Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom!
Sam dragged Danny onto the dance floor and they desperately tried to keep up with the adults who were pogo-ing left and right. After about an hour they sat down at a nearby table, exhausted, and watched Tucker try and score dates with the daughters of some of Danny's parents' former classmates.

"I can't believe it," the techno-geek moaned as he sat down next to his two best friends. "Fifty girls. Fifty. And not one of them wants to go out with me."

"Did you tell them about your PDA-embroidered pajamas?" Danny asked with a snicker.
"They'd totally go for that."

"Shut up," he replied and Danny and Sam chuckled.

"Anyway, no sign of Jack Fenton yet," Danny said hopefully. "Maybe he decided to go home and we won't have to worry about any of this after all." Suddenly, the doors to the party room burst open, revealing a large man in day-glo orange spandex.

"Spoke too soon," Sam sarcastically noted.

"Vladdie, my man, how's it hangin'?" Jack's booming voice carried across the room, causing everyone present to stop whatever they were doing and turn around to face him. Danny heard his father's voice echoing in his skull; he was trying to communicate with them via his ghostly telepathy.

Daniel, Jasmine, find someplace secluded to transform. Float alongside the idiot, invisible, and wait for the signal. Maddie, once I leave to transform you need to distract him, but then get out of the way once the fireworks begin. The voice faded away as Vlad approached the larger man.

"Be right back," Danny told his friends. "Time to put the plan into action," Sam gave him a thumbs-up and Tucker winked. The third and youngest hybrid left the room while his friends turned their attention to the front of the room where the old college buddies were 'reliving the good ole days'.

"Jack, it's so good to see you again," Vlad squeaked out, as he was trapped in Jack's massive bear hug.

"You too, V-man. What have you and Maddie been up to these days?"

"We co-own a company, Dalv Corp."

"Is that so? Any ghost stuff?"

"Not really, no. How about you, have you kept up with ghost hunting?"

"Of course! In fact, I just invented a new gadget that allows me to pinpoint exactly where a ghost is. I call it the Fenton Ghost Detection Device!" He pulled out the metallic object with a flourish and it began beeping as soon as it was pointed at Vlad.

"You'd have to be an idiot not to see the ghost right in front of you," it said in its tinny voice. Jack began pounding it with his fist.

"Darn thing is on the fritz…" he mumbled as Maddie walked up to them.

"Maddie! You look fabulous! How've you been doing these days?" Jack shouted.

"Don't leave me alone with him," She whispered pleadingly into Vlad's ear.

"Don't worry, darling," he replied as they felt a sudden temperature drop and Jack's ghost detecting device heated up and exploded. "I'll be joining you in just a minute, and the kids are right here just in case."

"If you say so," Maddie put on a fake smile and turned to Jack as Vlad left the room. "Hi, Jack, I've been doing just fine," she said. Jack's eyes flashed red for a second and a small grin appeared on Maddie's face.

"Vlad tells me that you've stopped hunting ghosts," Jack said. "Is this true? How could you have forgotten everything we've worked for over the years?"

"Vlad and I have moved on to bigger and better things."

"Well, I'm still loyal to our old ideals. In fact, not only have I discovered new ways to combat ghosts, but I can also control them to do my bidding. Watch this: Plasmius family, front and center!" he barked. Danny, Jazz, and a Vlad duplicate materialized in front of him. Everyone in the room screamed and ran for cover.

"I've never forgiven Vlad for stealing you away from me, Maddie," Jack began. "So after I settled down and built up my own lab and ghost portal, I used some of my inventions on these three to 'convince' them to follow me blindly. Now I can use the power of the ghosts that you and Vladdie shunned against you!" He turned towards the three ghosts and yelled, "attack!"

Danny, Jazz, and Vlad swooped around the room and strafed the guests with nonlethal energy blasts, as the object of this deception was to scare everyone and ruin Jack's reputation, not kill them. The extent of the damage done to the majority of them was a few scorch marks, nothing particularly life-threatening.

"Not good enough," the possessed Jack chastised. "Vladimir, Jazzmine, Daniel, you're not to simply let them go with a few burns. Kill them. Kill them all."

"Yes, master," they replied in monotone voices. The three halfas flew to the center of the room and combined their energies into a massive sphere radiating raw power. All of the guests except for Sam and Tucker took this as their cue to stampede out of the castle screaming bloody murder and drive off into the night. Danny, Jazz, and Vlad allowed the energy to die down and the original Vlad flew out of Jack and fused with his duplicate.

"Huh…what…" Jack mumbled dazedly. He saw the three ghosts floating in the center of the room and yelled "Ghost!" as he pulled a large Fenton Bazooka out from one of the multiple pockets of his jumpsuit. The three halfas grinned at each other and swarmed Jack, their slipstreams creating a large whirlwind around him. Jack tried shooting the bazooka randomly into the whirlwind but he kept missing. Suddenly, Vlad, Jazz, and Danny stopped circling Jack and floated directly in front of them. They raised their hands and shot at him with energy blasts. They chased him out of the castle and into his RV, from which sprung a gazillion different types of anti-ghost weapons.

Vlad sighed and made three duplicates of himself, and the four of them easily disabled all of the weapons. He, Jazz, and Danny combined their energies again, and this time sent the sphere of ectoplasmic energy directly at the RV. Fortunately for Jack, he had thought to activate the portable ghost shield so that the attack bounced off harmlessly. Admitting defeat, Jack drove off into the night with the ghost shield still running. The three halfas floated down to the ground and transformed just as Maddie, Sam, and Tucker ran outside to join them.

"Awesome!" Sam exclaimed.

"Yeah, but why did you have to shoot at all of the ladies?" Tucker asked them.

"So that you could dive into the blasts, save their lives, and win them over." Jazz replied.

"Yeah, like Tuck would ever risk his skin for anyone else, even a girl," Danny rejoined.

"Anyway," Maddie interrupted. "Now everyone thinks that Jack is insane,"

"Which isn't too far from the truth," Vlad added.

"And he's too afraid of your power to ever come here and bother us again." Maddie continued. "His reputation is ruined and you managed to do it without exposing yourselves. Great work, everybody!"

"Yeah, we should celebrate." Danny said. "But how?"

"I know a way," Tucker said slyly.


"Orange Mocha Frappuchino!" he shouted. Everyone cheered and ran into the castle.


Whoo! First fic I've ever finished! By the way, I got the orange mocha frappuchino thing from Zoolander. Thanks for all of the reviews! ttfn!