
"Riku! Riku!" Sora screamed as he smashed his fists against the sealed door.

"Riku! Riku, I love you! Come back!" he pleaded. Kingdom Hearts had sealed and Riku was on the wrong side. He had lost all hope of ever retrieving him. Sora didn't even have the chance to admit his feelings towards his childhood friend. He had lost his chance. Sora sank against the door, erupting in sobs that racked his shoulders.


Sora quickly looked up, tears continuing to stream down his cheeks.

"R-Riku?" he mumbled. A hooded figure stood before him, enveloped in shadow.

"Is that you? Riku?" Sora shouted, brightening slightly. A strong wind suddenly forced passed him abruptly, causing the hood masking the shadowed figure to fall. Kairi stood with her head cocked to the side psychotically grinning. She held up blood stained hands.

"No Sora.. Riku's dead." she whispered.

"N-No!.. No, Riku!" he screamed.



He opened his eyes in a panic, eyes darting around the room. He was relieved to notice it was only a dream. Or more particularly a vivid moment relived. He lost Riku a year before, nearly losing all hope for anything. Thankfully, someone was there for him to pick up his broken pieces and put together his shattered life. Though lately, these dreams had been haunting him again. Also, Kairi's been added to these horrifying nightmares. They were bad enough before, but seeing her in such a state makes the nightmare all the worse.

He looked up to see Kairi standing in the doorway, an expression of worry on her face.

"I'm fine..." he mumbled, sitting up and rubbing at his tired eyes. He and Kairi lived in their separate homes adjacent to each other on Destiny Island. Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka had decided to live their lives there as well.

"I told you eating before bed would cause nightmares!" she winked at him. Sora scratched the back of his head and stifled a laugh.

"I made breakfast for two if you care to join me." she said, holding her hands behind her back and grinning. Sora nodded and brightened his expression. Kairi left him alone to completely wake himself up. He remained in an upright position, staring at nothing in particular.

Why am I having these dreams again? Are you really dead, Riku..?

Sora shook his head slightly and slid off the bed, retrieving some clothes and pulling them on. He exited his house and ran towards Kairi's, not bothering to knock.

"Hey, Sora!" she chimed. He smiled at her happy demeanor. It was hard to remain sad with her around. She had laid out food on the table and was in the process of taking a seat. Sora followed suit and immediately began eating his breakfast. The room remained oddly silent before Kairi finally spoke, putting her fork down against her plate.
"Sora?" she asked.

"Hm?" he answered, quickly swallowing then looking up at her.

"Do you ever wonder what things would be like if Riku were still around?"

Sora thought about it for a moment. It pained him to think about their lost friend. He wondered if Riku would have returned his feelings had he admitted them to him. Probably not. Riku hated Sora's very existence before his demise. He strives to have him slain and listened simply to Maleficent. Yet... before the door closed, he appeared to be the old Riku again. The Riku that Sora loved.

"Sora?" Kairi asked after Sora was silent for too long.

"I'm sure he'd be sitting here with us, enjoying this delicious meal you made." he smiled weakly, "What about you? Would you still be with me if he were still here?"

Kairi blushed slightly.
"I've always loved you, Sora. You know that." she smiled. He stood up and walked over to where Kairi sat.

"Good." Sora mumbled, wrapping both arms around her and quickly kissing her cheek.

I'm okay without him. Really...

The moment was quickly interrupted. Screaming from outside caused them both to pull their attention away from each other and look towards the door.

"Who--?" Sora began towards the door but was caught off guard when it was blown off its hinges. The door smashed against the staircase railing and into pieces. A crumpled figure lay in the mass of wood, unconscious and seriously wounded. His eyes widened, but before he could react a blast a fire shot passed his head, just missing him. Standing in the open doorway were three heartless, floating above the ground slightly.

"What?" he shouted, taken aback by their reappearance. He spun around, nearly being hit by another blast. Kairi was gone.

"Kairi?" he screamed, diving out of the way of a lightning bolt.


Kairi stood at the top of the stairs, holding exactly what Sora was hoping for. He caught the keyblade she tossed to him and nodded at her briskly. His sword skills were lacking in training but he was capable of eliminating the few heartless in mere seconds. Sora tossed the keyblade aside, panting, afraid to look at the sight that lay behind him. It couldn't be...

"Riku..." he mumbled, turning and dropping to his knees beside the body. He immediately pulled the wounded figure onto his lap, stroking the hair out of his face.

"Kairi! The other worlds should be accessible now that the Heartless have returned. "Go to Traverse town and get Aerith as fast as possible!" Sora screamed, his voice shaking. Kairi didn't give any sign of recognition and simply ran out the open doorway.

"Come on, Riku. Don't die now that I've got you back..." he mumbled. He quickly looked behind him and groped for the keyblade, holding it above Riku.

"Curaga." he mumbled. A green mist was released from the keyblade and dissolved into Riku's motionless body. Sora held his breath, hoping magic could sustain Riku's life until Aerith arrived. Riku was silent at first but his eyes twitched, closing them tighter. He moaned, not opening his eyes until he mumbled Sora's name. Half lidded green eyes gazed tiredly at Sora, trying to keep them open.

"Riku!" Sora breathed, immediately pulling him into his embrace. Riku didn't move but remained in Sora's arms, staring blankly.

"I've missed you so much!" Sora sobbed, yet he was smiling, "Don't leave me again!"

"Sora.." Riku mumbled, closing his eyes. Sora was unsure whether they remained in that position for a few minutes, or even a few hours, but when he did move it was because Kairi had returned. Aerith cupped her hands over her mouth.

"Riku!" she gasped, "So he is backā€¦"

Sora lifted Riku off the floor and carried him to a more comfortable place to rest; Kairi's bed. Aerith stated that it was time for them to leave the room to relax and get their mind off things. She mentioned Riku should be alright thanks to Sora and he smiled at this.

"I wonder why the Heartless are back..." Kairi mumbled once they had settled themselves back at the kitchen table. Sora was too anxious to remain still and kept fidgeting. He shrugged.

What do I do? I love Kairi... but Riku's back! He's the one I've always wanted. The only one I've cared for this much...

Neither said very much. Sora would stand and pace around the room before taking his seat again.

"You're making me nervous just watching you... Something wrong?" Kairi asked.

What if he doesn't love me in return? I'm finally going to tell him but... What if these feelings have been for naught?

"No. I'm ju--" he was cut off by Aerith's cries from upstairs.

"Sora!" she called. He ran up the stairs immediately, everything on his mind suddenly being pushed aside. He swung the door open and halted in the doorway, eyes darting around the room.

"Physically he's alright. I don't know what's wrong with him now!" Aerith said from the bedside. Riku was clutching his head and shaking vigorously, eyes wide open. He was mumbling something inaudible.
