Disclaimer: Not mine!

Prue is 18, Piper 17, Phoebe is 15, and Paige is 14.

Time Won't Let Me

The girls got home from school and headed upstairs in silence. An hour later, the sisters were still in Prue and Paige's room doing homework. Piper and Phoebe were on the floor with their homework scattered and Prue and Paige were sitting on Prue's bed working on their assignments.

"What play did Mr. Bates assign Piper?"

"Hamlet, but that jerk doesn't know what he's talking about Phoebe."


"He started quoting Hamlet or so he says."


"He was quoting Macbeth Prue. He's the teacher and he can't get his Shakespeare straight."

"Wow. I hope I don't get him."

"Which probably means you will Pheebs. You tend to get teachers you hate."

"Thanks for the boost of confidence."

"I'm finished."

"Already Paige?"

"Yeah Piper. All I had was math."


"Phoebe, you wanted Honors classes for reasons I still don't understand.

"You should have warned me Prue."

"She did."

"Piper, stay out of it. You know better than to get in the middle of their 'conversations.'"

"Oh right."

"Well, even though I'm saddled with honors courses, I did half my work at school. All I've got left is my journal."

"Finished. Thank god. What about you Piper?"


"I'm grateful Ms. Cooke only told us to write half a page because I have no idea what to write my journal on."

"Paige, let's go start dinner."


Prue and Paige left their room and headed down to the kitchen. Ever since Grams died, the girls have been taking care of each other. If anyone were to find out she died, they would be separated. That and the fact she was killed by a demon might freak some people out. An hour later, Prue was setting the table and Paige was serving dinner.

"Call them while I finish setting the table."

"Piper! Phoebe!"

"Not so loud."

"It's a big house."

Upstairs, Piper and Phoebe scrambled out of the room leaving their stuff everywhere. They ran downstairs and sat at the table. Prue and Phoebe were on one side and Piper and Paige were on the other side. Prue spoke up.

"So, what's on the demonic radar?"

"I don't know. Things have been pretty quiet."

"Let's keep it that way."

"Amen Piper. What do we know for sure?"

"They want our powers."

"They all do Prue."

"Warlocks and demons attack when we least expect it. What if they attack at school?"

"And risk exposure? I don't think so Pheebs.

"She's right Piper. Sometimes we're by ourselves. Who's to say when they don't watch us?

"Paige, enough. We'll be fine. Wait, why would they attack at school? It's too public even if we are by ourselves."

The three remaining sisters looked at the eldest skeptically. A few hours later, Prue was in the kitchen preparing a vanquishing potion. Piper walks in. Paige and Phoebe are watching T.V. in the other room.

"What are you doing Prue?"

"Preparing some vanquishing potions. Just in case."

"Let me help you."


"They seem to think you're being a little bit overprotective."

"I know but I just want to keep them safe. We're all too young to deal with this but we have to. All we have is each other and the Book. I don't want to lose any of that."

Prue and Piper filled little vials with the potion. The next day Phoebe was in her science class listening to the lecture. She pulled out her lab manual that she almost forgot to bring. It was sitting on the Book of Shadows. Prue had them study the Book the night before. She touched her lab manual and had a premonition. She saw a demon trying to steal the Book. When she came out of it, Phoebe gasped softly.

"The Book."

Phoebe raised her hand but her professor was engrossed in his lecture. At least there was one person interested. After ten minutes, he finally turned around and noticed Phoebe had her hand up.

"Yes Ms. Halliwell?"

"May I go to the restroom?"

"You're supposed to do that between classes."

"I know Mr. Clark but it's an emergency."


Phoebe left her class and ran down the hall to Piper's classroom. Piper was taking notes when something at the door caught her attention. She realized that Phoebe was flicking her hands. Piper froze the room and Phoebe walked in.

"What's going on?"

"No time to explain. We have to get home."

Phoebe ran out of the classroom and waited for Piper to come out. Piper unfroze the class and raised her hand. Her math teacher scanned the class to see if anyone knew the answer.

"Yes Piper? Do you know the answer?"

