Hey, I'm back! This is actually just a tester two-shot since I have been having bad luck with FanFiction updating. Right By Your Side should be posted as soon I get some torture ideas for Edmund besides stabbing, burning, hitting, kicking, strangling, and starving. If you have any ideas, please tell me! Also, both of the Pevensie parents are dead (will be explained). The Pevensie children are able to come and go from Narnia as much as they like, so they are forever going to rule even after death. All of the schools are made up as well.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the firemen, doctors, classmates, and teachers.

WARNING: This is a dark, dramatic, and sad fic so I suggest you get a box of tissues (or two). It will have a happy ending, though. Also, forgive my grammar and spelling mistakes. I suck at them. This is just a small taster for RBYS. I'm so evil.

St. Christopher's Academy for Young Boys, December 23, 1944:

"PEVENSIE?" Edmund stopped dead in his tracks. He slowly turned around; eyes filled with fear. There behind him, was the worst bully gang in the school, The Dead Men (A/N: Really corny, I know). It seemed that they had gotten a new member; a very young member.

"Y…ye…yes?" Ed stuttered in his words. The bullies smirked at his nervousness.

"Y…ye…yes?" The head bully, Mario, mocked him with a laugh and a sneer. "You're pathetic, Pevensie, pathetic!" Edmund looked down, trying to hide his fear.

"Have you met our newest member, Markus; my little brother?" He still smirked as he put a hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "Of course you haven't. You too slow." Edmund remained quiet.

"What? Cat got you're tongue?" Mario's second-in-command, Samson, sneered at the eleven year old.

"SPEAK YOU BLOODY PIECE OF CRAP!" Mario went up and kicked Edmund in the stomach, making the child double over in pain.

"Pathetic Pevensie! Pathetic Pevensie!" The gang sang.

"Awww! Did I hurt you?" The head bully mocked as he started to repeatedly kick the boy on the floor.

"Come on boys, join in the fun!" The other members ran towards their leader and started beating Edmund like there was no tomorrow. The white tiled floor started turning pink as a result of the blood. Edmund didn't utter a sound.

"CRY, DANG YOU!" Mario screamed. Yet, Edmund still didn't speak.

The beatings continued until a loud sound erupted from the entrance of the school, followed by the screams of many boys and teachers. The bullies stopped and ran from the scene, leaving Edmund huddled up on the floor.

By now, everyone was out of the building, everyone except Ed. He still lay on the floor surrounded by blood, barley conscious. Above him, the ceiling was starting to cave in and debris was falling. The fire department and police had arrived as soon as the building's second explosion had happened, but by time they had all of their equipment ready, the building had completely collapsed.

The teachers were doing roll count (A/N: I don't know if they did that back then, but oh well) when Madam Eleanor Craft suddenly realized that they were short one student; one eleven year old orphaned student.

"Has anyone seen Mr. Pevensie!" She yelled over her students. After a bunch of negative nods, she panicked. The twenty-eight year old ran over to the principal (or whatever he's called) and started screaming.

"Ms. Craft! Ms. Craft! You must calm down!" She calmed down, but she was still teary eyed. "Now, tell me what's wrong."

She took a deep, shaky breath. "Edmund Pevensie is missing! I cannot seem to find him anywhere!"

The principal had a look of utter shock on his now pale face. Letting go of the teacher's shoulders he practically flew over towards the nearest fireman.

Enlightening the man on the situation, the fireman, Charlie as he had introduced himself, assembled a team and went searching through the debris, hoping to find the child.

Charlie's P.O.V:

In all my life as a fireman, I have never had to handle a situation quite as delicate as this. From what I've been told, a young boy, Edmund Pevensie, I believe, is somehow trapped under the rubble. The chances of finding him alive are one to zero, but my team and I are hoping for a miracle.

Two hours later:

We've been searching for two hours now and I'm starting to give up hope. However, my co-worker, Andrew, seems to have found something. It appears to be a white tile drenched in a sticky red liquid; blood. We may be close to the boy since the blood seems fairly new.

"Charlie!" I turn around to see my friend Samuel waving me over. I run towards him and I soon see his distressed and pale face.

"We've found him Charlie and he is amazingly breathing…" He trails off.

"But…" I coax him. He looks at me straight in the eye and tells me it straight forward.

