I'm so ashamed that I'm not even gonna tell you how long its been since I've updated. Over two years! I've just been so stuck with this story. I was going through my yahoo mail box the other day and I had like over 2000 messages from Dachsie World, a group that I joined. I saw a few PMs from people that loved my story so I decided to give it a shot. I need ideas people. Please, please give me some ideas for the girls. I couldn't be surprised if I lost all my faithful reviewers but reviews are nice people. So anyway here's ch. 13


Paige looked at him surprised and shocked but what shocked her even more was the look in his eyes. She knew he meant what he said but she couldn't quite understand where it had come from. Before she could respond, Prue walked in.

"Hey Paige, we're gonna watch Comedy Central if you wanna . . . Cole?"

Prue walked further into the room toward him. She saw how battered he was and her jaw dropped. Paige started to stand up but Cole grabbed her arm to make her stay put. She looked at him and slowly sat back down.

"What happened to you?"

"Things are a little crazy down there."

"What did you find out?"

"Someone's coming to power real soon."

"Yeah, we kinda figured that out when we vanquished the Source. What else?"

"Judging by what kind of firepower you guys have been under, he's a starting a little heavy. They know I've been helping you guys. They know what I've done Prue."

"And you get this in return."

"I'm okay. Paige is a good nurse."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. He's my mentor."


"The new Source. He hasn't been initiated yet and he won't be for some time. It's a whole process. Ow! Paige, what the hell?"

"You didn't tell me that."

"I meant to."

"Translation: I wasn't going to tell you unless you found out."


"Do you not see how dangerous this is?"

"No. Nothing happened."

"I think she means you."

"Yes, thank you Prue. Your mentor is going to be the new Source."

"Yeah, I got that."

"He's going to want someone trustworthy to be his right hand."

"Someone like me?"

"That does make sense. In his mind, you're perfect because you're most like him."

"That's what he thinks Paige."

"What are you gonna do Cole? You know he's gonna come looking for you."

"I'm good now and I plan to stay that way."

He looked at Paige after answering Prue's question as if he was gauging her reaction. Cole took her hand in his and held it gently. Prue saw the way he was looking at her and realized what this whole thing was to him. She led Paige outside to the hall and closed the door.

"Tell me you know what's going on with Cole."

"Yeah, he's crazy."

"About you."


"It's so obvious."


"I'm serious."

"I know."

"Do you like him?"

"Just because he's an amazing kisser doesn't mean I like him does it? You know what? Never mind."

"I don't think you realize the big picture here."

"What's bigger than the lovesick demon lying on my bed?"

"You know you don't see him as a demon."

"Yeah whatever."

"Paige, do you realize you're the only thing keeping him good?"

"What? Me?"

"He loves you and that makes you his foothold into good."

"I know."

"You know and you let me tell you?"


"But you just said . . ."

"I know he loves me because he just dared me to love him."

"He dared you? What, is he in third grade?"

"It's just something we started doing."

"Do you love him back?"

"I don't think so. How can I? I barely know him."

"He barely knows you and it is so obvious that he's head over heels for you."


"I think you feel the same way but there's only one way to find out."

Prue pointed to the door and smiled before walking away leaving Paige alone. Paige sighed and walked back into her room. Cole was still lying on her bed. He was watching something on TV but was distracted by Paige walking in front of the TV. Paige walked around the bed to sit next to him. She could feel his eyes on her as she sat down beside him. Slowly, she allowed herself to get closer and eventually let her head rest on his shoulder. Cole took a chance and wrapped his arm around her. Paige smiled and leaned into him.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. Thanks."



"You scared me Cole."

"I did?"

"You were gone for two weeks without even so much as a word."

"I'm sorry. I told you it was crazy down there."

"It's a little crazy up here too."

"What do you mean?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"Why you really couldn't stay."


"You love me, don't you?"


"That's sweet."

"I know how I feel. The question is, how do you feel?"

Paige looked at Cole and couldn't help but smile. She opened her mouth to say something but Phoebe's call interrupted her. Silently, she helped Cole downstairs. Her sisters were standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Prue filled us in but I think crazy was an understatement."


"What Piper? Look at him. He looks like the new bulls eye for the Source."

"That's beside the point. The new Source is dangerous to you and to us."

"He's not the Source yet."

"He will be sooner or later Cole. You and Paige are huge targets to them."

"Me? Prue, what are you talking about?"

"His goal is gonna be to use you to get Cole back. He's gonna do anything to make you doubt him, to push him away."

"Wait, he knows that Cole . . ."

"Probably. Look Paige, you and Cole have to . . ."

"No. She stays here Prue. I stayed away once. I can do it again."


Cole looked at her briefly and stepped away from her. He started walking toward the front door but something clicked deep inside of Paige that she couldn't stop. She went after him and just as he was about shimmer, Paige spoke up.

"Don't I get a say in this? Your heart's not the only one on the line here. Just for the record, you never had to dare me but in any case, dare complete."

He couldn't have been any happier than he was at that moment. Paige walked up to him and turned him around. Her sisters were standing near the stairs watching with confusion, well at least two of them were confused. Phoebe leaned toward Prue.

