Fandom: Detective Conan/ Case Closed
You Dare to Read this?
#20 Diary
Hattori Heiji/Toyama Kazuha
If I owned Detective Conan….I wouldn't need the books shipped over
Hattori reads something he shouldn't have…

Heiji wandered around Kazuha's room. He sat down in front of her desk and looked around.

The desk was somewhat neat, there were papers and pens and pencils, but everything was in neat piles.

And a small book caught his eye as he leaned back and looked up at the top of the bookshelf next to the desk.

That caught his attention. He stood on top of Kazuha's desk to see to top. There was nothing else on top of the bookshelf but that small book when he inspected it. And compared to the top of the bookshelf, there was no dust on the book. Curious, he took the small book and read the cover.


Quickly, he climbed off the desk and poked his head out of the door to make sure that she wasn't around.

She wasn't.

So he settled down, once again in front of the desk, switched the desk light on, and started reading.

As a general rule, Heiji read, 'You never should write anything very important on the first page of a diary. Just in case your best friend happens to be bored and starts looking around and finds it. So, you ahou, Heiji's eyebrows went up at this, why are you reading this! Aren't you ashamed of reading a girl's diary? And that girl happens to be your best friend at that! I mean, what if I wrote 'I love Kudo Shinichi', and I'm sure that you never wanted to know that.

And a small voice in his head started asking, 'What if she really does like Kudo?', but the larger, more sensible voice in his head shut it up.

And Hattori Heiji, if you're still reading at this point…

Heiji stopped reading to look up when a shadow fell across the page.

It was Kazuha.

Not looking very happy, in fact, there were several veins throbbing quite dangerously.

And she yanked him up by his ear.


"Oi! Kazuha! Let go of my ear! I'm sorry!"

A/N: What happens next, you decide.