Hiya::waves: It is I, yes, you guessed it, Lady Tzahra, back with more Yuki/Kyo smut! XD

But to me, it is more than smut, it is a way of exercising my urges to write without having to think that much, which is nice. I've had so much work for school recently, I've been hardly able to think, but I'm feeling slightly better now, and Incense came out of that.

I would like to thank a friend on mine for bringing up cat nip, because it had never occored to me before as something to use in a fanfiction, but, last night I got inspired, and here's the result right in front of us.

Yes, just like in all my other stuff, Yuki is on top. Why? Because I say so. And what I say, goes. :nods:

Anyway, please enjoy! I'll have chapter two up as soon as I can! Please review!

Much love, Tzahra

Disclaimer: I don't own Furuba. If I did, Tohru would be dead. DEAD. AND BURRIED IN A SHALLOW GRAVE ONLY TO BE DUG UP AND EATEN BY RABID STARVING WOLVES. Anyway, yeah, I don't own it. Natsuki Takaya does!

Tohru knocked on the door to Shigure's office. "Come in!" She entered the room and Shigure smiled at her.

"Dinner's ready!" She said, smiling back at him.

"Excellent, I'll be there in a second." Shigure paused and sniffed the air. "Tohru-kun are you burning incense?" He asked.

"Oh, um, yes!" Replied Tohru. "Yuki-kun asked me to burn them!"

"That's odd," said Shigure thoughtfully. "But never mind, you said dinner was ready?"


Kyo had been walking back down the hallway toward his room when he heard Tohru say dinner was ready. He was about to go downstairs when he stopped dead in his tracks. 'That smell,' he thought. 'No, it can't be...'

It could.

Quick as a flash Kyo sprinted back to his room and slammed the door, then went and lay down on his bed. 'Who the hell would burn cat nip incense!' he thought furiously. As if on cue, the answer knocked on his door. "What!" Yuki stepped into the room, leaning casually against the door frame.

"Honda-san says dinner's ready," he said. Kyo rolled over so he wasn't facing Yuki.

"I'm not hungry," he replied irritably. This was true; the smell of cat nip that was wafting through the open door was making him feel dizzy and lightheaded. Yuki sighed and sat down on the bed.

"Come on Kyo, get up." Kyo didn't answer. "Get up, you stupid cat!" Still, Kyo did not respond. Yuki lay down on the bed up against Kyo so they were spooning. Yuki smelled so strongly of cat nip it was enough to make Kyo go crazy. He wanted nothing more than to relax against the other boy. However, the intoxicating aroma was making him twitch and shudder, not out of drunkenness, but out of arousal. He could feel blood rushing between his legs and it was all Kyo could do not to pounce on Yuki. His self control reached breaking point when he felt Yuki's warm breath on the back of his neck slowly moving up toward his ear. Kyo bit his lip and he could feel himself blushing. "Kyo..." Yuki whispered in his ear.

Whatever tiny thread Kyo's resolve was hanging by snapped. He flipped Yuki onto his back and jumped on top of him, kissing him at a bruising intensity. Kyo forced his tongue into the other boy's mouth and moaned as he thrust his hips up, grinding against Yuki. The smell of cat nip on Yuki was so overwhelming it was making Kyo harder, he was almost mad with desire.

Yuki mustered all his strength and pushed Kyo off him, pinning him to the bed. "Bad kitty," panted Yuki through swollen lips. "You get dessert after dinner." Kyo let out an angry moan, yelling at Yuki incoherently. "N-no! I want you now! I-I need, Yu-Yuki!" Yuki bit his lip. Seeing Kyo with his flushed sweaty face practically begging for him turned him on. A lot. But he would wait, just like he was making Kyo.

"After dinner, kitten," said Yuki calmly, and he left the room. Kyo, muttering angrily under his breath followed. His thinking was fuzzy and he kept almost falling over. Yuki would have let Kyo lean on him, but didn't want to risk Kyo trying anything.

After what seemed like hours, Yuki and Kyo reached the dining room and sat down at the table next to each other. The room was slightly hazy with the smoke from an incense burning on a table in the corner. Kyo's breathing grew heavy and his feeling of lightheadedness increased, so he closed his eyes.

"Here you are, everyone!" Tohru's shrill voice cut through the air as she entered the room. Kyo put his hand against his forehead at the noise and leaned back in his seat. "Kyo-kun, are you okay?" Asked Tohru, concerned.

"I'm, fine," gasped Kyo.

"You don't look fine at all," she persisted. "Are you feverish!" She put her hand on his forehead. Grateful for any touch at this point, even from Tohru, Kyo moved into the contact. He looked over at Yuki, wishing it was his touch instead, only to find Yuki with a look on his face that said quite clearly: If-you-keep-doing-that-I'm-going-to-leave-you-alone-tonight-so-watch-your-step-uke. Kyo pulled away.

"No," Kyo groaned softly. "I'm just dizzy." Tohru still looked concerned.

"Well, all right, if you're sure. I made noodle soup, but I took out the leeks for you, Kyo-kun." Kyo's nod looked more like an involuntary twitch. When everyone had been served, Kyo tried to eat, but it all tasted awful. There was only one thing he wanted to taste right now...

"The incense has burned out," Shigure pointed out suddenly.

'Thank God', thought Kyo.

"Yuki-kun, should I light another one?" Yuki gave Kyo a very nasty smile before nodding.

"Yes, thank you, Honda-san." She smiled at Yuki and lit another one before coming back to sit at the table. The sweet smoke emitted from the incense rose over the table and hung in an ominous cloud. Kyo bit down hard on his lower lip, fighting against the hard moan trying to get out of him. He spread his legs apart, allowing his aching member as much room as he could without taking off his pants. Kyo's head was spinning, he only wanted to escape from the table, from the cat nip, with Yuki.

But no such luck. He looked at Yuki imploringly, his breathing was harsh and laboured and his face was flushed and sweaty. He pleaded with Yuki with his expression, but Yuki only smiled a wicked smile and listened to Tohru and Shigure's conversation. Kyo moaned softly to himself, putting his hand on the back of his neck and rubbing it. His body responded to the touch almost instantly and he did more, massaging the tense muscles in his shoulders. Yuki either didn't notice or didn't care because he didn't say anything. Then, finally...

"I'm going to go to bed, thank you for dinner, Honda-san," came Yuki's voice, interrupting Kyo's thoughts. Even in his mind, which was an utter mess at the moment, he understood what this meant: Yuki had tortured him long enough. Kyo watched Yuki get up and leave the room, catching his eye briefly. After Kyo heard Yuki's bedroom door closed, he got up, staggering slightly, and mumbled he was going to bed too.

He walked, swaying slightly, up the stairs to Yuki's room, finally locating the right door. He didn't even bother knocking and opened the door, staggering into the room. Yuki was standing in the middle of the room half-way through taking his shirt off, his face looking slightly suprised. "Typically one knocks before entering, stupid cat," said Yuki coldly, pulling his shirt back down.

"Fuck you," moaned Kyo, his speech slurring slightly. He walked as straight as he could toward Yuki, and pounced.

I totally need to go by cat nip right now... XD

Review and I'll be very happy! And I know you all live to make mehappy. And even if you don't, review anyway.