A Path to Destiny

By Leener

Spoilers: Big spoilers for J&G's Summary. If you haven't read it and don't want to be spoiled, don't continue. If you're interested in reading the summary written by the writers of the show, it's at J&G's website but for some reason it won't let me post the website. If you need the site, message me and I'll be happy to point you to it. There are references to many season 3 episodes along with some other ones but I'm not going to list them all out. Mainly because if there are so many episodes you haven't seen, this story won't make sense to you.

Takes place right after Heart of the Storm


"Mother! I thought you'd come to me! I thought you'd show me!"

The storm grew fiercer as the winds swirled around the treehouse faster than ever. The pain increased as Veronica screamed out in agony.

"Am I saving the plateau or destroying it! Am I the Protector!"

The trion glowed bright as the plateau went black.


"Don't do this, Icarus. Mankind will always have freewill. Don't listen to that machine!" But Challenger's pleas were either not heard by Icarus or he didn't possess the ability to help if he wanted to. He lowered the surgical instrument closer to Challenger's head and prepared to cut.

Suddenly, the door blasted open and a woman with fiery red hair came flying through along with several other men. Two of them attacked Icarus while the woman released Challenger from his restraints.

"Thank you, madam. I-"

"No time to talk, move!" She grabbed Challenger by the arm and roughly pushed him through the door and didn't wait to see if her men followed. Challenger could hear the machine screaming at them to stop as they ran down the exceedingly bright white corridor.


The man raised his dagger in the air and prepared to bring it down. "Send us back, the shining wheel!"

"Roxton! Where are you?" Marguerite struggled in vain under the powerful grip of the druids pinning her to the altar. "Please, don't do this! My death won't stop the storm! I'm not the woman you're looking for!"

"She is correct."

All eyes turned to one of the hooded fingers standing at the altar. A pair of hands reached up and the hood lowered revealing a woman practically identical to Marguerite. "I am Morrighan, the woman you seek. You are fools to think you can stop me."

She chanted in a low voice that seemed almost familiar to Marguerite causing the men to hold her to loosen their grip. Marguerite used that as her chance to jump off the altar and disarm the druid wielding the dagger that would have ended her life. Two of the closest men turned to attack her but Morrighan pulled out a similar dagger from beneath her robes and killed the men with quick precision. "Run to whence you came. There is still time before the storm approaches."

Marguerite hesitated not wanting to leave the woman to the mercy of the other druids. "But—"

"Do not concern yourself with me. This is my fate, but it does not have to be yours. Now do not argue with me. Leave now!" Marguerite nodded her thanks because words would never be enough. She took one final glance at her mirror image battling the druids and ran out the cave entrance hoping to find another window to get her back to where she belonged.


"Not here, anywhere but here!" Finn realized she was back to the one place she wished she wouldn't have to see again. She heard the roar of the engines long before she saw the cars and started running for the trees, hoping she didn't survive all that she had only to be caught by slavers now. Veronica was in pain at the treehouse and she had to find a way back.

Hopefully, if she made it to the jungle, she could hide long enough to find another shimmer to get her back so she could actually live out her future…in the past. This time travel stuff always hurt her head.


"Marguerite, wherever you are, may it be a safer place than this." Seeing he was out of ammunition, Roxton threw his pistol aside and picked up a large branch. "Come on!" He charged for the nearest conquistador only to have him fall before he reached him. He looked down and realized he had heard a gun shot.

"Marguerite?" Roxton looked around hopefully when he heard more gunshots and saw the other conquistadors falling one by one. He dove behind a tree when he saw the remaining men raising their pistols at him. When they got close, he swung his branch and took out two of them.

When the gunfire ceased, he came out from behind his tree and saw all the remaining conquistadors were dead or too injured to be a threat. He picked up a pistol from the closest one. "Marguerite? Marguerite? Where are you?"

"I don't think I've ever been called that name before. Captain John Roxton will do."

Roxton turned at the sound of the voice and turned and came face to face with the very man he felt least likely to meet.

"Well, I can see why the buggers were hunting you, the physical resemblance is uncanny!" The captain circled Roxton in awe.

"Yes, well, I thank you for helping me out of what could have been a very nasty situation." Roxton awkwardly reached over and shook his savior's hand. "You wouldn't happened to have seen a woman with long dark hair did you? We became separated."

"No, I'm sorry to say I haven't. I would have noticed an out of place woman in the middle of the jungle."

Roxton looked disappointed and wondered how he was going to find Marguerite. He didn't know if she was back in their own time or if she was somewhere else. He didn't even know how he was going to get back himself. "Well thank you for all your help, I'm sure you'll want to get back to your ship and I have to go looking for my friend."

"Yes, of course. It was my pleasure, I do hope you find your friend. Good luck to you." With a nod of his head, Captain Roxton walked off leaving Roxton alone to begin his search.