Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-Yasha, or any characters of the show.

Summary: AU. Take one very curious Kagome, one very unsealed Sesshoumaru, one very protective Inuyasha, put them in a modern day Tokyo, shake up a little and voila – a disaster is ready.

A/N: Guess I gotta warn beforehand that the characters will be slightly OOC, but you can expect as much from AU. All in all I try to keep everybody in character, but it wouldn't be much fun if Sesshoumaru killed Kagome upon their first meeting, or just ignored her, would it?

Chapter One: Encounter in the Caverns.

Argh! I cannot believe I got myself into this mess! Kagome tried hard to stay angry because she knew that if she let go of this emotion, fear would overwhelm her. Okay Kagome, my girl, what do you do when you panic? Right, think of something funny. What would happen if Miroku groped a girl only to realize that she is actually a cross dresser? Kagome sniggered. Well, as strange as it might sound, now I can actually think straight. So when did I separate from my friends? Yeah, if you can call these guys friends! I mean, I know I shouldn't have been daydreaming while exploring caves, but come on, didn't they even realize I was falling behind! Jerks! When I find a way out of here I'm gonna give them a peace of my mind! That is if I get out. Argh, think positive, stupid!

"INUYASHAAA! MIROKUUU!" cried the girl for an umpteen time that day, but once again a distant echo was her only answer.

The situation was really beginning to look grim. Kagome had been wandering through the caverns for hours and an old fashion lamp, her only source of light was about to run out of oil.

As Kagome entered the next hall, a large group of bats flew off the ceiling towards her. The girl yelped in surprise and ducked. She wasn't afraid of bats. Truth to be told, there were very few things Kagome feared (spiders were an example). But under the circumstances given, this little incident did nothing to improve her mood.

Slowly Kagome took in her surroundings. The girl's eyes widened when she saw that in the center of the room was placed a pedestal, on top of which laid a lifeless body.

Impulsively, Kagome rushed to the person who might need her help. However, the girl came to a halt when she got a better look at him. The man before her was by far the oddest one she had ever encountered. He had long silver hair, two magenta stripes on each cheek, and a dark-blue crescent moon on the forehead.

How can a guy with his face painted like that still look handsome? Ack! I hope he's not dead! What would mom think if she knew I found a dead man attractive?

"Um… err… sir? Are you okay?" Well, that was smart. "Oh god…," whispered Kagome as she realized something. "He's not breathing."

Acting as quickly as she could, the girl placed her lamp on the pedestal and pressed two fingers right under the strange person's jaw line.

"No pulse either, though his body is still warm. C'mon girl, think. You haven't been slacking off anatomy classes, have you? Right! Compress his chest! One, two, three, four, five…fifteen, now inhale…"

Kagome ripped off her belt-bag and tucked it under the unconscious man's neck so his head would recline. The girl held his nose and pushed his chin down a little, making the man's lips part slightly. Then placing her mouth on top his, she exhaled.

As soon as their lips made contact, a jolt of energy shot through both of their bodies and the man's eyes snapped open.

Amber. Was all Kagome could think before the ex-corpse lunged at her and pinned her to the granite floor with his body. And here I thought that I was difficult to deal with right after awakening.

"Who are you?" asked the silver haired man, voice husky from the lack of usage.

"K-kagome." Yep, that'll definitely answer his question. She then noticed the position they were currently in. "EEEK! Get off me you pervert!"

Kagome pushed him off, though the man was extremely heavy. But in situations like this, every girl is granted extra powers –unless of course, she actually wants to stay.

"Do you realize who are you talking to, girl?"

"An arrogant jerk? No? Well I'm out of ideas. You tell me."

"I am Taiyoukai of the West."

"And I'm the Queen of England."

"You do not look like royalty, even for human standards."

"Well, duh! That's why it's called sarcasm."

Man narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Do you doubt the word of I, Sesshoumaru?"

"Wait, wait, wait! Did you just speak in the third person? Anyway, hate to break it to you, but youkai do not exist, weirdo."

