Disclaimer: Disclaimer: If Sailor Moon was mine, Tuxedo Mask and the Generals would ditch the girls and worship me at my feet

Disclaimer: If Sailor Moon was mine, Tuxedo Mask and the Generals would ditch the girls and worship me at my feet. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet.

Chapter 3

Soap opera

Serena sat tensely next to Darien. She kept her head bowed and didn't meet anyone's eyes. What disturbed her was Lord Alan's intense gaze on her. Darien sat next to her so Alan wouldn't talk to her. But the whole entire meal, he kept his eyes on Anne, who shamelessly flirted with him the whole time.

"So… Serena. It's okay if I call you that right?"

There was no answer.

"Would you like to go somewhere with me someday? What about to my kingdom?"

That caught Darien's attention.

He growled, "She's not going anywhere with you. She's staying with me. Then, she's going to marry me and stay faithful to me."

Alan held up his hands as if he was surrendering. "All I did was invite her to spend a day with me that's all. It's not like I was trying to make a pass at her. She hasn't even looked my way this whole entire time. She's been looking at you instead. Why do you treat her like a dog? She has her head bowed and is at your feet practically. Is this how you treat her? If you can't treat her fairly, then I'll take her."

There was a tense silence as the two glared at each other.

Anne let out a bored sigh. She leaned over and put her hand on Darien's arm, "Come on, you two aren't fighting over her are you? She's not even that pretty and she's looks like just a child. Looks like you robbed the cradle. How did she become engaged to you anyways?"

Hearing that, Serena got angry. She stood up so abruptly, her chair fell back. As she was about to stomp off, Darien grabbed her.

"Where do you think you are going? I didn't even excuse you yet."

Serena didn't answer but Alan answered for her.

"Look, you're doing it again! How does she love you anyways? Love is what holds a marriage together. "

Darien snorted at this and let Serena go, "Love? I don't need her love. I just need her to worship me and admire me. As long as she does what I tell her to, there will be a marriage."

Serena felt hurt and betrayed at this.

"Besides, I have beautiful women around me all the time. For example, your sister. She and I would make the ideal couple and there is nothing that Serena could do about it."

The room fell silent except for Anne's moaning into Darien's ear as he inappropriately fingered her at the table. Anne aimed her smug smirk for a split second at Serena and made sure she saw it. She even reinforced her smugness and triumph by putting her hand over Darien's and nibbling on his ear.

All these things culminated into a fierce and intense anger for Serena. She couldn't believe the nerve of Anne and especially Darien to engage in those activities in front of her and everyone else.

While Darien was too interested in staring down Anne's dress, Serena quietly walked out of the room to turn in for the night. Serena wasn't the only person fed up with Darien and Anne. Alan excused himself in a tight and controlled voice in order not to arouse Darien's suspicions.

in Serena's room

Serena sat on her bed while Alan paced back and forth, wearing a path in the carpet.

"How can you let him treat him like this? It's wrong and you know it. Besides you know that he doesn't even love you! So why do you stay with him?"

There was no answer

Alan smiled at this and went over to her. He sat down next to her and pulled her to his chest. He nuzzled her hair and rested his head on top of hers. "Why don't you come with me instead? You know he doesn't love you, so come with me. I could make you happy. This place is a dump. If you come with me, you'll be living in your own palace with jewels. "

"I'm afraid that she can't do that." Darien drawled. "Because she wants to stay with me. Don't you Serena?"

He held out his arms and smiled his devastating smile at her.

Serena pushed Alan away and ran over to Darien. He hugged her to him. "Shhhh… it's okay. I'm here now." He stroked her hair and tried to soothe her as she cried.

He then glared at Alan, "You knew from the moment that you set foot on my kingdom that she was off limits. Yet, you still tried to seduce her."

Alan shouted, "Serena, get away from him! He's only using you! Come with me and I'll make you happy!"

Serena shook her head and murmured softly, "I belong here with Darien, by his side. It's my destiny and my duty to protect Earth now because the Moon Kingdom is no longer."

Darien grinned at this,"See she agrees with me. Face it Alan, you've lost. She doesn't want you."

Alan growled at this, "I've had it with you Lunerians and your ignorant sense of duty! What about love? Forget about destiny! If you're not going to come with me, I'm going to have to force you then." He pulled a gun out of his pocket. Behind him appeared five youma.

Serena didn't know what happened because Darien suddenly pushed her down to the ground and covered her with his body as a rain fall of bullets shot through the air. One whistled by Darien's ear and left a small cut on his face. Serena watched the path of the drop of blood drip down his face. She felt frozen and didn't know what to do. Then two of the youma grabbed Darien and tried to kill him. Darien pulled out his sword and began to fight.

The senshi ran in at that moment, feeling Serena' s momentary distress.

Alan, however, still had the gun in his hand and it was aimed at Darien, who was turned around and occupied at fighting off two youma. As he shot it, everyone froze. Serena watched the path of the bullet fly towards Darien's back. She ran in front of the path of the bullet, so Darien wouldn't get shot. An unbearable pain sizzled her left arm. She watched through a hazy fog as Alan pulled the trigger again and aimed at Darien once more. Behind Alan, suddenly appeared Andrew who knocked Alan out. Serena smiled at this and then saw black.

Everyone watched in horror as Serena fell in Darien's arms. Her left arm was bleeding profusely. He ripped his shirt and used it as a makeshift bandage. But it still kept bleeding. Meanwhile, the Senshi had a problem. They had weakened the youmas slightly. What they needed was Serena to use the crystal to eliminate the youmas. But Serena was unconscious and they couldn't get her to wake up.

Darien looked down at Serena pensively in his arms. It was just like the old days again, where he would come and save Serena. Except this time, Serena had saved him and gotten hurt. And back in the old days, when Serena had fallen unconscious, all it had taken was a kiss to wake her up.

He tilted her face and kissed her hard. Slowly but surely, her eyelids began to flicker and color returned to her face. He shook her to get her to wake up faster because the Senshi were weakening.

She got up with the help of Darien. He had his arms around her waist as she pulled out the crystal. "Moon Healing Elimination!" The Youmas cried out in unison as the room filled with the crystal's power, "aaargh!"

Amazingly, instead of the youma being turned to dust or a card appearing in place of the youma, people appeared in their place.

"Lunerians?" Serena gasped as she saw this. Then, she saw black once more as she was weakened by the crystal.

Darien caught her once again and his eyes were grim as he caught the worried eyes of all the Senshi and Andrew.