"He is simply covered in blood! He has a long gash across his forehead, many many bruises, a broken left leg and arm, and a scorched back. He also appears to have a severe concussion and trouble breathing. If we don't get him to the hospital soon he will surely die!" My good friend looks close to tears and I fear that I am too. No child should ever have to go through this, especially in a time of war.

After I get over my shock, I regain my voice. "MEN! WE MUST MOVE QUICKLY IF WE ARE TO SAVE THIS BOY'S LIFE!" Sam lifts the boy gently from his spot and starts running off towards the crowd of people waiting to see if we have found him. As he runs by me, I catch sight of the boy.

It is a horrid sight, and I wouldn't even wish it on that despicable, putrid, awful Adolf Hitler (A/N: When I first learned about him, I wanted to go back in time and kill him twenty times to the underworld. Who agrees with me? plz reply in your review). The sight of that poor boy, covered in blood, will haunt me till my dying day and I can only pray that he shall live.

Normal P.O.V.

When the team arrived back on the safety grounds, a medical helicopter was waiting to take Edmund to the Royal London Hospital for Children in, well, London.

The firemen passed by the crowd of students and teachers, all of which were in total horror upon seeing Edmund. True, he had no friends, but it was still a horrible sight; even The Dead Men were in shock.

Sam handed Edmund over to the waiting doctors, who immediately loaded him onto a travel bed and plugged him into machines (A/N: Some modern medicine will be used don't flame cuz they add more drama to the story). In a matter of seconds they were airborne and on their way to London.

Charlie slowly walked over to the principal, who seemed to be rooted in his spot. Taking out a notebook, Charlie cleared his throat and started asking questions.

"The boy's name is Edmund Pevensie and he is eleven years old, correct?" The older man could only nod.

"Where can we contact his parents?"

The old man paused for a moment looking sad. "Both of his parents are dead. His father was killed fighting the Nazis and his mother died of a broken heart."

Charlie looked startled and it took a moment before he could continue. "Where and who does he live with?"

Taking a deep breath, the principal spoke. "He lives in the country with Professor Diggory Kirke and his siblings. Peter and Susan are the eldest at fourteen and thirteen, and Lucy is the youngest at age ten."

"Where can I contact them?"

"The Professor is currently in American and cannot be reached. However, Peter Pevensie is currently attending St. John's Boarding School for Boys near London and both of their sisters, Susan and Lucy Pevensie, are currently attending St. Mary's Boarding School for Girls near Oxford University." Charlie nodded and left to go contact Edmund's siblings.

St. John's Boarding School for Boys: Mr. Letener's Science Room:

"Hello Peter." Peter Pevensie lifted his head up at the sound of his name. Smiling when he saw his friend, Peter waved him over.

"Hello Will, how are you?" William Monroe plopped down in his seat next to Peter.

"Oh you know, I saw a few pretty girls, got their addresses, and I now have some girlfriends." Peter sighed and put his head in his hands.

"Can't your ever just have one girlfriend at a time?"

"Now what's the fun in that?" Will laughed until the teacher came in as Peter still looked disapprovingly at his best friend.

"Now boys, today we are going to learn about Newton's first law. Can anyone tell me what it is?" He looked around and not surprisingly found only Peter's hand up.

"Mr. Pevensie?"

"Newton's first law is that any object in rest remains in rest and any object in motion remains in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."

"Correct once again Mr. Pevensie." As the teacher turned around, William leaned over to talk to his friend.

"How do you do that?" Peter looked puzzled.

"Do what?"

"Get every single bloody answer to every single bloody question?"

"My siblings and I had some very good teachers in the country." Peter smiled remembering Narnia and all of the tutors his siblings and he had. Edmund always complained about it, but the lessons did pay off. They didn't really have to go to school anymore because they had already learned more then what one could here on Earth. Thinking of Narnia reminded him that he had to go check up and see how it was doing (A/N: Like I said before, the siblings can come and go from Narnia as much as they please. They will also revert back to the ages they were when they first entered).

"Peter, Peter!" Will yell, snapping his fingers in front of the other's face.

"Yes?" The secret High King of Narnia snapped out of his reverie and looked up at his friend, who was looking at him strangely. Then again, so was the entire class.

"You have a message Mr. Pevensie from St. Christopher's Boarding School for Boys; something about your brother." The teacher held out the telegram to his smartest student.

