A/N: Sorry for the wait again! I had huge writer's block that bugged me for the longest time and I got really busy. Thank you for the reviews! They encourage me to keep on writing this story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans.

Chapter 7

"I-," started Kori. "I do not know right now Richard."

She got up and moved away from Richard. Her heart was telling herself to go back and tell Richard yes. Her mind was more worried about what would happen if they did get back together and problems that may cause. How long was it before he would leave them or how could he give up being Nightwing? It was a part of him and she didn't know if he would be able to give it up.

"Kori," Richard whispered.

Kori felt shocked as she heard him whisper her name. He wrapped his arms around her waist and Kori could feel tears fill up in her eyes. She felt safe and warm in his embrace so happy to be there. She remembered the cold nights in which she woke and he wasn't there. She hated being alone and loved every minute she was with him. Every time it seemed that she wanted to stop everything that was happening. She couldn't Richard's touch was something she could never escape.

"Could we work this out?" asked Kori.

"I know we can," said Richard. "I promise you this."

"Promises can be broken," said Kori sadly. "You've broken them before."

"I hate being away from you and Mari and Conner," said Richard. "I don't want to lose you. This is a promise intend not to break. I love you Koriand'r."

"I know," whispered Kori half closing her eyes.

"You and this family are something I don't want to lose. You were all standing in front of me and kept running away when I thought I was done running," said Richard. "Good things never really lasted in my life before you Kori."

Kori smiled and turned to face her husband and hugged him gently. Maybe it could work and then they could really be husband and wife.

"Maybe we should try again," said Kori. "This time we shall not make the same mistakes."

Richard smiled and kissed his wife on the lips and Kori's eyes seemed to sparkle in the darkness. He loved looking at her eyes, one of his favorite features of his wife. He wrapped his arm around her waist and they headed for the bedroom.


A little later Kori Grayson laid her head on her husband's chest with huge smile. He was playing with her hair as they laid there in the darkness.

"I do not feel tired," said Kori. "Even through tomorrow is going to be long day."

"I know," said Richard and chuckled. "Today I was thinking, do you remember the first time I told you I loved you."

"Yes why?" asked Kori.

"It wasn't the way I had planned out. My original idea was completely different," said Richard.


Robin stormed into the Tower as Starfire floated behind him. He wasn't happy lately he had been upset about little things and avoiding Starfire. It had been a couple months since Starfire and Robin had been dating. Recently, Starfire had been worried that Robin was not happy with her and wanted to break up. She followed Robin into the hallway away from the rest of the team.

"Robin?" asked Starfire now standing on the floor.

"What!" snapped Robin.

"Why are you acting like this?" asked Starfire. "You are rude and very irritable to be around. You have been avoiding me too. Do you wish to initiate the break up?"

"Starfire you don't understand!" yelled Robin. "I just want to be alone!"

He could have smacked himself there yelling at her. Starfire had sad look on her face facing Robin.

"I shall leave you alone," said Starfire as started walking away.

"Star don't leave I love you," said Robin.

"What?" asked Starfire turning around.

"I said I love you," said Robin.

She froze in her spot not knowing what to say. She couldn't seem to form the words in her mouth.

"Robin, I-," started Starfire.

"You what?" asked Robin.

"I love you too," said Starfire.

Before they could do anything else the alarm went off for the second time that day. Robin held his hand out Starfire grabbed it and together they went to fight for second time that day.

Flashback ended

"Or your marriage proposal," said Kori giggling. "I have a picture you must see."

She scurried out of bed for the minute and quickly went to the closet and grabbed a box. Inside were many pictures of different things and people. She grabbed two of them and ran back to bed. She settled into her husband's embrace and showed him the picture.

"Oh man who took this one?" asked Richard looking at the picture.

"Victor did," said Kori. "He gave it to me awhile after you proposed."

The picture had Robin and Starfire kissing even through they were covered in Plamsus' goo after fighting him. Raven and Beast boy were standing not far away looking at them.

Flashback (Weee!)

Plamsus had gotten a lucky shot at Robin and Starfire who were soon covered with huge amount of goo. They flew some feet away while the other Titans were still fighting. Robin had his arms wrapped around Starfire when they were finally stopped sliding because of the goo.

"Are you okay?" asked Robin as he sat up.

"Yes I am undamaged. I only wish to take shower," said Starfire. "Fighting Plamsus is not fun."

"Yeah usually takes me a couple showers to get the stench off," said Robin smiling.