"Does anyone know what she's talking about?"


Phoebe looked at Prue and then back at her baby sister. Paige had intended to say something else but all she could do was stand there looking at him. Her eyes glistened with tears as she finally found her voice.

"You may be able to stay away but I can't."

Paige kissed him and placed her hands on his cheeks. After overcoming his surprise, he kissed her back. Cole could taste the salt from her fallen tears. She pulled away a few seconds later and looked at him. He wiped her tears away and she turned around.

"Uh sis, not to interrupt the love connection you got going on here but for once we have time to think and plan everything out."

"I know Pheebs but it's only gonna get worse."

"And now because of me, you're in even more danger. It's me they want not you and your sisters."

"I'd love to believe that but the hundreds of demons they send after us on a daily freaking basis says otherwise. It's too late."


"You could protect me but then my sisters would be in more danger. They'd use them to get to me."

"I shouldn't have even come to you. You would have been better off."

"Oh really? You think I would have been better off with a dead sister and no way to complete the power of four? We were just supposed to get lucky and hope mom had a fifth girl? No, I don't think so. You changed our future for the better and you're not going anywhere. We'll get through this. We have to."

"I know."

"So what do we do?"

"We'll figure it out Piper."

"I really should go."



"Please Cole. You're in too deep."

"But I can't just stay here like a sitting duck. You or your sisters could get hurt."

"And you think running's the answer?"

"No but what choice do I have?"

"You always have a choice. Okay how long does it take to initiate a Source?"

"Paige . ."

"Answer me please?"

"A few months. They have to pass a series of tests and then there's a ceremony to initiate him."

"What does that mean? We get a break?"

"Get real Piper. It probably means those pesky demons will keep coming after us just to give us something to do."

"Phoebe's right. I'll go and keep an eye on everything."


"It'll be okay. I'll come back."

Cole smiled at her and kissed her before shimmering away. Paige started pacing around slowly trying to figure things out. They all sat down in the living room thinking over what had just taken place. All of a sudden, Paige stood up and headed toward the stairs.

"I got some homework to do."

"Homework? Paige, you got to be kidding."

"No, I'm not Piper. What else can we do but worry and wonder about what the underworld is cooking up for us?"

'You can at least worry a little.'

"No Prue I can't. If I worry, then I can't get anything done. If I can't get anything done, I start to get on people's nerves."

"I didn't say anything."

"Of course you did."

"No, I didn't. I thought something but I didn't say anything."

"So what are you saying Prue? I can hear what you're thinking?"


"Okay since have we've been able to do that?"

"I don't think it's an us thing. I think it's a you and Prue thing."

"What do you mean Pheebs?"

"Well call it a hunch but you and Prue are the only ones that can do it."

"It happened once. How do you know you and Piper can't do it?"

"Okay. Think something."

'Our sister has gone completely looney tunes!'

"Paige! That was so uncalled for."

"But Prue . .wait. I thought something and you heard it."

"Told ya. You and Prue are really close and it seems like something that was bound to happen."

"Yeah. You guys have the same power for goodness sake. Can we just get on with our day please? Try to salvage a part of it at least?"

"You have a date with Leo don't you Piper?"

"Why would you say that Paige?"

"Because you're in a hurry to get this over with."

"So what if I do?"

"Nothing. There is one little thing…."

Paige sighed and closed her eyes. A few seconds later, Leo orbed in and materialized next to Phoebe. Paige opened her eyes but not before Phoebe gasped in surprise. Phoebe moved over toward Piper. Paige looked up and noticed all three of her sisters looking at her confused.

"You can summon my boyfriend?"

"No. I can summon our whitelighter."

"Same difference. How and why?"

"Okay what you guys don't know is that sometimes when you guys are busy Leo and I talk. He started teaching me things about being a whitelighter. It's no big deal."

"Why did you summon me?"

"Never mind. It's late and I want to go to bed. Go on your date. Lord knows Piper can't wait five minutes."

Paige went upstairs and walked into her room. She slipped under the covers and pulled a pillow close to hug it. Paige drifted off to sleep with a small smile playing on her lips. A few hours later, Paige was still sound asleep but she was now sleeping on her stomach. She was dreaming about Prue again and she could see and hear everything that was going on. Prue was making out with her date on the front porch. She accidentally let something slip.




"You just called me Andy."

"I did?"

"Don't play dumb with me. You know what you did."

"I'm sorry."

"I bet you are. Who's Andy?"

"He's an old boyfriend. That's all. I just broke up with him or we're taking a break I don't know."

"You don't know and you're out with me?"



"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I understand."

"I don't think you do."

"Does he mean anything to you?"

"Of course he does but I'm with you now."

"Yeah for how long?"

Prue remained quiet and glanced down at her hands. She was rewarded with a slap to the face. Paige woke up with a start and started gasping for air. She made her way downstairs just as Prue walked in.

"Hey Prue."

"Hey. What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep. I had a strange dream."


"I'm gonna make some tea. Want some?"

"Sure. I'm gonna go upstairs and change."


