At the end of the day, Yuki Eiri began to stack all the paperwork on his medium-sized desk while shoving whichever ones he needed into his briefcase. After carefully locking his office door, he walked down the empty hallway towards the elevator. It was already 9.00 o'clock at night and everyone else has gone home. Yes, Yuki Eiri was a workaholic, but not because he was eager to help his patients; it just so happens that this blonde man never quite liked the idea of having a social life.

But that never stopped his sister from meddling with his private life by trying to set him up with 'pretty, elite, modern ladies'. Sometimes he felt as if Mika was going through all that trouble to secure her hold on Seguchi Tohma- her husband who seemed to have a huge un-brotherly love for his brother-in-law. Heh… poor Mika. Yuki did not mind that much; though the president of N-G Records could be irritating at times, he WAS one of the closest persons to this anti-social man.

Yuki took long strides through the parking lot, got into his two-door Cadillac and headed in the direction of home. As he was nearing his apartment he remembered something. No more cigarettes. So he drove past his apartment building and stopped at the nearest 24-hour convenience store. A young boy sat at the cashier's desk, reading a magazine while chewing and blowing a bubblegum. He did not bother to look up.

"Malboro Lights," Yuki said simply to the boy. The boy glanced up with a displeased look on his face, as if he had been interrupted from the most important business in this world. But he did not say anything and took a box of the cigarettes from the glass case behind of him. Yuki walked out after paying. "Kids nowadays… bastards," he muttered under his breath.

Once outside Yuki took out a cigarette from the new packet and lighted it. As he got closer to his posh automobile, his eyes caught on something blue, or maybe green, and also pink- he could not tell for it was quite dark, slumped against the driver's door. He picked up his pace and found himself discovering a teenager with an unusual hair colour and an even more uncommon colour for his eyes when the boy had slowly peered up.

Just as Yuki was about to verbalize another curse on adolescents, he became conscious of the pained look on the youth's face. And he realized that the boy had been crying. "Hey… you okay?" Yuki asked.

The teenager shook his head from left to right slowly.

"Uh… are you hurt? Do you need the hospital?"

The boy looked down. His hands were in between his crotch. After a while he looked up and shook his head again.

Was he… raped? "Is there anything I can do to help? Do you want to go to the police station?"

For the third time the teenager shook his head, but this time vigorously.

Silence. Shit. What am I supposed to do now? "Well…uh... you see… you're leaning-"

But before Yuki could finish his sentence, the youth managed to croak out some words. "Please… could you… friend's house… I can't walk… please…"

Yuki understood what the boy was saying. Without thinking much, he slowly helped the boy up and brought him around the two-door car to the passenger's seat. Then he hurried around again to the driver's side and got into the car.

As he turned on his engine, Yuki asked, "So… your friend's house is…?"

"Ku, Kunitachi Heights."

For a while, Yuki Eiri had a blank look on his face. "Urm, I think I know where Kunitachi Station is, but I'm not too sure where Kunitachi Heights is."

"You… you can send me to the station. I'll walk from there. Do you mind?" by this time, the boy could talk a little bit louder and clearer.

"No. I mean, I don't mind. But it'd be better if I dropped you off at your friend's place. Just show me the directions."

"…… thank you."

The both of them were quiet while Yuki drove, but Yuki kept an eye on the boy. He seems familiar...

When they arrived at the building, Yuki offered to assist the boy to his friend's apartment, but the boy declined politely. "Thank you, but I've messaged my buddy. He'll come down to help me. Thank, thank you so much." At this the teenager bowed as a sign of gratitude, but he felt dizzy and would have fell on his front if it was not for Yuki's quick reflexes.

Ahhh… The boy felt safe being supported by this stranger, but as a thought crossed his mind, he immediately pushed himself out of Yuki's arms and fell onto the ground.

"What the…?"

And suddenly a new voice was heard, "Shuichi! What happened? That guy bothering you?" Another teenage boy with a more matured look and who was slightly shorter than Yuki, came running towards them. He had his long hair tied in a low pony-tail.

"No, no, Hiro. This man helped me," said the pink haired boy to his friend. And then he turned to Yuki and said, "I'm… I'm terribly sorry. I really didn't mean to… I, I'm sorry."

Yuki stared down at the boy who was still sitting on the sidewalk. "Yeah, whatever," he replied. Then without another word he turned around, got into his car and sped off.

"I… I'm really sorry," the boy whispered again as he watched the car make a turn at the corner.

"Shuichi. Come on, lemme help you up. Tell me what happened."


In the car Yuki Eiri murmured to himself, "… so... his name's Shuichi..."