It was Ron's idea that much he knew. It taken him only a few minutes to put the facts into place after Ginny suggested it. He laughed at the idea and patted his little sister's head.

"How does Ron convince you to do these things?" he asked her condescendingly.

Ginny swatted at him growling.

"How do you know Ron's even involved?" she asked innocently.

"Well, that's easy" Charlie explained. "You have spent the last few years desperately trying to hook Hermione up with Ron. Then Ron falls for the Lovegood girl and to keep you off of his back he suggests me. I know that's what happened why he chose me, I don't know, you would think Percy is more her type."

"He should be so lucky" Ginny mumbled. She looked at her big brother, her brown eyes flashing. "You think you are so damn smart Charlie Weasley"

"I don't think it Ginerva, I know it" He replied smiling at her easing himself off of her couch. "Now I really need to go"

With a flick of her wand the couch was pushed in front of the door blocking his path.

"Not so fast" she said moving in front of him.

"What?" he asked growing a little impatient. "I am not going to ask Hermione Granger out and that's final Ginny"

"You're wrong" she told him as he moved past her pushing the couch out of his way.

"Wrong about what?" he countered.

"Wrong about Ron's part in this" Ginny answered.

"Ok" he relented. "Tell me all about it"

"I did try and 'hook up' Ron and Mione" she admitted. "But it became obvious to me that she didn't want him and he didn't want her. But it is my belief that Hermione was always suppose to be a Weasley"

Charlie grinned at that statement, chuckling a little recalling a conversation he had with Bill while the kids were all still at Hogwarts before the war. They had discussed Harry and Hermione commenting that the two would one day both be apart of the family. Of course they like everyone else assumed Ron and Hermione would live happily ever after.

"I have Harry and Ron has Luna" Ginny continued. "Not that Hermione wants Ron but it's hard to see someone she once felt intensity for, no matter how misplaced, falling in love. Hermione has pulled away from us. I decided to find someone for her. That's where Ron came in the picture. He mentioned to me that when the two talked and decided to remain friends Hermione confessed something to him. Hermione told Ron she always had a crush on you"

That floored Charlie. He couldn't imagine snotty Hermione Granger fancying him. Rough neck Charlie with his calluses and foul mouth. Charlie fell back onto the couch taking it in slowly. He never thought much about his younger sibling's best friend. He knew Hermione Granger had graduated from Hogwarts with marks that made Percy feel inadequate and he knew that she was awarded some of the highest honors for her accomplishments in the war but Charlie had never thought of her as a woman, someone with emotions, wants and needs.

Ginny was obviously pleased with the reaction.

"Charlie" she prodded her older brother playfully. "Are you going to speak or sit on my couch like a fool with your mouth open all day?"

"What do you want me to say?" Charlie finally replied.

"Say that you will meet us tonight" Ginny ordered. 'Were meeting at this night club in Diagon Alley"

She scribbled the address on a spare piece of parchment and forced it into his hands with a smile that reminded Charlie of the twins.

That's why he was here, standing in the doorway of a night club watching Hermione Grange, awe struck. He arrived late as usual. They were standing a few feet from the bar laughing with Harry, Luna and Ron. Hermione was dressed in muggle clothes, something that to him didn't fit with the image he always had of her. A form fitting black skirt matched with a tight but tasteful red tank top that showed cleavage Charlie didn't know she had. Hermione usually bushy chestnut was hair was now lying straight down her back almost to her waist.

It took him a few minutes to compose himself. Charlie straighten his collared shirt and plastered a blank look on his face before floating there way.

"What's up" Charlie said casually walking up to the group. Ginny hugged him tightly after pulling away from Harry embrace. He shook hands with Harry and Ron mumbling a hello and other pleasantries to Luna.

"Hermione" Charlie acknowledged giving her a small awkward hug.

"Charlie" she replied smiling brightly at him. He noticed a slight flush in her cheeks after their hug; she averted his eyes and looked out on the dance floor.

"Can I buy you a drink" Charlie asked. "I was about to get something for myself."

"Sure" Hermione answered. "Fire whiskey, two shots on the rocks"

Charlie nodded excusing himself walking to the bar. He didn't expect Hermione to drink whiskey straight. He would have guessed something frilly like what Ginny drank. It was also a little overwhelming that she drank it exactly like he did"

"Two fir whiskeys' Charlie called to the barkeep." Two shots on the rocks"

He was extremely glad it didn't take long to get the drinks. He didn't want to think, think about her figure, her face or her smile. Charlie realized that she may be twenty five years old now and far from a child but the idea of being with her made him feel dirty. At thirty One years old he didn't exactly consider himself to be old and it was only a six year difference but she was Ginny's mate and that made her seem younger.

With the drinks in his hand he made his way back to the group. He almost dropped the drinks at what he saw, Hermione was standing by herself. His lovely sister and brother must have decided the two needed some privacy and excused themselves. He would remember to thank them later.

"Hermione" he said pulling her out of a dreamy state handing her the drink. She smiled pleasantly but didn't respond. She took a sip not mailing the whiskey face most girls did. That impressed Charlie it was nice to see a woman who could hold her liquor.

It took Charlie a moment to find something to say. But he had to break this silence or he would lose his mind.

"How's work?" he asked.

"Works well" she answered stiffly. "I love being at the ministry"

"There is talk of you becoming the first female minister of magic" he said. "I wouldn't expect any less"

"Hmm" she mumbled taking another swig of the drink. A few more moments passed. Charlie saw her fidget and bites her bottom lip. She must be nervous, he thought.

"So do you want to kill my siblings or should I?" Charlie asked. Hermione smiled at him sheepishly.

"By all means let me" she requested. "Ginny knows I hate set ups"

"Me too" Charlie admitted.

Hermione blushed again getting very obviously flustered.

"What all did Ginny say when she proposed this?"

Charlie knew at once Ginny never should have mentioned that Hermione fancied him so he did his best to act as if he didn't know.

"Oh, the same things she sold you I suppose" Charlie lied and saw her relax at once. He could see Ginny and Ron watching from the other side of the bar and that gave him a good idea.

"Want to get out of here?" he asked Hermione as he finished is drink.

"What?" Hermione whispered.

"Let's give them something to talk about" Charlie replied nodding over to his brother and sister. "Leave them curious. A little payback"

Hermione smiled polishing off her own drink. She reached for her coat and pulled it on with a little assistance from Charlie.

"That's the best idea I ever heard" she told him. "Let's go"

Charlie let Hermione lead him to the door. He guided her thought the crowds by the small of her back. Before following her out the door he cast one look over his shoulder and chuckled at the looks on Ginny and Ron's faces.