Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Naruto.

Rated M: For language, adult situations.

A/N: It's been a long ride and it's finally over. Although this epilogue is longer than I had actually thought of, it's mostly crack, I had a lot of fun writing it, and didn't kill myself by writing angst, angst, angst! Lol… I'll leave that to my next fic. Feedback is greatly appreciated, and a big thank you to all of those that stuck with the fic from the beginning.

Always Alone – Epilogue

The lazy afternoon sun lay heavy over the hidden village of the leafs. The income of recent missions had slowed down as of late, and most of the higher ranked shinobi had imposed a holiday of sorts, to calm their frayed nerves. Some decided to spend their day at home, with their loved ones, or they have opted to train with teammates. Others…others decided to flaunt their relationships into other peoples faces.

As if their relationships were the greatest damn thing in the world.


Genma grunted into his folded arms, his chins nestled in the crevices of his limbs. Resisting the urge to bite down on his unoffending arm as a patch of silver hair chased an overly giddy Chuunin. They had been going at it for hours, and it was beginning to wear on the man's patience. Genma was a reasonable man, he knew when couples needed to rebuild their bridges and other sentimental crap, but honestly, they were supposed to be working…and not playing stupid games of 'chase the teacher'…like horny teenagers.

It pissed Genma off to no end…because he was stuck with all the work…Even if there was nothing to be done…still

Iruka let out a strangely breathless flighty laugh, a freaking giggle! Just as Kakashi had finally caught up to, and tackled him to the ground.

Yep… assholes…

A familiar heat crept into his cheeks as he witnessed a mask-less, in broad daylight no less, Kakashi kiss the crap out of Iruka, like the Chuunin had suddenly lost the ability to breathe. The urge to throw a couple dozen kunai at the two hit Genma, and he vaguely wondered, in sadistic glee, how funny it would be if they died in each other's arms.

"What the hell is wrong with me…?" He muttered to himself.

Since when was he so vindictive of other people, no not other people…of couples, especially these two assholes…was he jealous of what they had?

Of a relationship strong enough not to care about petty arguments, of unforgivable actions imposed on each other, and on other people. And the sad truth was that in all his life, Genma wanted someone like that. Wanted what Iruka had now, wanted that stupid asshole of a silver-haired shinobi.

So yeah…he was jealous.

Those assholes…

"Are you okay?"

Genma jumped a little and relaxed as one of his teammates slunk up to the window, where he was currently eye-balling a couple to death, "I'm fine," Genma muffled into his arms.

"Then why are you muttering to yourself about killing assholes?"

Genma remained silent, content that if he ignored the man he would eventually get the idea and go away, so he could … sulk…or whatever he was doing now. It's not like he wanted to be bothered in the first place, by anyone, not particularly this annoying, sometimes cute…

Since when was Namiashi cute?

They were all assholes, damn it…

"Anyway, a little silver bird told me that you liked imported sake." Genma saw this coming…saw it before the man had even started talking, knew that Kakashi would do this…"Care to join me for a couple drinks after your shift?" Raido asked, his wide grin a tad too telling for the special-Jounin's liking.

He was going to kill that bastard bird later for…for setting him up! But in the mean time…a faint giggle and a soft "Stop it Kakashi," Came from the open window.

"Could you excuse me for a sec?" Genma picked up the heaviest, unfortunately not the deadliest weapon, which happened to be a rather large shinobi encyclopedia, and chucked it at the two assholes outside the mission office. "Would you two get a DAMN ROOM ALREADY!" He roared.

"So…" Raido started after the surprise from Genma's outburst wore off, "Will you join me?"

Genma stared at the other Jounin for a while, contemplating how he was going to turn his teammate down. If he thought this was what he thought it was…a date proposal, then he'd have to figure out a way to turn Raido down lightly, and if it was just a simple request to get drunk with a friend, then he would turn the other man down. He was not in the mood to drink, or do anything social for a very long time, and it was silly to think that his teammate had suddenly acquired an attraction towards him-

Genma cursed loudly when he felt the impact of, he turned and looked at the offending projectile, the encyclopedia that he had thrown at the assholes earlier. Those bastards… he picked up the book and was about to throw it at the two idiots, with added bomb tags for good measures, but stopped as a loose piece of paper fell from the book.

Just go for it you woman! –Kakashi

It read, Genma's face flushed with anger, he was about to run off and beat the living daylights out of the Jounin, but stopped as he realized with horror that Raido was silently mouthing the inscription from Kakashi's note. That asshole-

Thump, another object, a small pebble with a note attached to it, read.

Now! Or else!

"Or else what you damn PERVERT!" Genma yelled out the window.

Kakashi paused in his game of Chuunin groping for all of two seconds to yell back, "Baby pictures, plus ANBU carriers!"

Why that shitty bastard asshole…

"Fine…let's go get sake…I need it after today…" Genma grumbled.

Raido nodded, sent a thumbs up towards the "silver bird," and grinned like Christmas had come early to Konoha as he followed a distressed Jounin out of the missions room.