Hermione Granger raced through the forest. Her heart was pounding and sweat dripped down her face. There were red sparks shooting towards her. Harry Potter's godfather was now locked up again in Azkaban. The ministry had found him behind the veil in the Department of Mysteries. Hermione was thankful that he wasn't dead, but Azkaban wasn't any better. Hermione tripped over a root and fell. Someone muttered a spell behind her. Hermione looked up to see who it was but they were already gone. Her wand was laying feet from her. Hermione picked her wand up and as she stood up, red sparks hit her. A voice behind her said, "So you are saying that this girl just conjured up the dark mark?"

"It seems so. Nobody else was there when the Dark Mark appeared. Why don't you check her wand and see if the girl had conjured it." A tall skinny man with dark brown hair said. The man next to him took her wand and muttered a spell.

"Yes. Her wand was the one that made the Dark Mark. But I don't understand. She is that Potter boys' friend. Isn't she?" The man asked.

"She's the one. They were always together. Her, Potter, and that Weasley boy." The tall man said. He muttered another spell and Hermione fell to the ground. She looked up. The Dark Mark was just above her head. Hermione wondered how it got there. Then she remembered that man behind her just moments before she was stunned. Maybe he was the one who conjured the Mark.

"Is your name Granger?" The tall man asked. She nodded. "Did you conjure the Dark Mark?" He asked.

"N-no. I didn't, sir." She stuttered.

"You can't trust her. She could be lying you know." A third man took a step forward.

"He's right. We'll take her back to the Ministry to be questioned." The tall man said.


At the Ministry, Hermione took a seat in the middle of a circle of wizards and witches.

"Truthfully, did you conjure the Dark Mark?" The female in fiery red robes said.

A voice in Hermione's head said Tell her you did. You did conjure the Dark Mark. Tell her you did. You have to tell her you did. Tell her!

"I-I did." was all that she said. Something was controlling her to say that. She sat confused. Why did she tell them that she did make the Dark Mark when she didn't?

"You did?" The man in the midnight blue robes said, raising his eyebrow.

You have to tell him you did. You did conjure the Dark Mark!


"Then why did you tell us in the forest that you didn't?" The same man asked.

You don't know. You were confused and didn't know what else to say.

" I donno..." Her voice trailed off.

" Do you have names?" Another wizard with graying hair asked.

"What names?" She asked.

"Names of other Death Eaters?" The man raised his voice a little.

"Bellatrix...and Malfoy...and..." She started.

"Lucius and Bellatrix have been cleared." The man said in a board tone.

"No...I saw them in the Department of Mysteries! They where there. Bellatrix was fighting Sirius Black." Hermione said, now raising her voice.

"Black is a Death Eater and-"

"NO! He's not. He's innocent. Peter Pettigrew faked his death. Peter is an Animagi!" Hermione said, tears streaming down her face.

"Lies! All of them. All in favor of Miss Granger going to Azkaban?" The man asked.

They all agreed.

"Then it's settled." A woman with dark purple robes said. They all stood up.

"NOO!" Hermione shrieked.

Two guards shoved Hermione into a cell. She fell onto the icy stone floor. Blood trickled down her leg from Hermione struggling through the guards grip. She had scratched her knee on a sharp metal bar from her cell. Everyone in the other cells looked half dead and their black and white stripped clothing were worn and ripped. Hermione winced from her bloody cut. She ripped her sleeve off and rapped the cloth around the cut. The man in her cell was sleeping faced away from her.

Suddenly, Hermione felt cold and like she would never be happy again. A dementor glided past her cell. After a while, the feeling went away and she took a deep breath.



"Harry I didn't know about this until it was too late-" Dumbledore started.


Ron sat in an arm chair, not even listening. He was still in shock that Hermione went to Azkaban when she was innocent.

"If there was something I could do, I would have already done it." Dumbledore said in a calm voice.


"Harry, calm down. I will do everything in my power to get both Miss Granger and Sirius out of Azkaban." Dumbledore said.

"Can we at least visit her soon?" Ron finally spoke up.

"Yes. I will arrange for you both to visit Miss Granger." Dumbledore said.

"When?" Both Harry and Ron asked.

"I will arrange for your visit as soon as possible." Dumbledore said, "Now I believe it's time you two get some rest. Your visit could be as early as tomorrow."

Harry and Ron got up and went back to the Gryffindor commons.

"We have to figure out a way to get her out." Harry said to Ron.

"But how-" Ron stopped. "C'mon. I think I have an idea."

He and Harry snuck up to the girls dormitory. "I wonder if she still has it." Ron whispered to himself.

"Wha-" Harry started but stopped when he saw a gold chain attached to a small hourglass. It was Hermione's time-turner.


Hermione sat lifeless in the corner of her damp cold cell. It had been three days since she arrived in Azkaban. Her clothes were already starting to fade.

