at the hem of his pants.

"Ah…" Gumshoe's fingers stretched, and without any further prodding began to undo the buttons beneath them. "Mr. Edgeworth…?"

"Hmm?" Edgeworth settled heavily against Gumshoe's chest, their faces so close that Gumshoe could feel his eyelids flutter as he worked his pants down his hips.

"You're really sure about this?" He was probably going to be admonished again but he asked anyway.

Edgeworth reached up, setting his palm against Gumshoe's cheek. "Yes. I am."

He drew Gumshoe into another one of his softer kisses, which somehow had a greater impact on the detective's already racing heart than any of his more forceful advances thus far. As their lips met Edgeworth carefully turned his body about, freeing himself from his pants in the process. Once they were facing each other his fervor resumed; he grabbed Gumshoe by the shoulders and twisted them about, so that this time Gumshoe landed on his back, the slighter weight of Edgeworth's body over his.

"They're under the pillow," Edgeworth said.

Gumshoe smiled breathlessly and reached up, but jumped with a surprised gasp when he felt stern hands sliding down to his crotch. He squirmed as Edgeworth undid and began to remove his pants and underwear. "You, uh, startled me."

Edgeworth smiled. Once he'd tossed the garments aside—along with his own underwear and both their socks—he turned back, and paused, his gaze running the length of his comrade's now naked body. His eyes thinned slightly when they reached one spot in particular.

Gumshoe wriggled self consciously as he finally retrieved the items from earlier. "Sir…?"

Edgeworth shook himself. "Nothing," he said quickly, and after a moment added, "Consider it a compliment."

Gumshoe blushed and fumbled with the condom wrapper. What's that supposed to mean?

When he finally got the wrapper open he started to reach down, only to have it plucked out of his hand. "Just get that ready," Edgeworth told him, nodded toward the bottle of lubricant.

"S-Sure, pal…" Gumshoe picked it up, but was quickly distracted watching Edgeworth's hands. Even knowing what was coming he flinched at the first touch to his stiff, sensitive flesh. He watched, toes curling as Edgeworth spread the cool latex over him. "Ah…."

It wasn't until Gumshoe handed over the bottle as well that he realized what Edgeworth was preparing him for, as obvious as it should have been. "Wait…you want me to—"

Edgeworth closed his hand, slick with warm lubricant, around Gumshoe's straining erection. His smile was deep and almost sly as he covered him. "Would you rather turn over?" he suggested.

Gumshoe couldn't have replied if he'd wanted to. His hands tightened in the bed sheets beneath them as a faint lair of sweat broke out on his brow. The fingers sliding over him were so strong, so precise in each liquid motion that he could have easily given in to years worth of guilty fantasy right then.

"S-Stop," he gasped urgently. "I…."

He almost groaned in disappointment when the other actually listened. But then Edgeworth was climbing over him again, bracing one hand against his abdomen as he shifted on his knees. "Take it easy on me," he said as he reached behind him, guiding then together. "It's been a while."

Gumshoe gulped dryly. "Y-Yeah…." It had been a while for him, too, and he hoped his enthusiasm wouldn't get the better of him. His hands slid to Edgeworth's hips to help support him. He tried to brace his heels as well but they kept slipping off the bed edge and he couldn't bend his knees any further without moving Edgeworth as well.

Edgeworth lowered himself slowly—agonizingly so, and Gumshoe grimaced as all the muscles of his abdomen tightened in expectation and restraint. The heat gradually surrounding him seemed to erase his every rational thought. His head fell back with a quiet groan but then he couldn't see his partner, and he struggled to lower his chin once more. "M…Mr…."

Edgeworth hummed thinly. His brow was creased with concentration but his eyes were still only half-closed, as always. Though he looked tense Gumshoe couldn't tell if he was in pain. He suddenly wished he would have gone through better preparation. He was working up to suggest it when Edgeworth began to move again, lifting up off him just as slowly as he had descended. The friction quickly reduced Gumshoe's words to senseless whimpers of pleasure.

