A/N: This is the last chapter! I absolutely had so much fun writing this story! Getting reviews every time I made a chapter made me want to update it faster and faster every time! Thanx for all the support guys! I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it for you guys! Read plz!


Chapter 8: Happily ever after?

Jazz ran over to her mom, who was unconscious, and picked her up "Come on mom, wake up, please, come on mom!"

Sam and Tucker soon came over to her "Jazz, is she okay?"

"I don't know," Jazz chocked out, she checked her pulse, there was barely any "Do you have a cloth or anything?"

"Um, no I don't." answered Sam

"Nope, sorry" Tucker answered

"Crap, I don't know what to do then! Can somebody call 911 while I perform CPR?" Jazz asked, tears started to stream down her face

"On it!" Sam exclaimed


From the other side of the field Danny could be heard "What's going on?"

Before Jazz answered, she saw a sudden change in her mom, she wasn't breathing "M…mom's not breathing? MOM'S NOT BREATHING!"

Danny ran over to everybody and leaned down next to Jazz while she was trying to give her mom CPR. Jazz instantly started to talk "If we keep using CPR she might have a chance. Sam is calling 911 right now."

Sam ran over "My phone is dead and so are all the other phones in the park!"

"No, this can't be happening!" Danny screamed, he checked for a pulse…

There was no one! "There's no pulse! THERE'S NO PULSE!"

Jazz stopped using CPR and stared at Danny with pleading eyes as Danny just looked down at his mom, then started screaming "No, no this can't be happening!"

They all started crying, but Danny and Jazz were crying the hardest. Danny tried his hardest to not cry but it was hard, thought just kept going through his mind about what people were going to think of what happened…

His grandparents from his mother's side, they're going to have a fit when they find out that one of their daughters has died. That's going to be hard.

His Aunt Alicia, his mom's sister, she's always been protective of her, she'll freak when she finds out!

His dad, oh his dad, his dad is going to be so heartbroken, he'll never be the same, instead of the father who is silly and crazy, he won't be like that anymore. He certainly would never tell his secret to him now, it would be too dangerous!

All of a sudden, something moved below him, it was…

…his mom?

Everybody stopped crying and looked down at Maddie who was starting to wake up. Everybody looked at her in confusion as she looked up at them "Mom?" Danny asked

Maddie looked around in as much confusion, if not more, as they all were on why she was alive "I'm alive, but how?"

"I… I… ha… have no idea!" Danny stuttered

All of a sudden, time stopped and a clock hand appeared making a clockwise turn and showing some blue ghost in a purple cloak. He went over to Danny and put some sort of medallion over his neck.

Danny looked around and saw that everything was completely still; he looked beside him and saw Clockwork "Clockwork? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to tell you the reason why your mom suddenly was brought back to life."

"Why did she, did you fix it?"

"No, it's your new power; you have the ability to heal!"

Danny laughed "That's insane! Ghost's can't do that!"

"You're not just a regular ghost; you're a halfa, so you can cry in your ghost form, fell emotions and all that jazz."

"So what is that telling me?"

'That your tears have healing powers."


"Yep, I wish you the best of luck with your power!" Clockwork disappeared and time went back to normal.

Maddie sat up very slowly and took deep breaths and got up. They all walked back to the cars and went home.


They took back Sam and Tucker and Jazz, Danny, and Maddie went home. Danny was about to follow Jazz up to his room when his mom called him back down to the living room. Danny went over to his mom and sat next to her, he was the first one to speak up "I'm sorry about today, I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Maddie sighed "It wasn't the mother's day present I was expecting, not by a long shot. But in a way I'm glad of what happened today."

Danny smiled "So, you um, know about Vlad huh?"

Maddie gave a heavy sigh and put her head in her hands "Yes, but why did he try to hurt you?"

Danny chuckled "Remember when we ended up in the middle of nowhere when we were forced out of the plane and we found him, and he confessed his love to you?" Maddie nodded "Well, he's been trying to kill dad for a long time, but I've been trying to stop him from doing it, but he keeps on coming back and he won't stop."

Maddie was in total shock "Well, if he's a halfa like you, and you were in the ghost portal when you were turned into one, that means that accident years ago when he got hit by the ecto-energy coming out of the proto-portal."

"Yep, unfortunately that's what happened."

Tears started streaming down her face "I can't believe it, I trusted him." She sniffled and wiped away her tears and started talking again "So, I just have another question, I remember dying, how did I come back to life?"

Danny smiled "Well, it's a funny and weird story, see, after you died, we were all crying and then somehow you woke up. After a few seconds, time was stopped and this ghost named clockwork, he controls time, he told me that my tears have healing powers."

"That's an amazing power you've got there Danny. It must be only given to good ghosts like you."

Danny smiled and then yawned, Maddie chuckled "It's late and somebody's tired and so am I."

They both went their separate ways.


Later that night Maddie got up and checked on Danny. When she got in there she saw him sound asleep in his bed. She smiled and started walking back to her room when she stepped on something. It was Jazz's bearbert 'Hmm, I wonder why this is out here.' Maddie thought.

She was about to take it back to her daughter's room when she heard screaming. She jumped and then spun around and saw something that confused her.

She saw little kids, boys and girls, running around and playing. She followed them with her eyes and saw a elderly woman come their way and stopped the children "Now, what did I tell you? No running in the house."

"Sorry grandma." Apologized the kids and they went back to what they were doing

The grandma, who looked really familiar to Maddie, turned to Maddie, smiled, and walked over to her. Maddie looked at her, confused, as the grandma started to talk "You're probably wondering what's going on right?" Maddie nodded her head, shocked that this person was talking to her "Well, welcome to the future, I'm you."

Maddie's jaw dropped "Then how are you talking to me?"

"Because I was you standing here and looking confused fifteen years ago." Answered grandma Maddie "You have just found out Danny's secret."

"You're good." Maddie said "But who are you talking to?"

"Don't try to think, it'll hurt our brain." Grandma Maddie joked "The point is why you're here. You're here to see a future that I know you're so worried about. If you look around, you'll see a great future that our son helped to save."

Maddie looked around and smiled "It looks like a great future!"

"It is, it truly is."

"So, which grandchild belongs to whom?"

A little boy ran up the stairs with a toy plane in his hand, he had red spiky hair, he was about 7 or 8 "That would be Jazz's son right there."

A little girl ran after him, she had long black hair with amethyst eyes "That would also be Danny and Sam's daughter."

Maddie smiled "I knew it."

Soon everything disappeared and went back to normal. She looked around and smiled…

…everything was going to be alright.



A/N: Well, that's the end; I want to thanx everybody who reviewed! You all are awesome! Sorry it took so long to get out, I went to camp for a week, got back Sunday, and was too lazy to finish! But I got it done by this week!

Well, make sure you check out my next story coming out soon, I don't know the title yet, but it's about Jack and Maddie and how they met and all, I'm real excited to make this one b/c nobody ever makes a story out of these two!

Till next time…