Starfire laughed and then everything got quiet as they sat there for a minute. Starfire was trying to get some of the goo out of her hair and Robin helped her.

"Thank you," said Starfire. "I think we should get out of the goo."

As they were getting up Starfire slipped falling on top of Robin.

"Will you marry me?" asked Robin.

"Robin," whispered Starfire not moving or looking at him.

"I know it's not really romantic and not best marriage proposal but I have been thinking for a long time about this," said Robin. "I love you Koriand'r."

"Yes," said Starfire.

"Yo guys you two okay!" yelled Cyborg followed by Beast boy and Raven.

"Yeah better then okay," said Robin.

Flashback faded

She curled closer to Richard as they looked at the picture. Richard noticed the second picture there Kori was lying there with tiny Conner in her arms asleep. Richard was next to her arm wrapped around her and Mari in between the two of them.

"Don't tell me Rachel took this one," said Richard.

"Yes she did," said Kori.


Kori Grayson left another message with Alfred at Wayne Manor. She had been trying to get hold of her husband for the last few days. She wanted him to be home in time for their second child's birth. He hadn't been home for three months now and hadn't been returning her calls. When he did call he kept them short and promised he'd call again soon. Kori hung up the phone again as she told Alfred to give him the message. She sighed and looked over to Rachel who been staying over to help watch Mari and help out.

"I left another message with Alfred," said Kori who looked tired and worn out.

"You should lay down," said Rachel. "You don't look good."

"I am fine," said Kori forcing smile to her face.

She clenched her stomach in pain and Rachel knew that it was time. Kori had been acting strange all day and Rachel knew she was in labor.

"Kori why didn't you tell me?" asked Rachel getting the phone to call Victor and Gar.

"I wanted Richard to be here," said Kori as she winced in pain.

Rachel muttered something under her breath and concentrated on her best friend. 'Richard you better get your butt here soon.'


Sweat and a little bit blood were on his face as he peeled back his mask. Richard Grayson stood in the Batcave as he just arrived. Bruce was nowhere to be found since he was attending to some Justice League business not that he fill Richard in. Alfred was standing there as Richard grabbed something off his bike.

"Miss Kori has called again today," said Alfred. "She requested that you urgently call her back."

"I'll call back in couple of hours," said Richard.

"Master Grayson," said Alfred interrupting his research.

"What is Alfred?" asked Richard looking at his butler.

"Miss Roth is on the phone," said Alfred. "She wants to talk to you immediately."

"Tell her I'll call her back," said Richard.

"She refuses and wants to talk to you," said Alfred.

Richard grabbed the phone reluctantly wondering why Rachel would be calling right now.

"Hello," said Richard.

"Hello did you forget you have a wife or that she was pregnant?" asked Rachel. "I'm calling from the hospital."

"Hospital? Is Kori alright and is the baby okay? Tell me now Rachel!" demanded Richard.

"The baby's fine and you had a boy. Kori isn't they said something went wrong. Victor is trying to get more information," said Rachel.

Richard cursed putting everything that he had been working on in a bag. He had to get home to Kori. If anything happened to her he would never forgive himself. He should have called when he got back instead he was trying finish up what he had started.

"Rachel I'm coming back as soon as possible. Keep me posted on Kori," said Richard.

"Alright," said Rachel then hung up.

Getting home wasn't exactly the easy task. Things seemed to be going wrong. He arrived home the next day and called Rachel who was at the Grayson's house. He walked in saw and Victor and Gar making lunch without fighting.

"Where's Kori!" demanded Richard.

"Shh! Richard be quiet. She's in bed resting she wanted to come home and last time I checked she was asleep," said Rachel.

He raced to their room and instead of sleeping Kori was sitting up holding a small baby in her arms smiling as she saw Richard. Mari was sitting on the bed next to her looking at the baby.

"I'm big sister," said Mari smiling at the baby. "Daddy!"

"Shh! Mari please do not do that you'll wake your brother," said Kori.

"I'm so sorry Kori," said Richard as came towards them. "I should have been there."

"Conner meet your daddy," said Kori letting the small child passed forth to Richard's arms.

Richard smiled at the little boy in his arms as he held him. He told to Mari move over and he sat down next to his daughter and close to his wife. It wasn't long before they all were like in that photo.

Flashback ended

Richard smiled at that picture and looked over and his Kori was asleep already. He placed the photo on the nightstand next to him. A second chance to start over and this time he wouldn't make the same mistakes again.

"I love you," whispered Richard.


Hopefully the next chapter won't take as long and you guys won't have to wait as long. Thanks for reading!