It started out as a regular Monday morning.

She wasn't expecting anything spectacular to happen, although in her line of work she should have.

After his transfer they had been dating whenever both their schedules allowed. Which roughly translated into lots of sex with one hot, and seriously kinky, two-star General. Their weekends were short, their phone calls shorter, and much to her dismay she hadn't made it up to his cabin again since they had gone as a team, almost six months ago.

That's why this was a surprise, to say the least.

As she opened her eyes to her alarm clock, and turning swiftly to throw the damned device across the room, she found a pair of chocolate brown eyes staring at her.

He got to the clock first, and it could now be found in an innumerable amount of parts on the far side of the room.

As she lay on her side, watching him settle back into the bed, she snuggled her head into the pillows. With her hands curled up next to her face she watched him with sleepy eyes as he mimicked her position.

His eyes, which had been boring into hers, started drifting lower and she thought he was going to kiss her—unfortunately that wasn't the signal he was sending.

Eventually her sleep fog brain picked up the fact that he wanted her to look down. Slowly and sleepily she did.

Perched on her left hand ring finger was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen in her life.

With questioning eyes, quickly filling with tears, she looked at him.

The first words of the morning were finally spoken.

"I'm not asking you because we both know I can't live without you." Her tears began in earnest as he continued, "You're going to marry me, complete me, and make me happy. And I am going to spend the rest of my life trying to do the same for you." His hand caressed her cheek as he stated the one thing she knew to be true, always, "No one else will ever love you like I do."

It was a regular Monday morning.

No world to save, only a dog to walk and commute to base from a new home.