"Actually yeah. It's 4 but . ."

"Correct. Now . ."

"Miss Cooper?"


"May I go to the restroom?"


Piper walked out of the classroom and Phoebe led her to Paige's class. Lucky for them her class was headed to the library. Paige was the last one out of her class and shut the door. Phoebe placed a hand over her mouth and pulled her aside.

"What's going on? You're not skipping are you?"

"No! We need to get home. Safety now, explanation later. We need Prue."

The three girls went to Prue's classroom. Quietly Piper opened the door and stuck her hand in. She froze the room and opened the door revealing them all.

"What are you doing?"

"Get a pass to the bathroom now."

"But Piper . ."

"We don't have time to explain right now. Bad vision. We need to stop it."

"Yeah so hurry."

"Okay, close the door. I'll be right out. Just be ready to orb."


Paige closed the door just as everything unfroze. A few seconds later Prue walked out and joined her sisters down the hall.

"Let's go."

Paige orbed everyone home. They orbed into the attic and Phoebe was relieved to see the Book. Prue, Piper, and Paige started looking around for anything weird. Paige looked at her.

"Pheebs, if this is some lame attempt to get out of going to class, then . ."

"It's not that. I had a premonition that a demon was trying to steal the book."

"The book is protected by magic. What's the big deal?"

"Some demons are strong enough to resist Prue. Phoebe's just being careful."

"Thanks Piper."

"You're welcome."

"Okay, what exactly did you see?"

Phoebe was about to reply when a demon blinked in front of the Book. She saw him over Prue's shoulder. Phoebe quickly gripped Paige's shoulders and turned her around.


Prue and Piper turned around and saw him. Prue used her power to send him flying toward the window. Piper froze him before he shattered it. Phoebe grabbed the Book and hid it.

"Why did you freeze him?"

"Prue, we can't afford to fix that. We can barely afford to fix the grandfather clock you keep breaking."

"I don't break it. The demons do."

"No you do. You don't have to make them land there."

"Paige, I thought you were on my side."

"I am."

"But . ."

"You guys, he's not gonna stay frozen forever."

"Phoebe's right. We need the potions we made. Where are they Prue?"

"The kitchen cupboard. Paige, orb fast."


Paige orbed out and Prue moved the demon away from the window. Instead, she threw him up against the wall. He threw a fireball at them but Piper froze it. Phoebe levitated and kicked him back into one of the bookcases. He stood up but before he could do anything, Prue made him fly to the other side of the attic. The fireball unfroze and landed on a piece of fabric. A small fire started but Phoebe put it out. Prue turned toward the attic door.

"Paige, hurry!"

As soon as the words left her mouth, Paige orbed in. She had two vials and gave one to Prue. He charged toward Piper but she froze him again. The sisters regrouped and Prue threw the potion on him. He burst into flames and disappeared.

"Extra mandrake root Prue?"

"The more pain inflicted, the better."

"Cute. Here take this one and hide it somewhere in here. We need to spread them around the house."

"Good idea. What did you do with the others?"

"A couple are in the kitchen, conservatory, living room, foyer, bedrooms, bathrooms . ."

"Prue, how many potions did you make?"

"Don't ask Pheebs."

"Piper, that's not funny. Look, I just want to be prepared. What happens if we run out of potions in the middle of a battle?"

"Piper can always blow him up."

"Prue's right. Now, we need to get back."

"Yeah, what would have happened if we let her premonition play out?"

"I don't want to find out Prue and I don't want to blow up a demon. I can just imagine the mess."

"I don't think they leave a mess."

"Okay. Enough. Gather around so I can orb."

Paige orbed back to school with her sisters. Classes had finished and students filled the hall. Prue tapped Piper's arm with her own.


"Could you, ya know?"


"It would make it a whole lot easier to get to our classes to get our stuff."


"Since when do you want to go to class?"


Piper froze the entire hallway and the four girls split up and were on their way. They finished out the day without any more interruptions. Prue and Phoebe met up on the way out and walked to the car. The two sisters sat on the hood talking and waiting for Piper and Paige.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I was just thinking about what happened."