Paige walked to the kitchen and started making the tea. A few minutes later, Prue walked in wearing blue pajama pants and a black tank top. Her hair was loose and pooled around her face. Paige handed her a cup of tea and poured one for herself.



"What kind is it?"

"Chamomile. What else?"


"Where were you?"

"I had a date."

"How did it go?"

"It could have gone better."

Paige smirked and glanced at Prue. She did a double take when she saw the red mark on her cheek. Paige fumbled with the tea cup as she tried to keep it in her hands. Prue looked at her strangely until Paige pulled her hair back to reveal the red mark in its entirety.



"That's not . ."


"He hit you."

"It was an accident. I accidentally called him Andy."

"I know."

"You know? How?"

"I saw it."

"You were watching me?"


"Well then?"

"What were you doing on a date with someone else? What happened to Andy?"

"He wanted a break. I think he wants to break up. I needed something to take my mind off of him. Don't change the subject! How did you know?"

"I . ."

Prue looked at her and walked out of the kitchen. Paige followed her and tried grabbing her arms but Prue kept pulling away. Finally, Paige forcefully grabbed her right arm and turned her around. Prue pushed her away but before she could leave, Paige cried out.



"I didn't say anything."

"You just screamed my name."

"No, I didn't."

"You thought it."



"Prue, I never meant for you to get mad. That strange dream I had was of you and that guy. You guys were making out and you called him Andy. He asked you who Andy was and you said he's just an old boyfriend. You asked him what was wrong and he said nothing and that he understood. You weren't so sure. He asked you if he still meant something. You said of course he does but that you were with him now. He asked you for long."


"You never answered him did you?"

"How could you possibly know all that?"

"I dreamt it Prue. I didn't really know it was true until I saw the mark on your cheek. I swear to you I wasn't spying on you."

"Leo! Leo!! Leo!!!"

Leo orbed in between Prue and Paige. He looked at them and saw how stressed out and confused they were. His eye brows furrowed in confusion but he knew he had to separate them. Paige's eyes grew big as Leo pushed her to the couch.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Leo, I know you've always said they wouldn't give us powers if we weren't ready for them."


"Why would they give us two so quickly?"


"Tell him."

"Tell him what?"

'Tell him what you told me, idiot.'

"Prue, that's rude."

"She didn't say anything."

"See, this is what I'm saying."

"In English Prue."

"Just tell him."

"I had a dream about Prue only as I was dreaming it, it was actually happening. I told her the story verbatim as it happened and she thought I was spying on her. Prue left the kitchen and I screamed her name."

"She wasn't supposed to hear you?"

"I never said anything Leo. I only thought it."

"Close your eyes Paige."


"Close your eyes. It's okay. I just want to see something."

Paige eyed Leo warily and sighed. He placed his hand over her eyes and she closed them. With his free hand he gripped her right shoulder to keep her still. He signaled for Prue to come closer. Prue moved to stand next to him.

"Just relax and concentrate on Prue."

Paige relaxed her arms and did what Leo asked. After a few minutes of nothing happening, she sighed exasperated. Prue looked as confused as Paige felt. Leo sensed her confusion and looked down.

"Keep concentrating. You have to really want to find Prue."


"You don't know where she is. You can't see. Keep concentrating and thinking about how much you really want to find her."

"Leo, I don't see anything. Why don't you just . ."

Paige was cut off by a flash of white light. The light died down and she saw herself and Leo. Leo turned around and gestured down the wall. The view started moving and changing. She saw Prue's reflection in the mirror. Paige opened her eyes and pulled away from Leo with a gasp.

"Oh! Oh my god. Leo, what was that?"

"Prue, come on over here."

Prue walked around the corner and joined Leo and Paige. Prue looked confused and Paige looked shocked. Leo sat them down on the couch before sitting on the coffee table. He sighed softly and looked at the two girls.

"What just happened?"

"Mindleaping Prue."


"The connection between you and Prue has been taken to the next level."

"I'm sorry what?"

"Paige was able to see through you. In other words she can get inside your mind."

"What? I can what?"

"You can read each other's minds and get into each other's minds."


"The closer you two get the more you share."

"So my dream . . ."

"Your subconscious tapped into her mind. Congratulations. You two have a new power."


"But Leo we just started the telepathy earlier this afternoon and now we've moved on to Mindleaping?"

"Wait, that's why you asked me about the Elders giving you two powers so quickly?"


"But they'd only do that if. . ."


"Oh no."

"What's going on?"

"Prue, the Elders would only grant you a new power if you were ready for it and because you needed it but for them to grant you two powers is unheard of."

"Then why have they done it?"

"There's only one reason Paige. Something huge and something horrible is about to happen."

"Leo, that happens to us everyday."

"Not like this Prue. This is the Elders way of doing everything they can to ensure the survival of the Charmed Ones."

"Survival? You make it sound like we're headed for a war."

"You may very well be Paige. The war to end all wars."

Oh my god. No way this took me two years to do. Anyways, like I said before, I'm practically begging you guys here for any idea you can come up with. I don't want you guys to have to wait another two years for a chapter. Tell me what you guys think. Happy Turkey Day everyone!!