Title: Black Unicorn

Summery: Harry has to stay with Professor Snape for Christmas break. Secrets about Snape are revealed and jolly time insues. (This is 5th year, obviously this isn't going to go along with books 5-6. And Harry might be a little or really out of character cause I don't really like the in character Harry.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Severus, Harry, or any of the characters. I DO NOT!

"But Headmaster-!"

"Harry, this is the safest place you could ever be. Trust me, you'll be okay."

Harry looked at Dumbledor desperately. "Are you trying to torture me, Headmaster? Cause I'll tell you, it's working."

Albus looked at Harry tiredly, he had known from the start that it was going to be difficult. "Look, Harry. Everyone is going home for Christmas Break because the ministry . . . enforced us to do so. You are simply no longer safe with your Aunt and Uncle or the Weaslys or, the Grangers."

Harry was about to say something back, when Dumbledor interrupted him. "Please just try and be optimistic about this situation. And please be on your best behavior. Now," Albus stood and Harry followed, "we will end this discussion. You have just enough time to get your things and say goodbye to your friends."

Harry nodded in defeat and left the Headmaster's office. He didn't want to go to HIS house. It would be like walking to your death, and that's for sure! But it seemed impossible to avoid it. Harry walked begrudged up the ever changing stairs.

Severus looked at his watch. The boy was late. A new stream of people came out of the castle. He saw Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasly come out, and wherever they were, yes, there was Mr. Potter. Severus waited a little longer. How long does it take to say goodbye? Finally Harry's friends waved and went to go get on the train. Harry then turned towards the Forbidden Forrest and started walking across the field, where Severus waited.

He didn't know how Albus had gotten him to take the little brat home with him. Severus was . . . okay with it, but he didn't know how Mr. Potter was going to take it. The boy was probably going to try and run away; of course, that wasn't exactly going to work. Severus shook his head gently and chuckled. Mr. Potter was going to have a heck of a surprise when he got to his professor's house.

Finally Harry was at the tree. Severus turned without saying anything and walked into the Forbidden Forest. Harry followed without question, only a little hesitation. High above them in his office, Albus shook his head, talking to himself-

"I hope you know what your doing old chap."

When they were a bit further into the forest, Severus stopped and knelled down by a little stream. Harry couldn't see what he was doing and he truthfully didn't want to know. Severus stood up and outstretched his hand to Harry, sitting there was a perfectly round, blue stone. Harry looked at the professor in confusion. He finally realized what it was for.

"Oh," Harry breathed, Severus rolled his eyes at what he thought was quite obvious. Harry went and reached for the stone, when he firmly grabbed it, there was a violent pull, and the world was passing his eyes like lightning.

Harry came to an abrupt halt, or was it the world? He fell on his butt in a patch of soft, light green grass. Harry looked around him, he was still surrounded by trees, but not the dark, death-like trees in the Forbidden Forest. These were pine trees, and the forest was light and jovial. There was a cold, fresh wind blowing frequently. Gray clouds stretched across the endless sky. There was a popping sound right next to Harry, he looked over to see what it was. The professor was standing there with an eyebrow raised looking down at Harry, he was also carrying Harry's suitcase. Snape dropped the suitcase and started walking. Harry soon got up and picked up his fallen suitcase, following the professor. Leaving the blue stone forgotten in the stream bed.

The trees were getting less dense, so Harry figured they were nearly out of this forest place. Professor Snape stopped and turned to Harry. "While here you will use absolutely no magic, understood?" Harry nodded, so Severus continued. "We'll be spending two weeks together, I would want you to at least act a little civilized. Without further ado," Severus stepped aside, "Welcome to my humble home." He outstretched his arm. Harry didn't move, he was still a little put off at that civilized comment, and had no idea what Professor Snape was doing. He just looked at his professor as if he were nuts, which he probably was. Severus looked up to the sky and held a sigh, he narrowed his eyes. "My patience is wearing thin, Mr. Potter." Harry snapped back into reality and pushed aside the branches.

Fields upon fields, acres upon acres, of rolling grass hills met his eyes. The sides of the fields were surrounded by forests. At the far end you could barely see smoke rising from a small town. On the edge of the forest right next to them, was a little cabin. It was one story, except for one room at the top. Smoke was rising from the kitchen chimney. On the side of it by the woodpile was a small barn.

A smile grew on Severus' face as he took a deep breath. He went around and in front of Harry, who was still gawking at the whole place. Severus looked over his shoulder, a friendly smirk replacing his warm smile.

"Welcome to Canada, Mr. Potter."

Okay, tell me what you think. I'll give you imaginary brownies if you review!