he's never enough

and still more than I can take...

Kelly Clarkson-Beautiful Disaster


"I can't believe that in a few short days we will leave this place." I said as Harry and I took a stroll out to Hagrid's house. He had apparently acquired some soft-shell Screwts. They are supposedly the gentler version of the hard shell variety. I sincerely doubt it.

"Well we would be an extension of Hogwarts out in London wouldn't we?" Harry said softly.

"I suppose I could look at it that way." I said leaning my head on his shoulder. I was so glad he was out and about. The students were glad too. They now looked more confident that they were ready for the NEWT's because he had returned. As was I. The Seventh Years were Harry's, I had the Fifth Years.

"Do you think you're ready?" Harry asked.

"No... But I never think so do I?" I answered.

Harry grinned and kissed the top of my head. "Luna, you have to return next year. I will be at Muggle School... and Seventh year is important."

We turned to face the edges of the Black Forest, and Ron and Luna stood there arguing. "All I am saying, is that I don't know that I will be able to."

"Why not?" Ron nearly shouted.

"I think I'm pregnant Ronald, that's why." She stated squaring off with him. Ron stared his face even paler than usual.

"Oh no." I said softly.

"Hermione, that is none of our business." Harry said.

"I can't just stand by and let her not be sure." I stated and moved ahead.

Harry followed reluctantly. Our friends stood unaware of our approach. "pregnant." Ron whispered finally. His eyes locked upon Luna.

"Pregnant." Luna repeated. Ron reached out and held her in his arms. Luna began to cry.

I cleared my throat and waited for them to separate. They looked at us and I couldn't help but smile. So what if she were pregnant. She was of age, and so was he. Luna smiled back. "Do you want to go check?" I asked

Luna nodded, and I took her hand leading her to the Castle. Talk to him Harry. I thought.

All right.


"Stay Here, I'll go get the potion from Madame Pomfrey." I said heading out of my chambers.

I hoped that she had a potion ready. I hurried from my chambers to the hospital wing. I peeked inside the room was empty. "Madame Pomfrey?" I called out.

"In here Professor." She said from her potions room.

"Wonderful, Madame Pomfrey, I need a favor from you." I said nervously and hoped she didn't insist on doing the test herself.

"I need a potion, to determine weather I am pregnant or not." I said, "And if not, I need a birth control option."

"well I could perform the test for you right now if you like." Just what I thought she'd say.

"I want to take it privately if you don't mind." I stated, Madame Pomfrey looked hurt. But she handed me a vial with the clear potion.

"You and the professor need to be more careful if you aren't ready to have children." She said handing me some herbs that I was to make into a tea. "Drink that tea every morning, only if this test comes back negative.

"Thank you." I said and headed back to my chambers.


"You better appreciate what I just did for you Luna." I said coming into my chambers. "I've gotten a lecture, so you will be getting one from me."

"I do appreciate it Hermione, really." Luna said pitifully, "How do you and Harry Manage it?"

"Manage what?" I said pulling out a pricking needle.

"I mean, everyone knows how... Madly passionate you and professor Hotter are." I froze and looked at her.

"Everyone?" I asked pricking her finger and allowing a few drops of blood to fall into the potion.

Luna giggled. "You've been seen, The astronomy Tower, In his office... In yours." I blushed setting the potion down. "In the lake, on the bridge... That was a good one by the way, we could hardly tell until you..."

"That's enough Luna, I got it." I interrupted beginning to feel the heat spread all over me.

"We all think it's incredibly sweet." Luna shrugged, "Well at least I do."

"Thank you Luna." I say feeling uncomfortable.

"Anyway, how is it that you have not been in my predicament?" Luna asked getting back on subject.

"I know how to protect myself." I said coming to her with the pouch of herbs. "This brewed into a Tea will help prevent pregnancy."

She took it, "I've got this in my potions Kit too..."

I nodded. "Not many people know about it." I sigh then walk away. "There is also a Shielding spell that I use to shield my womb. The bad thing is that the spell when used too often will make you barren."

"Are You Barren?" Luna asked.

"No." I answered then blushed slightly. Luna's eyes went wide then she smiled.

"Thank you Professor." That had been the first time she had called me that outside of class.

I turned my attention back to the potion. I lifted the vial and looked right through the potion. "I hope you weren't attached to the idea of pregnancy."

"I'm not pregnant?" Luna said excitedly. I shook my head and Luna shouted for joy.

"Just don't do this again without protecting yourself." I said softly.

What's the Verdict? I heard from the back of my mind.

All Clear.

You ever want any children? I watched an ecstatic Luna run out of my chambers and out towards the main entrance.

What do you say we just finish our NEWT's then we can discuss it.


"Oh Yes," I said as the most wonderful sensation took over me. "Oh, Harry."

Harry's eyes were shut tightly. He was so close but trying not to end our encounter prematurely. Gods he got better and better at this the more we did it. He took my Nipple in his mouth. The extra sensitivity in the offending nipple sent a jolt through me that sent me over the edge.

"Oh God." Harry said finally letting himself go. He had been so happy to get home after the NEWT's. I must say I truly do love Godric's Hollow, it's so peaceful here.

He fell limply on top of me. I loved the weight of him on me, but it was getting harder every day. I needed to tell Harry about the baby, I just didn't know how.

"Harry," I whispered beginning to feel the pressure on my bladder. "I need you to get up please."

He looked at me. Was that hurt in his eyes as he did what I asked. "I'm sorry."

"No, I love it when we lay like that, though it's getting harder every day." I tried to explain.

"What do you mean?" He asked, a look of concern in his eyes.

I reached for his hand and placed it on my lower abdomen. "Do you remember that you asked me how I felt about children?"

He smiled, He knew... of course he knew. "I'm sorry, I get over zealous." He leaned forward and kissed me softly. "I can't wait to hold our child."

"I love you Harry," I said. Bliss was all I could think to describe this, us.


The End