Not unlike their first kiss, Edgeworth adjusted to his new lover with startling receptiveness. His jaw unclenched as he came down a second time, with greater confidence than the first, and then again in a slowly mounting rhythm. Gumshoe's hands were still tight about his hips but he needed very little guidance. His pace was steady and Gumshoe was captivated by the sight of him.

Edgeworth was not a vocal lover. His face was expressive, tightening faintly with each motion of their bodies, and his breath was heavy and panting, but he didn't speak or groan aloud as he might have expected. It made the room feel hot and tense around them. Gumshoe, on the other hand, could not keep his voice down despite his attempts. He bit his lip around each low moan that threatened to leave him every time Edgeworth clenched around him. Holding it back only made his body that much more desperate to cry out, and more than once he stifled his voice against the back of his hand.

When Gumshoe felt his stamina running out the pressure building in his stomach became too much. His heels scratched at the bed and finally found a reliable foothold with witch to give him proper leverage. He thrust up into Edgeworth strongly, surprising him into a soft cry. The shudder of pleasure that tiny admission gave him urged Gumshoe to continue, until his muscles were burning from the strain of arching up into the other man again and again.

Edgeworth tensed against him. By now he was holding his breath entirely and Gumshoe could feel him trembling beneath his hands. A few seconds later Edgeworth gave in with a long, shuddering sigh—hot muscles tightened around his already over-anxious partner, and this time Gumshoe couldn't hold back a deep groan as he finally came.

Neither moved for a long time, gasping for breath and trying to get their limbs to obey them once more. At long last Edgeworth braced his hands against Gumshoe's stomach and pushed himself up, only to collapse a moment later on his side. He had to grab at Gumshoe's arm to keep from rolling off the thin bed.

Gumshoe glanced over—Edgeworth's eyes were finally closed as he panted softly against Gumshoe's shoulder. Despite how much in control he had been earlier, he looked exhausted and might have even still been shivering a little. Gumshoe licked his lips and tested his voice. "Hey, pal…"

Edgeworth smiled wearily. "Yes?"

Gumshoe relaxed a little when he saw that expression. With a quiet murmur he reached down to remove the condom and toss it into the nearby wastebasket. "You all right? I…didn't hurt ya, did I...?"

Edgeworth stretched, and though he groaned softly his expression didn't change. "No, I'm fine."

Gumshoe sighed, relieved—he felt guilty for getting carried away, but Edgeworth looked so content that he couldn't stay worried for long. He tugged himself to the edge of the bed to give him more room. "If you…need anything," he offered awkwardly, "just ask. Something to drink, or if you wanna shower…."

Edgeworth shook his head against the pillow. "No, I think…I'll take a nap first," he murmured. He pushed his sweat-dampened hair away from his face. "If you don't mind."

"All right…." Gumshoe watched him a moment, and when Edgeworth didn't move again or ask him to give up the bed, he decided it was all right to stay. He sighed deeply. I sill can't believe it. He was grinning, openly and childishly, as he closed his eyes. I still can't believe we really….

When Gumshoe awoke some time later, there was even less light coming through his apartment windows than before. He had no idea how long he might have slept but it seemed like hours, and he felt a little stiff. Fearing Edgeworth would be worse off than him he turned, intending to offer him a more practical massage. But he wasn't there.

Gumshoe sat up sharply. Edgeworth wasn't in the room, but his shirt and pants were still piled on the floor. He wouldn't have left without them. Gumshoe knew that, but that didn't stave off the sudden fear that he was alone in the apartment. With a little shudder he pushed off the bed and moved into the living room. "Mr. Edgeworth?"


Short lived though that moment of disappointment was, Gumshoe's sigh of relief couldn't have been greater. Edgeworth was stretched out on his sofa, his hair freshly cleaned, dressed in a pair of Gumshoe's winter pajamas. The cigarette between his lips had been smoked halfway, and as Gumshoe came closer he folded the newspaper he'd been reading over his stomach. He lifted his eyes. "What is it?"

"You…." Gumshoe smiled, and felt a mysterious sting at the back of his eyes. "You're still here."

"Of course I am," Edgeworth replied, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of Gumshoe's pajamas, and lit one against the butt he was already smoking.

"Want one?"