Peter walked up and took it. He scanned it and his face went a chalky white, his eyes filled with tears that he refused to let loose, and he started to shake. Will sprinted up to him to see what had gotten his friend so scared. He too, scanned it and when he was through he was shaking also.

"Oh Peter, I'm so sorry." He gripped his friend's shoulders, handing the letter over to Mr. Letener. The teacher took the telegram and read it out loud.

"Mr. Peter Pevensie,

We regret to inform you that your younger brother, Edmund, was horribly injured during a surprise Nazi bombing at his school. He was the only one to be injured and is barely holding onto life. Your brother has been transported to the Royal London Hospital for Children in London, England. We have already sent a telegram to your sisters and we recommend that you come to the hospital immediately after receiving this message. We give you our deepest apologies and our prayers for your brother.


Charlie Nickels on behalf of the school faculty, students, and fire and police department

The class was in a state of shock as the teacher finished. All of their eyes turned to Peter who had suddenly gotten up and stared packing his things.

"Mr. Letener, can you please call some sort of transport for me?"

"Of course Mr. Pevensie, however, you are not going alone." The class looked puzzled. "Class, we are going to be taking a little trip."

Within minutes, the class had piled onto a small bus that would take them to the hospital, where they would hopefully find an alive Edmund.

Peter was the first one off the bus into the building. The class was having a hard time keeping up with him until he reached the information desk. There, sat a kind looking young woman around the age of twenty-seven. She had long blonde hair and green eyes and was looking at them all with a sweet smile on her tan face.

"Hello, may I help you?" She had a soft voice that entranced some of the boys, but Peter was too worried about his brother to care.

"Yes, I got a telegram telling me that my brother had been transferred here." Peter panted out, his face etched in worry.

"His name?" The woman took out her book of new arrivals.

"Edmund Pevensie." The woman's head shot up and a great look of pity entered her eyes.

"Oh yes, they told me you would be coming. Please, come with me." She motioned for Peter to follow her. "Would you like someone to accompany you?"

"Will?" Will strode up to him with a sad smile.

"Right here, mate." One other boy stepped forward.

"We'll be right here, okay?"

"Thanks guys." They all nodded and the two boys left with the woman into the emergency ward.

They approached a door labeled 105B, and the woman, Denise, let them in. She then left the two in the room and silently left.

Slowly, the two fourteen year olds moved toward the bed that held Peter's little brother. When they caught sight of the boy, they had to stifle a gasp. There in the bed, lay Edmund, but he was covered in bandages and tubes and needles and all different kinds of newly invented machines.

Peter was the first to move. Rushing over to his brother, he sat down, grabbed his hand, and started brushing the strands of hair off the younger boy's forehead. Edmund looked so frail and helpless as he lay there, not even being able to breathe on his own.

Will slowly made his way over and put a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"He'll be okay."

"I hope so. By the Lion's Mane I hope so!" Peter cried as the tears he had been holding threatened to spill, but not one would he let fall. So crushed was he about his friend's reaction, that Will didn't even seem notice how strange Peter's last comment was. But then again, seem, was the key word.

St. Mary's Boarding School for Girls: One hour and a half earlier

"Oh Susan, you'll never guess what just happened?" Susan Pevensie looked at her best friend, Sophia Demares, with an anxious twinkle in her eyes.

"What?" She asked excitedly, waiting with baited breath as the two girls 'daintily' walked down the hallway towards class. Sophia put on a sly look.

"I said guess." She smirked at her friend's now exasperated face.

"Oh please, just tell me."

Sophie paused to think for a moment, before smiling a devious smile.


"You're mean."

Still smirking, Sophia replied, "I know." They giggled for a few minutes.

Gathering up her wits, Sophia asked a daring question.

"So are you and your siblings staying here or going back to the Professor's house for Christmas break?" Susan stopped walking and had a pain filled look on her face. It was a rather touchy subject.

After their parents died, the Pevensie children had become very solemn whenever they were asked about where they stayed during breaks. Not to mention that this would be the first Christmas without their parents. Not that the people of Narnia or the Professor weren't great, but sometimes the children missed the feeling of having parents.