"Granger, you have visitors." one of the guards said.

Hermione looked up. It was Harry and Ron. She wished they didn't have to see her like this.

"Hey, Hermione." Ron said, forcing a smile.

She said nothing. "Look, we are going to try to get you out somehow." Harry whispered.

With the little strength she had, she scooted towards the bars of the cell, next to Harry and Ron. Ron reached out for Hermione's hand and dropped the gold time-turner into it. Hermione closed her hand and slipped it into her pocket. "Thank you." She breathed.

"Nice to see you, Hermione." Harry smiled weakly. "Who's that?" He pointed at the man in her cell faced away from her, sleeping.

"Donno. I don't even know if he's still alive." Hermione shrugged.

" E's alive all right. Yep, o'l Sirius Black will be out again before yeh all know it!" A man in a separate cell hollered.

"Sirius!" Hermione, Ron, Harry said at the same time, surprised.

"Yeh all 'ave 'eard of 'im right? All them muggles know 'em too-" the man went on, not even noticing that the three sixth years weren't listening.

"Sirius, it's Hermione." Hermione nudged the man a little. His eyes flickered open.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Hermione.

"I was sent here-" Hermione started but it was drowned out by the man in the other cell, still talking.

"You know, I'm thinking 'bout breakin' out me self. But I donno how o'l Black done it!" The man said. He pointed at Harry. "Hey you must be 'arry Potter aren't you? I see your scar and you look just like 'em in the newspapers and-"

"Would yeh shut up over there?" Sirius called to the man. But the man didn't seem to hear him.

"Well, I was sent to Azkaban for conjuring the Dark Mark-" She said, over the other man's voice.

"But you didn't do it, did you?" Sirius asked. "Of course not!" Hermione looked offended.

"Hey, can we go into the cell?" Harry asked the guard.

"Are you related to one of them?" the guard asked back.

"Yeah, Sirius Black." Harry said.

"And how are you related?" the guard asked.

"He's my godfather." Harry said.

"Who are you?" the guard asked.

"Harry Potter." Harry said, knowing Dumbledore was close behind.

The guard unlocked the cell.

Harry went inside. "Er...I'm with him." Ron said to the guard, nervously, pointing to Harry and quickly slipped into the cell.

Harry pulled a silvery cloak out of a bag he brought along. "Hermione, I want you to do whatever you think is necessary to get yourself and Sirius out of Azkaban. Ok?" Harry whispered and handed her the cloak. "Oh...and you can share this food with Sirius." He handed her a paper bag full of food.

"Thanks, Harry. You too Ron." Hermione gave a faint smile. "You have to go or the guards will get mad at you."

"Hopefully I'll see you soon." Harry hugged Hermione and stepped out of the cell. Ron followed. "See you later 'Mione."

Hermione played with the gold chain. What did Harry want her to do? Even if she would be able to go back in time and save Sirius from the veil, how would she save herself? Hermione thought. "Hey, can't sleep?" Sirius was awake.

Hermione turned. "Oh...I didn't know that you were awake."

"What are you thinking about?" Sirius asked.

"Nah its nothing." Hermione shrugged.

Sirius closed his eyes again.

"Sirius? Do you think we will be here till we die?" Hermione whispered.

"I donno, Hermione. I don't know."

"I can't stand it! I've been here for four days. How does Harry think I'm going to be able to get out of here!" Hermione yelled.

"Girl would you shut up over there?" A man across her cell called.

Hermione stood up and yelled though the bars of the cell. "I'll shut up when I want to!".

"Hermione, calm down!" Sirius said.

Hermione spun around, the time turner cracked on a bar of the cell. Time started to go backwards.

Just then, a man opened the cell door and a young man walked into the cell. Hermione made a run for it. She slipped through the door and from the guard. Nobody seemed to care though. Hermione got into a carriage. The carriage was empty other than herself.

"Girl, where do you want to go then?" The driver asked.

"Er...Number twelve, Grimmauld place." Hermione said, trying to figure out how far back she went.. After what seemed hours, she arrived. The house looked pretty much the same except newer. She knocked on the door.

Kreacher opened the door. "Is Sirius here?" Hermione asked Kreacher. Kreacher started muttering under his breath, the story of Sirius running away. "Uh...then where did he go?" Hermione asked politely. "His friend, Potter." Kreacher ripped a paper from the table and gave it to her. It was an address. She decided to follow it. "Driver? Could you go to this address?" She gave the paper to him. "Yeah...get in." He said.

After a few minutes, the carriage stopped in front of a house. Hermione got out and knocked on the door. The door opened. A boy with hazel eyes, black, messy hair, and glasses answered the door. "Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Uh...no my name is James Potter." the boy said. Hermione looked as though she was about to faint.