Dynasty Warriors Poetry

By Z Star The Hidden Dragon

Games: Dynasty Warriors (Of course that's what the title says)

Genre: Poetry/ General

Summary: A fanfic full of poems from the DW character's point of view.

(Very Important Note: Ok, I'm re posting these poems, because my last sets of poems were deleted. Thanks to the chat script format. So in this version there will be no script format or keyboard dialogue. Happy Webmasters? Good. Sorry my old readers, it will take me awhile to post all my poems up again, but as God as my witness I will do it! And I really want to keep my place in FFN, so if they're any rules I'm breaking, tell me Ok? And I'll fix it. No need to report me! Hehe. Thank you! Now enjoy! Oh and another thing. If anonymous reviewers want me to reply to their reviews, leave your email! Thanks you and come again! Oh and another thing. Don't get confused if one of the poems are talking about Christmas or New Year, that's just the date I posted them.)

"Here's the first poem, it's in Xing Cai's point of view after Guan Ping dies at Han Fan Castle." Z Star. "We hope you like it. Oh and remember to review and tell us what you think of it." Xing Cai.

"So here it is..." Z Star.

Rising Star

Oh Guan Ping,

How I wish you were here,

By my side and always near,

But sadly no,

You have reached the heavens, You, Zhou Yun and my father are gone,

And your ambitions have not shone,

If you had not thrown me high into the sky,

I would not be able to fly,

As the rising star on the battlefield,

With my fork and shield, And in return,

I will not let Shu burn, I may have lost my family and friends,

But I will stay strong until the end,

To protect and defend,

Shu to the end.

"So what did you think Xing Cai?" Z Star.

"(Cries) it was very beautiful Star! (Sobs)" Xing Cai.

"Here Cai. (Hands her a tissue) Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." Z Star.

"It's all right. I liked it really, I wish Guan Ping could have read it." Xing Cai.

"I have!" Guan Ping.

"Ping! You're alive! (Hugs him)" Xing Cai.

"Yeah, you didn't think Z Star The Hidden Dragon would let me, Zhou Yun and Zhang Fei be dead did you?" Guan Ping:

"So it's a happy ending! Now for the summary of the next chapter, in Jiang Wei's point of view of Zhuge Liang, its called Hello Master! See you later." Z Star