Sesshoumaru now looked slightly amused (or at least, as amused as a brick wall can be).

"Don't we now?" he smiled, revealing a set of sharp white fangs.

If Kagome had known him any better she might have been startled, but as it was, the girl just shrugged.

"Anyone can go to the dentist and have their K-9 teeth lengthened. Cough-freak-cough."

Kagome instantly regretted every single word she said, as she found herself held up in the air by the collar of her jacket.

"Consider yourself lucky, human," Sesshoumaru hissed at the face of the now frightened girl, "That I am indebted to you for my awakening. If we meet again, you might not survive the encounter." With that he let her go and disappeared before Kagome's feet had even touched the ground.

"Wait! Don't leave me here… alone." Who was that guy? He certainly was inhumanly strong and fast... Riiight. Next thing I'll actually start thinking that perhaps he really is a demon. You've been in this cave for far too long, Kagome, gotta get out of here.

The girl snatched her lamp and took off in the same direction as the 'youkai-guy' had gone, figuring that he (despite all of his appearance problems) might know the way out.

As luck would have it, after a few minutes of running the lamp went out. Kagome stopped. That was the last straw. She was lost in a cave completely in darkness. The girl slid down the stone wall, hugged her knees and began to cry. While she still had light, Kagome cherished the comforting thought that somehow she could get out of this labyrinth. She had nothing now.

"Humans are pathetic," came a cool voice. "It is a miracle your race survived through the centuries. Can you not simply track your own scent to the entrance?"

"N-no." The girl quickly wiped her eyes with a sleeve – she might be desperate, but that didn't mean she had to show it to anyone.

Kagome felt a firm grip on her elbow as she was jerked to her feet. Sesshoumaru pulled her forward and the girl complied. Anything would be better than to stay here and eventually die of starvation, she supposed.

It was very dark in the caverns. It didn't come as a surprise when Kagome managed to trip... and trip again. After the third time, the taiyoukai picked the girl up to carry in his arms.

"Hey! Put me down!" Kagome squeaked. She tried to struggle, but to no avail. "Sesshoumaru! Let go of me this instant!"

"Do you prefer constant stumbling?"

"Yes, now let go!"

"No. Your unceasing display of clumsiness annoys me. It is in your best interest to remain silent the rest of the way, human."

Kagome huffed and crossed her arms over the chest.

"This is sooo embarrassing."

"Being a human should be embarrassing."

The girl was about to make some caustic remark, but then decided against it. He might lack proper manners (or any kind of manners at that), but somehow right now he doesn't seem half as bad as before. Maybe he does simply hate waking up.

"Kagome!" came a distant call.

"Inuyasha?" she whispered, not sure whether she actually heard it.

"Kagome!" this time the voice sounded louder and closer.

"INUYASHA!" Kagome screamed as she whirled out of the taiyoukai's grasp. The girl was about to run toward her friend, when she remembered her demonic companion. Kagome tuned back. He, however, was already gone. "Thank you," she said quietly in the empty hall.

"Kagome there you are! We've been… Miroku has been worried sick!"

"Inuyasha!" Kagome captured her best friend in a tight embrace, as tears once again found their way down her cheeks. "I was so scared!"

"Idiot. What are you crying about now?" Inuyasha hugged her back a bit awkwardly. "You're here aren't'chya? C'mon, Miroku is waiting for us at the entrance."

As the couple left the caverns they were greeted by the cheery face of the last member in their trio.

"Hey, guys! Have you been cuddling? Is there any chance that I may be allowed to share such a blessing, fair lady?" Miroku's puppy eyes would definitely be the downfall of the female population. Kagome rolled her eyes.

"Fine, but remember to keep your hands to yourself."

"Why Kagome, dear, I assure you that my hands will only be in appropriate places."

The girl embraced him, but just as Miroku's hands moved to the appropriate places,a large cone flew out of nowhere making contact with his forehead.

Kagome could almost swear that from the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of silver between the trees.

A. n.: This chapter is dedicated to my homework, which was sacrificed for the sake of high art.