Hi guys! This is another fic. Of mine! Please have fun!

Different world

There was a blonde tomboyish and has a golden eyes who loves making stories since she were little, she pays more attention to her stories than her studies, her name was Cagalli Yula Athha, she lives in Orb, in a small house beside the beach, she's alone in her house even in her school, Cagalli was poor, her family died 5 years ago in a car accident, she only have 1 friend, her name was Miriallia Haww, Miriallia is always there for her especially when their classmate is hurting her, she has brown hair and have a violet eyes, they were friend since Cagalli's parents died, and she's the top 1 student at their class unlike Cagalli was at the bottom. Now let's get to the story.

It was a beautiful morning, and it was Monday, the classes at the school named Destiny high started, Miriallia was on her own class listening to her teacher, then she glance at the wall clock and then sighed. "She's late again as usual." Murmured Miriallia.

Miriallia knows Cagalli very well, she will know if she's afraid, exhausted, sad, hurt, happy, everything. Then the door slammed open and to reveal a panting blonde at the doorway.

"Sorry sir, I woke up late." Said the blonde girl named Cagalli.

"Ok as usual Ms. Athha, go and take your seat now." Said their teacher named Murrue.

Cagalli went to her seat and sat beside her best friend, Miriallia.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" whispered Cagalli.

"I tried calling you on the phone, you didn't answer it." Said Miriallia.

Then someone throw a crumpled paper at Cagalli's head.

"Who did that!" shouted Cagalli.

"Me, why? Want to fight poory?" asked the pink haired Girl named Meer Campbell.

Meer was the popular girl in the school, she even flirts with all the boys there, she has a baby blue eyes and has a star pin on her bangs.

"Meer! Cagalli didn't do anything to you! So stop that!" shouted Miriallia.

"Sssssshhhh! Be quiet Ms. Haww and Ms. Campbell! Take your seat and zip your mouth!" demanded Ms. Murrue.

Miriallia and Meer sat down on their chair.


Cagalli was writing stories on her notebook, during recess she always continue her story notebook, her story was all about a protector named Athrun Zala, and there's a singer named Lacus Clyne, and her protector Kira Yamato, together they fight to protect their love ones and friends.

"Hi Cags, you okay?" asked Miriallia.

"Yeah, why?" asked Cagalli while writing the story on her notebook.

"I'm just worried about you, if our evil classmates hurt you tell me immediately." Said Miriallia worriedly.

"Don't worry I'll be fine." Said Cagalli, she was still not looking at Miriallia.

"You're always saying that! Cagalli you're not fine!" shouted Miriallia.

Then Cagalli finally stare at her friend. "Miriallia I can fight them, you know I can." Said Cagalli.

"But" said Miriallia but was cut of by Cagalli.

"I'll be really fine, I'm not a child anymore, I can handle this situation." Said Cagalli.

Miriallia sighed.

Then Their teacher came and class starts again,

Cagalli's classmates were throwing paper on her during the class, but Cagalli just ignored it.


"Take care Cagalli." Said Miriallia as she hugged Cagalli and then she waved goodbye to Cagalli.

Cagalli went home alone, then she finally reach the beach, she saw her home was just a few inches away where she was standing, Cagalli loves the beach so much, she consider it a part of her home, Cagalli throw her bag at the white sand then she took of her socks and shoes then she let her feet be cooled by the fresh water of the ocean, she smelled the fresh air around her. Then after 2 minutes of relaxing she get her shoes, socks and her bag and went home in bare foot, she didn't even care if she went home bare footing because she enjoys feeling the white sand on her feet, then she finally in her house, she get her story notebook and continued it, until she felt sleepy, Cagalli stretch her arms and she close her story notebook and she fell asleep and then she have a dream.

Cagalli can't see anything, she all see is darkness around her but she heard voices, it was a gentle voice of a man and a soft voice of a girl and another soft voice of a boy, She can't understand what are they talking about, all she heard was murmur then she woke up.

Cagalli rub her eyes then she saw her notebook was open. "why is it open? I remember it closing before I sleep." Thought Cagalli, but she ignored it then she take a bath and went to her wooden bed and she sleep.

End of chapter! (sigh) field trip is near! It's on Monday! It's so exciting! We're riding a boat! A ferry! Yeeeey! Anyways please review! Mwaaaaaaahzzzzzzzzzzzz love you all! See you in the next chap!