1Disclaimer: I don't own anything cept...hehe you'll see!

Takes place during the fire at the church...

A black haired girl looked on from the hill just beyond the church. Upon seeing the flames and the boy with white hair she took off at a run towards the flaming church.

A flash of black caught Dally's eye as she ran past and he tried to grab her thinking it was Johnny before he realized that it wasn't who he thought. Val continued on to the church and jumped through the flaming window. Catching a flash of blonde she turned towards the flash and grabbed onto it quickly 'ponyboy' she thought suddenly then thinking quickly she threw him back through the window where Dally caught him. After continueing to take the children out she finally caught sight of the one she was looking for. "Johnny" she yelled and grabbed him by the back of the shirt just as the roof began to collapse. Holding him tightly to herself she jumped out the window and rolled just clearing the falling church. She put him on the ground gently and smiled as she stood "I will see you soon my brother" she whispered and kissed his forehead before running off again.


Depends on the reviews!