Okay guys, I apologize ahead of time for how short this chapter is, And I'm sorry it took me so long to post, Ya see in August my Bf broke up with me, School started back, and I got Grounded for cussing, Then in September my Friend died (He would have been 18 Yesterday), and then 2 weeks later My uncle died too, Midterms ect. Plus I have a big project coming up.

Ed: I'm not in this chapter :(

It will be okay you will be next chap.

Ed: Yay! On with the chap.

Oh thanks for the reviews everyone. Here goes.

Chapter 8

Enter The Evil!

Cayos' alarm blared through her room. Damn it! Is it time for school already? Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!

Cayos drug herself out of bed. Her beautiful long black hair that had been pulled into a pony tail the night before was a black mess on top of her head. A single red streak, a reminder of Saturday night, fell into her face. She pushed it away and looked over at her clock.

Damn! It's 5 a.m.! Holland must have set my alarm again. He always likes to be at school early and hates it when I push last minute. If only my car wasn,t in the shop. Oh, well. Dale said that I would get it back before Friday so I will have it in time for Brett's costume party! That's a plus.

Damn I have to see Ed today. What am I going to say to him? I can't just ignore him can I? I only remember bits and pieces of Saturday night, but I remember the fight and how he took care of me. He even showed me his secret place and Winry said he never shows anyone that place. Winry too! Damn, what am I going to do?

Cayos worried about this the whole time she was getting ready.

"Cayos, are you ready yet," called a voice, "can I come in?"

"Yeah Holland you can come in I'm dressed. Just let me finish my hair and make up and I will be ready."

"Sounds cool." The door opened and in came tall, dark, and handsome. Holland was wearing a black shirt with the words "So what if I slept with your girlfriend?" written across it in bold lime green letters.

"I like your new shirt when did you get it?" Cayos asked as she finished curling the single red streak in her hair.

"I got last weekend. I thought it was funny. Can I ask why you curled the red and straightened the black?"

"Because I want to be different."

"Nami Satchico did that same thing last week except it was a blue streak not red."

"Oh, well! I don't care!"

"So, my friend Winry said that you ad quite a Saturday night. She also said her roommate walked in on you while you were in the shower."

"I don't want ta talk about it right now can we go? I'm ready."

"Yeah, let's go."

Well click the Sexy Blue Button and reiew 10 and I will TRY to update.
