Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

I want to thank everyone who has ever reviewed this story even though some chapters only had, like, 400 words and a lot of mistakes. There will be some DH spoilers in this chapter but nothing too major.


All of them were standing at King's Cross saying goodbye to their children as they parted for a new year at the old school.

Hermione holding her husbands hand gave a hug and a kiss to each her children, Aleera 15 and Corey 12, Lucius gave his daughter a kiss on the head and his younger son a warm father like pat on the back.

"Behave this year will you my dears?" Hermione asked her children.

Aleera smirked lovingly at her mother and her silver eyes warmed gently at her father's stern look, "I swear I won't get caught," both of her parents knew what that meant, Hermione raised an eyebrow but let it slide as her daughter ran her hand through her short messy brown hair.

Corey gave a bright smile at his mother and father and told them he'll do his best, "I am the smartest wizard in my year you know," Hermione ignored Lucius whispering "He gets that from you."

"Hey," a young red head waved from the crowds, "We'll see you later mum," Aleera called as she and Corey disappeared.

A grunt from behind alerted them to Harry's and Ginny's arrival, they turned and greeted their old friends.

It had been half an hour and in ten minutes the train would leave, everyone was there.

Draco and his wife, Sarah, who was six years younger than himself, and their kids, Shawn and Darling, 13 and 9 and their youngest son Scorpius, 6.

Harry and Ginny and their children, Lily, James and Albus, 13, 12 and 6.

Ron and Luna, China, Kayla, Leo and Hugo, the twins were 12, Leo was 10 and Hugo was 6.

Blaise, who had also shockingly married to someone no one thought possible, and his wife Lavender were there to see their oldest off, their son Kane, 11.

They also had two girls and another son, May 8 and Christine 7 and their youngest, Preston, 6.

"Hey Granger, I hear I'm going to have yet another sibling, honestly, I'm over 30 and it's a little strange having a baby brother and sister." Draco said after he waved goodbye to his own children who were on the train, calling her by her old name with warmth.

Her brown eyes glittered, "Well Draco, I think you're still a little spoiled, maybe another will knock you down a bit, hmm?" she addressed him as though he really was her son.

"Well gee mum if you have another one will I have to share my room?" he asked her sarcastically, and neither could help the laugh that escaped.

Lucius's hand, as if on its own accord, reached down and stroked her swelling stomach.

They both knew it was a girl and settled on the name Rose, mainly because there were roses on the bed the night they, um, we because it was a pretty name.

To Hermione this was heaven, her best friends were alive and well and she had another baby on the way, nothing could ruin this moment.

"Hey," Ron shouted, "Why don't we go get a coffee. There a place where the kids could play too."

They all agreed, 'Yes,' Hermione thought, 'Nothing could be better.'


Hermione was old, just past 98, her long white hair reached down her back in small waves while her brown eyes were as bright as ever with knowledge and love. Her worn and old face was wrinkled and she needed a lot of help from her family but she knew that the time was coming for her to say goodbye to the world.

She walked past the great hall and heard the children laughing and chatting just like they did in her days, she walked past the lake and saw its beautiful ripples, and she walked past the fat lady and remembered the first time she had walked through there.

Yes, even after all this time she could still remember.

She walked past the bathroom where she was attacked by the troll and was saved by Harry and Ron; a warm smile graced her wrinkled lips as she remembered her old friends.

She walked past the bathroom where they made polyjuice and she turned into a cat.

She walked back to the Gryffindor common room and sat in her old chair, it was no longer her chair but she still remembers the nights her and her friends sat up by the fire and made plans to save the school.

A tear slipped from her eye, her friends were gone, her husband, she was the last of them and it was time for her to let go.

She'll never forget the day Aleera took her first steps and how Corey wrote home when he got his first O, or how the first time Rose caught the snitch. She'll remember when Lucius told her she was the most beautiful person in the world after she had given birth to their son, she'll remember how he once tried to go shopping in the muggle world with her and he ended up having to erase many memories.

She'll remember when she saw Harry dragging himself out of the room he and Voldemort had fought in, she'll remember how he had pushed himself so hard to save everyone and he did.

She'll remember the day he came out the room screaming "I'MA DAD, I'M A DAD," and the look on his face when he held his daughter for the first time.

She'll remember how Ginny dragged her for days on end trying to find the perfect wedding dress only to find it in her mother closet. She'll remember how Ginny cried as she saw James get married to May, how she was so happy when she became a grandmother.

Hermione's eyes closed and a part of her panicked, 'No not yet, please not yet I haven't finished,' more tears fell, what happens after death? She herself had wondered that many times, more so now that so was old. 'What happens? Am I to dwell in darkness, or maybe to be bathed in light?' The thoughts scared her.

'Hermione,' a soft whisper of her name stole her form her thoughts, she knew that voice, 'my dear sweet Hermione, I miss you please come to me.'

"Lucius?" she wondered, yes her knew that voice well.

'Yes my dear,' the voice sounded so close.

"Where are you?" she asked in the darkness lighted only by the fireplace that left shadows dancing across her fearful face.

'Close your eyes Hermione, I am there.'

Licking her dry lips she gave a small nod, she knew what this meant, letting a few more tears fall she whispered "Goodbye" and gently slid her eyes shut.

She didn't die right away but she could feel herself dying, it almost felt as though she was going to sleep, she was slowly drifting away.

She opened her eyes and she was back at the platform, her friends were there chatting like they always did, Draco teasing Ron and Luna telling Ron to behave, Ginny telling Lavender and Sarah the best way to get baby food out of clothes and Harry nodding and trading tips on flying with Blaise. Lucius watching the clock above their heads.

Suddenly the clock chimed and they all stopped what they were doing all looked up, Hermione was standing there.

They all looked so young, just as they did when they were in their 30s; a sad look crossed their faces before it was replaced by happiness.

Shouts and calls of her name ringed through her ears, Lucius walked towards her looking as handsome as he did they day she met him.

His pale hand cup her cheek and he bended down and gave her a quick kiss, "Welcome back my sweet Hermione," looking down at her hands Hermione notices she too had returned to her youthful state.

Chocking back the cries that were trying to come out she looked at her friends and then back at her husband.

She smiled, though tears had started to run down, "It's good to be here."

She didn't know if this was real or not but she was just so glad to see them all.

The train pulled up and she followed the others as they boarded.

This was truly heaven to her.


Sir Nick looked at the body of the former Gryffindor and he gave a sad sigh.

"You made the right choice Miss Granger," he remembers when she herself was at the school and how she would seek him out to talk about anything and everything.

"You truly were the smartest witch of your age and we will always miss you, Hermione Granger Malfoy, 1/3 of the golden trio."

The ghost gave one last sad look at the body and went to find the headmistress Aleera Malfoy Zabini.


Well that was the end, sorry for making everyone wait so long.

I'm not sure what to think of the end, it's 4am and I was thinking I should finish this now.

Like it or not, tell me and if it's lacking something I might change it next year or whenever I can.

Written by Jessica