Never before had the flames of vengance burnt so powerfully within one body. Human nor god had ever felt the anger, the hurt and betrayl the gaurdian diety held within his body.

On one too many nights he had stared up into the inky blackness, his eyes wandering across the clouded sky. He was in the world of the gods, and yet things didnt feel at all heavenly from his point of view. Mortals in Midgard always said that they liked looking up into the heavens, but Heimdall knew he was only looking at masses of burning gas. On a few special occasions Loki would even come and sit with him by the bridge, and they would talk a litte but most of their time together was always spent in silence.

Heimdall sometimes regretted the fact that after an amount of time, he started to have feelings for the trickster god. He wished that Loki hadnt been nice to him and hadnt made a point to speak to him when it was obvious that the gaurdian didnt want the company. Heimdall had shoved him away at first and now he wished he always had, he wished he could go back and not kiss Loki that first time. That was when things started to go a wry for him. After their first kiss . . .


Sweat trickled down his lithe body, his chest heaving in a desperate attempt to supply his lungs with air. He couldnt breath, the pain was overlapping with the pleasure and he couldnt figure out what was what. A harsh, pleading moan escaped his lips as a hand snaked around from behind and pinched his nipple between its thumb and forefinger.

It was Loki's hand.

"You know nothing will be the same between us after this, right?" The question was puncuated by a rather hard thrust that caused Heimdall to close his eyes tightly, the remenants of a whimper making its way past his clenched teeth.

"I . . . I know." He muttered, his body jerking as Loki grasped his throbbing member. His world was exploding within seconds and he slumped over the arm around his waist as the trickster finished him off roughly, his own release spilling into Heimdall like a flood that you knew had been comming but hadnt had the time to escape, so instead you drown in its wake, its overabundance overwheliming you and filling your lungs until you cant breath.

Loki released the panting god who crumpled onto the sheets, rivulets of white trailing down the backs of his thighs. Opening his eyes, Heimdall looked up into the face of his only freind, his only lover a small smile spreading over his lips. Then Loki's hand was reaching for his face, at his right eye in paticular and for the first time Heimdall felt fear, hurt, betrayl and anger at the same time.

Within seconds, Heimdalls vision consisted of only blood and tears . . .


"I dont get why you like to be alone so much." Freyr said, plopping down into the grass beside the god of light. His head tilted back to look at the night sky, at the stars. "It just seems lonely and boring to me."

Heimdall glanced at the brunette beside him. Freyr was admittdly good looking but he rather perferred the cunning, intelectual type which Freyr was not, and that was implying he were interested in having a relationship with anyone. Heimdall just wanted to be alone. He didnt want to get hurt again . . .

Freyr took the silence as an invitation to take up residence on the hill side with his wayward partner in crime, and he laid back against the grass, his arms folded under his head comfortably. "You should probably try finding a girlfreind or something. Im sure it would get your mind off this whole revenge thing."'

". . . no. It would only make it worse because it would remind me of the pain. Of the betrayl."