Omg everyone I am so sorry! I tried to upload this to my documents on Sunday, but I had these error crap things. It wouldn't work till today. Forgive me Dx Anyways…Hey everyone! I just want to thank all of you one last time for taking the time to read this. I know we're all busy and short on time, so that means a lot to me. And thanks to those who review; without ya'll, I would probably be too much of a loser to continue. So yah, you guys are AWESOME! I don't know when my next fic will be out. But it will be started in a week. So keep a look out!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Or else Hinata would ditch the stupid parka. It ain't that cold.

Chapter Ten: Take Small Steps

Sakura, Ino, and Tenten went on their usual Saturday night outing. They sat in a booth, glancing at their menus.

Ino let out a sigh. "It's so quiet without Hinata here. Even if she never talks."

"Yeah…I just hope they get back soon. I refuse to go on another spying mission with Neji."

Putting her menu down, Ino got a mischievous look in her eyes. "Do you guys think…they did anything…impure?" she said with quotes around the last word. Sakura look horrified.

"Oh for goodness sakes! Get your mind out of the gutters!"

"I'm just saying…they did look awfully friendly that day at the swings." Sakura recalled how they had been spying on them behind a tree.

Tenten rolled her eyes. "Oh come on…it's not like anything happened. They rode on the swings, jumped, woo hoo. You see kindergarteners doing the same thing."

"But they aren't kindergartners."

"…Maybe you do need to get your mind out of the gutters. Or, it could be that you're just reaaaally lonely."

Ino raised one of her eyebrows. "Wait a minute, what do you mean…nothing happened?"


"So what 'happens' when you and Hyuga are together…alone?"

Tenten puffed up like a red marshmallow. "I am not going to lose my dignity by answering such a childish question!" Ino snickered evilly.

The waitress walked up to their table. "Hey, ladies. Are you ready to order some drinks?"

"Yes, please."

She held up a drink menu. "We have Coke, Sprite, Minute Maid Orange Soda, pink lemonade, Dr. Pepper, or root beer."

Tenten ordered a pink lemonade while Ino ordered a Coke.

The waitress turned to Sakura. "What about you, miss?"

She stared at the menu intently. "Hey, guys, should I get a Dr. Pepper, or a Sprite?"

"I don't know. What do you want to, you know, drink?"

Sakura stared at the menu blankly. After a good ten minutes, the waitress laughed nervously. "Erm…why don't I just…bring both, and see which you like better?"

Tenten sighed with relief. "Oh yes! Thank you."

When the waitress walked away they both turned to her. "What's wrong with you?"


"Never mind…"

In a few minutes the waitress returned with a bottle of Dr. Pepper and a bottle of Sprite. "Have you…made up your mind?" "I better get some damn good tips, or I'm spitting in your food girly."

Sakura looked to the black bottle of Dr. Pepper, then shifted her gaze to the green Sprite bottle. She could feel herself getting sweaty. Ino and Tenten gave her a puzzled look. "N-NOTHING! I DON'T WANT A DRINK! IM NOT THIRSTY! WHO SAID I HAD TO BE? WHY DO I HAVE TO PICK A DRINK? NOTHING! I WANT NOTHING!"

The waitress took a few steps back with her hands in front of her defensively. "O-Okay…no one said…you …had to get…can I get another waiter here?" She retreated to the back of the restaurant.

She could feel two pairs of eyes, along with a few others from surrounding tables, staring at her. Trying to think of an explanation to her outburst, Sakura looked around wildly. Sakura nearly jumped from her seat when she found a diversion. "L-look! It's Naruto and Hinata, over there! Together!"

Tenten and Ino turned around in their chairs to verify it. Their jaws dropped to the floor.

Naruto and Hinata sat across from each other, staring at each other over the rims of their menus. Their waiter sweat-dropped as he waited for them to order. They had been locked in an intense gaze for at least ten minutes, and it didn't look like they'd order anytime soon.

"Oh my gosh! It looks like they're on a date! I guess it's not time to say hi yet." Tenten turned to her left when she heard some evil laughter.

Ino threw her head back and laughed manically, flailing her arms. "What did I tell you! They've been doing 'impure' things! I knew it knew it knew it!"

Sakura thwarted her with her salad fork. "Idiot! They're not even doing anything. All they're doing is staring at each other. People stare at Ino's pig-face on a daily basis."

Tenten sighed dreamily. But just look at the way they're looking at each other. Sakura blinked a few times.

"I don't see anything."

Next to her, Ino nodded in agreement. "Me neither. The glare from your forehead is obscuring my view."


"Forehead girl!"

Naruto frowned. "Do you hear cats in the background?"

Hinata didn't look away from him. "I don't hear anything."

Under the table, Hinata could feel something brush against her foot. Her face flushed. Naruto grinned at her foxily. "Me neither."

Tenten got out her cell phone and hit number one on her speed dial. "Neji?"

"Yes Tenten?"

"Are you busy?"