"We're going back to the Professor's home, however it will just be us, the old grouch (A/N: Forgot how to spell her name, but you know who I mean.), and some of the maids. Professor Kirke is away in America at some kind of seminar." Susan forced a smile, which her friend knew was fake, and entered the classroom.

It was a small class with only ten girls as this was advanced arithmetic, and only the smartest girls were put into it. The teacher was a young woman of twenty-four, who had just started teaching last year. She was a fun loving teacher and was adored by all of the staff and students.

"Alright ladies, take out your books and turn to page 112, please." Madam Rosemarie Sanders told them as they started unpacking their bags. She smiled and turned towards the board, not knowing what was in store for her students, especially a young Miss Susan Pevensie.

With Lucy: Other side of the building, grade 5

"Hello class!" The teacher cried enthusiastically. The group of young girls, around the side of Susan's class minus three, smiled back at her. Like Madam Sanders, this teacher was also well loved, but more for her great sense of humor.

"Hello Madam Chrisman (A/N: That's my Language Arts teacher's name and she is one of the funniest and greatest women alive today)!" The class chorus back with happy smiles on their faces.

"Today we are going to be reading the book, The Hundred Dresses. It is about a girl who claims to have a hundred dresses, but wears the same dress to school every day."

"Now…" the young teacher was interrupted by a knock at the door. Getting up, she put the book down, only to find the principal standing in the doorway holding a telegram that was yet to be opened. They spoke quietly for a few minutes until the principal motioned for Lucy to come over.

Walking over to them, Lucy took the outstretched letter from the principal's hand and carefully opened it. Reading it once, twice, and finally a third time, Lucy turned pale and let out a heart wrenching scream with tears simply flowing down her face.

"Miss Pevensie, what's wrong?" Both women were suddenly beside the hysterical child. The young girl held out the letter for them to read.

Reading aloud, the principal read the message aloud for the group of stunned young girls. (A/N: It's basically the same thing as the other one. I'm lazy.)

Misses Susan and Lucy Pevensie,

We regret to inform you that your younger brother, Edmund, was horribly injured during a surprise Nazi bombing at his school. He was the only one to be injured and is barely holding onto life. Your brother has been transported to the Royal London Hospital for Children in London, England. We have already sent a telegram to your brother and we recommend that you come to the hospital immediately after receiving this message. We give you our deepest apologies and our prayers for your brother.


Charlie Nickels on behalf of the school faculty, students, and fire and police department

The room went dead silent. By now Lucy was up, grabbed the letter, and was rushing down the hallways towards her older sister's class, followed by her classmates and teachers.

With Susan:

"Now, who would like to come up to the board and demonstrate…" The door practically flew open as a distraught looking ten year old girl dashed through the room and flung herself onto Susan, crying her eyes out.

Getting over her shock, Susan started to sooth the girl.

"Shhhh, it's okay Lucy, whatever it is, it's okay." The older girl started to brush her sister's dark mahogany locks.

"N…nn…no, it's not alright! Edmund's been hurt!" Susan's face paled.

"What!" Lucy held out the telegram and Susan paled even more as tears formed in her eyes as well.

"No, Edmund." She whispered as tears slowly slid down her delicate face. The class looked on in concern.

"Miss Pevensie, are you alright?" The teacher asked as soon as Lucy's class and teacher plus the principal arrived in the room. Susan shook her head and handed the note over towards Sophia, who read it aloud.

When she was finished, almost all of the girls had tears in their eyes.

"I shall call for a transport right away." The principal said and walked out of the room to call for a transport.

Only forty-five minutes later, both of the classes plus the teachers and principal had arrived at the hospital. Susan and Lucy were ahead of the others by a mile as they sped forward towards the information desk.

There they saw many young boys sitting around with pale faces. A kindly woman looked over at them and upon seeing their faces she smiled the same sad smile she had given Peter.

"You must be Susan and Lucy Pevensie." The girls nodded as their classmates arrived. "Your older brother just got here. I take it you would like to see both of them." The girls nodded once more.

The woman got up and began walking, motioning for the two girls to follow. Their friends gave them encouraging smiles as the girls slowly made their way into the hospital wings. They could only pray that Edmund lived, for if he didn't the others would surely follow.

Cliffhanger! Plz review, but don't flame! I'm sick at the moment, so part two should be posted soon and then will come Right By Your Side! This will become a lot more dramatic and sad, so stay tuned. Love you all!
