Love No More aMiNe L.

Disclaimer: I don't own gravitation Ok !

Realization of the pink

Shuichi's P.O.V.

I love you.

I care for you.

And what do you do?

It's plain and simpleā€¦.NOTHING

How did we end up like this? Am I really nothing to you? All those things I did for you, were just wasted like that.

You stole everything. Why? Because you're my everything that's why. But I cant even hate you!.

Do you just do this just for amusement? Yeah just like I'm just one of your millions of fuck toys. You'll say you love me, then fuck me, and in the end leave me alone. I fell like DIRT.

Now I left and it almost 2 years I hope your happy. No more brat for you. No more Shuichi Shindou. And for me. Love is no more.

Amine L. : well it's short sorry .

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