Hi, everyone! Welcome to my new story. I have no idea how good it is, but it's been bothering me to write it for the past few days, so I finally gave in and wrote it. Let me know what you think of it, and if I should continue this story or not. Hope you enjoy it.

"Katie, are you ready? Your friends are down here waiting for you!" my dad called from downstairs.

"I'll be there in a minute," I replied.

Today was Halloween night. My two best friends, Tammie and Sheila, and myself were going trick-or-treating together. While I had tried to convince them to dress up as Al and Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist, so that our party could have a theme to it, they insisted that they wanted to be what they wanted to be. Tammie dressed up as a fairy, and Sheil went as that elf woman from Lord of the Rings.

Me, I'm going as Edward Elric. Since my friends aren't joining me in my theme, I decided to make up for it by having as accurate a costume as possible. My dad and I went around to a lot of thrift stores in the past few weeks to find just the right items for my costume. We even found a blond wig to cover up my brown hair, and something that looked and awful lot like auto-mail to slip over my arm and leg. Talk about lucky!

The only thing that I couldn't pull off was getting Ed's golden eye color. "I am not going to allow an eleven-year-old girl to wear contacts," my dad had said. That sucks. Oh well, the rest of my costume was cool.

I began putting on the various parts of my costume: shirt, pants, auto-mail, silver watch, boots, wig. Then, when I slipped the red jacket on, I felt a strange sensation. I shook my head. The sensation left. I wonder what that was about, I thought.

"Oh my gosh! Look at the time!" I said. I bounded down the stairs only to see the annoyed looks of frustration on my friends' faces.

"We've been waiting for you," said Tammie, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, I know. I'm really sorry," I said.

"Well, we'd better get going then," said Sheila.

We went down the street, knocking at all the doors and getting our bags filled up with candy. It was a lot of fun, but I felt…strange…somehow.

Finally, at the last house on our street, Sheila turned to me and said, "Kate! Did you dad actually let you wear those contacts you wanted?"

"Uh…no," I said, "That's why I'm not wearing them."

"Then how come your eyes are that color?" she asked.

"What are you talking about? My eyes are blue," I said.

"No, they're not," she said. Sheila reached into her purse, which she always had with her, and pulled out a small cosmetic mirror. "See for yourself."

I took the mirror from her, looked into it, and gasped. My eyes were golden! How could that be?

"Kate, are you sure that you're not wearing contacts?" asked Tammie. I nodded my head furiously. "Then, maybe you're just sick?" she guessed.

"Sickness could possibly turn my eyes yellow," I said, "But not golden."

"Forgive me for what I'm about to do, Kate," said Tammie. She reached up and grabbed the braid on my wig, then proceeded to give it a sharp tug.

"Owch!" I said.

My friends looked astonished. I was too. My wig should have come off when she'd pulled on it.

Then, I felt myself backing away from them. I backed into a wall, and put both of my hands out in front of me. "Please…Please, don't hurt me," I said.

"Why do you think we'd hurt you?" asked Sheila.

"I-I just don't want to die again," I said.

"Die AGAIN?" said Tammie, "You never even died once, Kate."

"Please, just don't hurt me. I won't harm Katie, I promise."

"What the…" Tammie began.

Suddenly, my legs gave way, and I dropped to the ground. I was shivering. "What…What just happened?" I asked.

My friends didn't know what to say. The three of us remained silent for several minutes. Finally, I spoke up, "I-It felt like something was controlling my body. I kept trying to regain control, but I couldn't," I cried, "I'm really scared."

My friends were obviously scared too, but they didn't leave my side. I never knew that they cared so much about me before that moment.

"M-Maybe it was a ghost," said Sheila, "It IS Halloween, after all."

"If it is," I said, "How do we make it leave me alone?"

"Maybe we should talk to it, and find out who it is first," said Tammie.

"No! P-Please d-d-don't!" I said, as I continued to shiver.

"If we don't, we may never know how to help you," said Tammie.

I continued to shiver. I knew that she was going to try to talk to whoever or whatever had possessed me, and the thought terrified me. I didn't want to have that experience again.

"I need to speak to whoever is bothering Kate," said Tammie.

I closed my eyes. By the time I opened them again, I could tell that I had once again lost control.

"Please, don't hurt me," the voice inside me said, "I promise; I won't harm Katie in any way."

"Why do you possess her?" said Tammie.

The person inside me choked, and then said, "I'm so sorry, I really am. I was killed a long, long time ago, and my spirit was bound to my clothes. These clothes got scattered all across the city. I was stuck here. I couldn't even move on. Finally, Katie collected all these clothes that I was bound to and put them on her. As soon as she did that, I transferred my spirit into her body. I am finally among the land of the living once again, and I don't want to die."

"How dare you do that to Katie, it was her body!" said Tammie.

"It still is," said the person inside me, "I didn't hurt her, and I let her control the body the majority of the time. I only show up when I need to."

Tammie sighed and looked around for a moment, as if trying to think of something to do or say. Finally, she turned back to me and said, "Ok, look, who are you, anyway?"

"My name," said the voice inside of my, "Is Edward Elric."

My friends jumped back. Even I jumped. I had never dreamed I'd ever get a chance to meet Edward Elric, let alone become him. I was still nervous, but not quite as terrified as I had been before.

"E-Edward," I said shyly, "Why can't I remove this wig, and why do my eyes look like yours?"

"I'm sorry," said Edward, "I didn't see that coming. You must've taken on some of my physical characteristics when I moved into your body. Truth be told, that wig is actually made out of my hair, which is probably why it bound itself to you."

"But, what if I get in trouble?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I'll think of some way to keep your parents off your back. I won't let you take the blame for what I've done," said Edward.

"But they'll never believe this story. They'll just think that I wore contacts and dyed my hair. I'm going to get in trouble," I said, as I buried my face in my hands.

"Look at your right arm," said Edward. I pulled back the sleeve of my right arm to view the auto-mail underneath. Upon closer examination, I saw that my arm was no longer there, and that this arm had turned into real auto-mail.

"How did that happen?" I asked.

"Again, I don't know," said Edward, "But that should convince your parents."

"But I don't want to scare them," I said.

"I'll think of something else then to keep them off your back," said Edward, "That auto-mail will just be a last resort."

(We can also communicate through our minds, since we're in the same body,) said Edward, (People would probably think you were crazy if you spoke out loud to me in public.)

(Good point,) I thought back.

Then, Edward stood up, and said, "I hope that I didn't ruin your night. I'll leave control of this body to Katie the rest of the night, so that you girls can have your fun."

I felt him let go. I was me again. This whole situation was very weird, but I was no longer afraid. I know that Edward would never harm me, so I quit resisting. I decided to just accept it, and get on with life as best I could.

"So, shall we continue on our candy quest?" I asked my friends.

My friends were still stunned. They couldn't speak for a moment. Finally, Tammie said, "Uh, I…guess."

"Great!" I said, giving her a light slap on the shoulder with my new auto-mail arm, "Race you to the next house!"

My friends eventually eased up to me, and quit being afraid. Sheila mentioned sometime that night that her parents were always saying to be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. She had never understood that saying until tonight.

I agreed with her. I had always wished that I could meet Edward Elric personally. I got my wish, though I didn't merely get to meet Edward Elric, I had become Edward Elric.