"What about it?"

"It was scary Prue. When I had that premonition, my heart started racing. I can't take something happening to any of you. I know in my vision nothing happened but still. We've lost a lot and we don't have very much.

"We have each other and we have the Book. You know Grams and mom are watching over us. We have Leo too. He's our whitelighter."

"That happens to be our age. I'm not saying he's not capable or anything but I got used to there being someone older to protect us and guide us. I feel kinda vulnerable."

"We all are."

"Yeah, I know."

"Hey Prue. Hi Phoebe."

"Hey Andy."


"What are you guys doing?"

"Waiting for Piper and Paige. They told Phoebe they needed to go their lockers first."

"I see. Well tell Piper that Leo says hi. I'll see you guys later."


"Bye. Okay so what do we do Prue? We can't always be there to fend off a demon."

"True but don't the demons usually find us?"

"Yeah but they want the Book too."

"I know."

"Something could happen to any one of us."

"It's possible but stop worrying Phoebe. Grams is fine now, thanks to you."

"My power is pretty cool, but I still can't shake this feeling I have."

"What feeling?"

"Hey Piper. Phoebe and I were talking about what happened earlier.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Like Prue said I was just thinking about the attack earlier. Where's Paige?

"Right here. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself."

Prue and Phoebe slid off of the hood and got in the car. Phoebe was up front with Prue. Paige was in the back with Piper. Phoebe stared out the window the whole ride home. Paige realized something was wrong.

"Hey Phoebe. What's wrong?"


"Bad day?"

"You could say that Piper."

"Tell them what you told me."

"Why? I don't want to worry them. They won't understand.

"You don't know that. Maybe we can help."

"Actually Piper I do know. Just leave me alone."

"No, come on tell us. We care about you Pheebs."

"Paige, you guys know better than to push her. Leave her alone."

"Thanks Prue."

"No problem."

"Phoebe, you shouldn't keep this to yourself."

"Drop it Piper!"

"How is this fair? Why tell Prue? Why not us?"

"Shut up! I don't have to tell you everything! Get off my back already!"

The sisters remained silent for the rest of the ride home. They entered the house through the back door like always Phoebe walked past her sisters and upstairs to her room.

"Give her some space. Let's do our homework."

Piper and Paige followed Prue up to her room. Piper and Phoebe shared a room but they wanted to give her a little space. Prue finished her homework and went downstairs to start dinner. Paige finished the last of her homework and looked up.

"We should talk to Phoebe."

"Why? So she can yell at us again?"

"She was yelling at you not me and we need to resolve this. We're sisters."

"Yeah, you're right."

Paige and Piper left the room and went to down the hall to Phoebe's room. They looked at each other before knocking on the door. Phoebe stopped writing at the sound when she heard the knock.

"Yeah? Who is it?"

"It's me and Piper. Can we come in?"

"I don't feel like talking right now."

"We just want to apologize."

"Okay Paige. Come in."

Piper opened the door and they walked over to Phoebe. They sat on the bed in front of her and held her hands. Phoebe looked at her sisters and saw remorse in their eyes.

"We're sorry Phoebe. We didn't mean to provoke you. Piper and I want the best for this family."

"I know. It's okay. I'm just worried about us. I'm so scared something is going to happen. We have no one else."

"I can't say that everything's going to be okay. We don't know that. All we can do is take it a day at a time."

"That's true Piper but Phoebe's right. We need help."



Prue opened the door and found her sisters sitting on the bed. Paige stood up and led her sisters to the attic. She found the Book of Shadows and started leafing through it.

"Paige, what are you doing?"

"We can't do this alone Prue. We're just kids. We need help."

Paige lit a few candles and arranged them in a circle. She found the page she was looking for. Phoebe moved to stand beside her. She held her hand and they both started chanting.

"Hear these words; hear my cry, spirit from the other side. Come to me; I summon thee. Cross now the Great Divide."

Blue and white lights started forming and resulted in a lone figure. Prue and Piper were wide eyed and held onto each other. Piper stepped closer and looked at the figure her sisters had just conjured.
