AN: Yes, the final chapter! I had fun writing this and I wanna say thanks to everyone who's reviewed: Elwing-Evenstar, James Greenbrier, Mr. Spork, and especially Unknown Marauder, for she was the one who originally this story was inspired by. Thanks to all of you it was fun, and I hope you enjoy the last chapter of The night the World changed:

Chapter 5: The world changes

Dumbledore paced, staring worriedly at the third candle when suddenly, a green snakelike flame started circling around it. But right before it could hit the candle's golden flame, a bit of the 2nd candles wax suddenly dripped down, putting out the green flame. "But what does it mean...?" he whispered. Before he could contemplate this even more. Hagrid burst into the office. "What's wrong?" Hagrid said worriedly, not liking the grave expression on Dumbledore's face. "Ye don't think..."

"Unfortunately I do Hagrid. I need you to go, and go quickly to Godric's Hollow. I fear that we are too late..." Hagrid's eyes widened, as he started sobbing.

"B-b-but how? I thought ye said ye had it covered!" he said in shock.

"I don't know Hagrid, but right now, you must go and see what happened. I fear the worst. I believe that Harry is alive though." Hagrid stared at him.

"Yeh do? But how could he be Professor?" he asked in shock.

"I don't know Hagrid, but something tells me that we may have seen the end of Voldemort."

"Professor, that's crazy! How th' hell could that happen?"

"I don't know, which is why I want you to get to the house. Find Harry, and take him to Order Hqs, I'll send word to you there. I'm sending word to the Order, they'll hopefully be able to keep certain people from getting there when they aren't supposed to."

"Right, I'm leaving now. I just hope nothin's happened..." he said turning quickly and runing down the stairs.

"As do I Hagrid, as do I." Dumbledore sighed as he looked at the candle again. This meant Harry was alive, but how...?

Sirius slowed down the motorcycle, tilting it down so that the wheels hit the street as he roared towards the Potter residence. He could see the smoke from the rubble, as well as the various neighbors heading towards it. Hitting the gas, he roared down the street, screeching to a halt in front of it and staring in shock. The whole place was destroyed, as if a huge tornado had come down from nowhere and crushed the whole place. Shaking, Sirius got off the bike, not noticing as a rat scampered past him, a wand clutched in it's teeth.

"Where did this house come from?" one of the neighbors asked another, donned in a pink bath robe, curlers in her hair and bunny slippers. "It wasn't here before..."

"More importantly, what the heck destroyed it?" the second asked.

"I don't know, I saw a lot of green light and the heard this huge crash... Hey, watch it!" Sirius ignored them shoving between before starting to frantically start searching for the rubble.

"James! Lily! Hello! Are you there!" he called, shoving broken furniture and wood aside. Come on, you can't be dead! Come on James, spring up out of nowhere and say you had a bad wand accident and have Lily grin and hit you! For the love of God, please answer!

"Oi Black!" a voice called from behind him, and Sirius looked up to see a distraught Hagrid making his way through the crowd. "Find anything?" he asked hopefully.

Sirius shook his head. "Not yet..." I don't think we will find anything actually..." he said worriedly. "Even with all this mess..."

"Yeah, I wouldn't be suprised if he went and leveled the whole thing just to brag." Hagrid said darkly, shuddering as he stepped through the rubble to stand next to Sirius. "Come on, we have to keep our hopes up, they may just be unconcious. Ya know what I mean? James is tougher than that." But Sirius had tuned him out, he had heard something, not very loud, but it almost sounded like...

"Whoah Hagrid, shhh! Listen..." they both stopped, and then they both heard it, the faint, unmistakable sound of a crying baby. "Harry!" they both yelled, looking around frantically.

"Over there!" Sirius said, pointing to the spot near where the nursery would've been above them on the second floor. Pushing his way through the rubble, his heart raced, Harry was alive!

They followed the sound of the crying, before finally finding it's source beneath a broken piece of the roof. "Oi, let me." Hagrid said simply, reaching down and lifting the piece up to reveal a battered and bruised but relatively uninjured looking toddler crying his head off.

"Harry..."Sirius said softly, as Hagrid carefully reached down and picked the sobbing boy up. "Is he ok?" he asked worriedly.

"Looks like it, except for this cut on his forehead..." Hagrid said suprised. Sirius looked over, seeing an odd lightning shaped cut on the boys head.

"That's a curse cut..." he said in awe. "It means he survived a major curse..."

"Wha? You mean..."Hagrid started, but Sirius was then distracted by what looked like an arm near where Harry was. "Oh no..." moving over, he pushed aside the wood to find the fallen and unmistakable body of Lily Potter. "Dear god no!" he cried, burying his face in his hands. Hagrid threw back his head and howled, startling the Muggles standing near the rubble.

Sirius didn't know how long he sat there sobbing, but he was finally brought out of it as a hoarse voice said something above him. "It's gonna be ok Sirius." Hagrid said sniffling. "They probably went down fighting you know, and by god, that's how they'd want to have gone out. But we have to get out of here, you don't know who might be hanging around."

Sirius nodded, finally being able to look away from Lily's face. "Yeah, you're right. They did this for Harry..." standing, he looked at Hagrid. "Give him here, I'm his godfather, I'll take him away to safety." but to his suprise, Hagrid shook his head.

"Sorry Sirius, Dumbledore's orders. He wants me to take him to headquarters. Says we'll figure things out from there..." Hagrid trailed off, staring around at the destruction. "Who the 'ell did this? How'd he find them?" he said, not being able to fully comprehend things.

But Sirius had realized who did it. He realized who was the only one who could've been able to betray Lily and James to Voldemort. A scowl of anger crossed his face, and he turned to Hagrid. "Yeah, you take my bike and take him to Dumbledore." Turning he started quickly walking away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Hagrid called after confused.

"To make things right!" Sirius called after, jumping over the last of the debris and starting to run down the street. For Lily and James...this is the one thing I can do to hopefully make sure they didn't die in vain!

Hagrid could only watch him run away, before looking back down at Harry in amazement. "Bloody hell, he's the boy who lived..." He was shocked, but he had no idea what this night really meant. Not yet anyways. No one did.

Not the old man currently reaching over and grabbing a piece of parchment and a quill and starting to write: Dear Mrs. Petunia Dursley...

Not the fat blonde man who slept next to his horse faced wife as they relished the fact their son had finally fallen asleep.

Not the squealing girl with a few brown curls on her head as she laughed and chewed happily on a pillow shaped like a tooth.

Nor did the red haired man as he tried to help his pregnant wife deal with the chicken pox that three of their red headed children had.

Not even the round faced toddler realized how close his fate had come to being as he stumbled and fell face first onto the rug of his house as his parents couldn't help but laugh.

For all of them, the world had changed the night that Voldemort visited the Potters. For this night, this was the night that the world changed for all of them.

And that's the end of the story! Wild cheers and applause Thank you, thank you, you're too kind. I don't like how I worded this chapter, so I wouldn't be suprised if you guys don't quite follow along. As HP fans know, other than the circumstances surrounding the death of...somebody in Book 6, this is the one night we really have no clue what happened, thus making this quite a difficult chapter to write. I tried to go on what was said in the books, and if you guys see a discrepancy in what's written, be sure to point it out to me. I always love criticism. Anyways, I'm off to write chapters for the other fics I have up, so if you guys like the Legend of Zelda or Digimon, go check them out. R & R, and until next time, Have a Nice Day!