"No. Is that cats I hear in the background?" Tenten looked down; Sakura was on top of Ino, twisting a salad fork in her hair.

"No, not the bangs! You're tangling my bangs!"

Tenten sighed. "Err…yeah. Want to catch a movie or something? Suddenly my schedule filled up."


"I'll meet you at the theater. Bye!" Tenten hung up her phone and walked out, jumping over Ino and Sakura. They were too busy pummeling everyone and anyone who got in their path to notice she was ditching them. As innocent civilians ran out of the building screaming for their lives, Naruto and Hinata walked out hand in hand, skipping.

Hinata stopped in front of her door. She fiddled with her keys.

Naruto scratched the back of his head. He tried to remember what Shikamaru told him fiddling keys meant. He snapped as he remembered. Naruto sauntered over to her, closing the gap in between them. Hinata closed her eyes.

Her foot felt cold all of a sudden. She sweat dropped when she looked down; Naruto was removing her sandals, and proceeded to give her a foot massage. He smiled up at her, giving her a thumbs up.

She scowled and yanked her feet away from him. "Naruto, why are you giving me a foot massage…on my door step?"

"Because. Shikamaru told me that when a girl fiddles her keys, she wants a foot rub." Hinata sighed. She reached up and gave him a small peck on the lips. Naruto circled his arms around her, pulling her closer. She let her hands go to his sides, holding onto them gently.

"…Does this mean you don't want a foot massage?"

Hinata flicked him on the head. "No, I don't want a foot massage."

Naruto scratched his head again. "Okay, my turn! I want a kiss. Right here." He pointed the bandage his cheek. Hinata crossed her arms. Naruto made pouty faces at her. "Come on, Hinata. Give me a kissie! Kiss my booboo!"

She was about to give in when the door slammed open. Naruto's face paled. "H-Hey there, Neji."

"Goodnight, Naruto."

Naruto turned around to go. When he was a few steps away, he turned around and gave Hinata a quick kiss. He then ran as fast as he could. While he ran, Naruto yelled out, "Tell Tenten I like her lip gloss! It looks good on you!"

Neji gave Hinata a confused look. She coughed a little and pointed discreetly to the smudge on the right corner of his mouth. He quickly rubbed at it then regained his cool guy pose. Hinata sighed.

When he was sure he was far enough from Neji, Naruto slowed to a nice, steady walk and shoved his hands in his pockets. He whistled happily as he strolled through the dark, empty streets.

From up ahead, two dark figures sat in a tree. A pair of bright green eyes studied Naruto intently. "Target approaching."

"Roger." The other hooded figure waited as Naruto unknowingly walked beneath the tree they were standing on. As he passed under the tree, one of the figures jumped.

Naruto turned around when he heard the rustle of leaves. No one heard the scream that escaped from his mouth.

Two small girls snuggled in their blankets in the dark, clutching their teddy bears. One was a black-haired girl with brown eyes. The one next to her was about two years younger. She had blond hair and pale, white eyes that almost looked blue.

The one with blue eyes tossed in her blankets. "Next week, you're going to come to our house to sleep over, right?"


"Yay! Next week is cousin Yuuki's birthday!"

"Oh yeah."

"That reminds me. I was going to make him a card for his birthday."


"…What color were his eyes again?"

"I don't remember. I was only seven the last time I saw him."

"…But you are seven."

"I know. I saw him last week at the picnic."


"What, he's technically only your cousin."

"But daddy said we're all family."

"What ever."

"How am I going to draw a picture of him if I don't know what color his eyes are?"

"We have a picture of all of us in one of the hallways. It was taken last year."

The little blond girl jumped from her blankets. "Let's go!" She sweat dropped when she heard snoring. She gave her a quick kick.

"Come on!"

"Fine fine fine…"

They walked down a few long hallways. She stopped abruptly. "Mommy hanged the photo here."


There was a large portrait in a rich, mahogany frame. Four little eyes scanned it.

One woman with brown hair was holding a small black-haired girl in her lap, playing with her hair. Next to her was blue-haired woman rocking a sleeping blond haired baby in her lap. Last was a black-haired woman whose silver eyes glared at the three men wrestling in the background for the last piece of cake. She was feeding a black-haired boy from a bottle. His sleepy green eyes were halfway closed.

"Now I remember! They're green!" The older girl rolled her brown eyes.

"Yeah, you remember after we walk all the way here." The two girls headed back to their rooms. One walked in a graceful, dignified manner while the other skipped, whistling a happy tune.

Outside, many miles away, a pair of intriguing silver eyes watched as the darkness faded away with the coming of the sun. As it set above the horizon, she could see a certain blond haired brother of hers. His face rose with the sun; the dawning of the day, as hers disappeared with the dark skies.

So this concludes Day and Night! Thank you again for reading; and the encouragement and support that motivated me to continue. I couldn't ask for nicer reviewers! Hope the ending does you justice. And thank you guys for getting me 50 reviews! That's more than I could ask for :D Also, pick a pairing for my next one! Do it!...Please? Bye beauitfuls:D