Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

A Glimpse Of The Future

Uzumaki Naruto has finally gotten his dearest wish: he has been given the position as Konohagakure's Rokudaime. It's nice to know that Tsunade and all his friends believe in him, but sometimes Naruto wonders why he's working so hard for the village that still thinks he's some kind of man-eating monster.

Haruno Sakura is getting married soon, but not to the man she loves. Rock Lee is kind, gentle, full of energy and most importantly, he loves her. Sakura does not love him, but she does feel affection for him. After all those years of clinging on to the hope that Uchiha Sasuke will one day return her love, she's become so tired. Sakura does not love Lee, but she'd rather be with someone who loves her than to worship someone who doesn't.

Uchiha Sasuke does not love his wife, and Uchiha Ino knows that very well. She is only a tool he's using to revive his deceased clan. But she is not bitter about it, because she does love him in her own way, and if her physical appearance reminds him of the person he does love but can never have, Ino will stay with him forever willingly.

Hyuuga Neji loves his cousin, but he knows that Hinata does not return his love. Her father has arranged their marriage, and they have no say whatsoever in the matter. They are merely pawns used to strengthen the noble Hyuuga bloodline. But when the Rokudaime is around, Neji can see the mixture of love and silent suffering in his fiancée's pupiless eyes, and all he can do is turn away while his heart breaks.

Inuzuka Kiba mother and sister have been pestering him to get married, but he will only wave them away. There's only one girl he'd have, but she's already promised to another.

Akimichi Chouji and Nara Shikamaru still meet up when they do not have missions to talk like they used to do during their Genin days. Chouji is content with life and how nice it is to have all his wonderful friends with him. Shikamaru looks to the sky and wonders why everything is so troublesome, especially the blonde woman from Sunagakure he married.

Aburame Shino's first love will always be for his bugs. His mother tells him he's getting married tomorrow. He turns towards her and looks at her for one moment, as if digesting the information, says that he hopes his wife can stand his pets, then turns back to his insects.

Tenten has always loved Neji, and she's matured enough to understand that he does not, has never and will never love her. She sees the way Neji looks at Hinata, the way Hinata looks at Naruto, and she recognizes that in the end, there will be three broken hearts.

Gaara of Sunagakure has only recently learnt how to feel. He has learnt that what he feels for his village and his siblings is a sense of responsibility and a glimmer of affection. He has learnt that what he feels for Uzumaki Naruto is love.

Uzumaki Naruto goes to the memorial stone every morning to pay his respects to the heroes who have given their lives for the village. Not long after he arrives, Uchiha Sasuke will come, then Haruno Sakura, and lastly Hatake Kakashi. There aren't any more shouts of "You're late!" nor any unbelievably stupid excuses. They don't even speak a word to each other, but they know that their being there, together, after all these years and everything they've been through together, is something they are all thankful for.
