Hogwarts Musical

Written By: HermionePotter

Rating: PG-13

Summary:Can Harry and Hermione make it into the musical even with the rest of the school against them? AU

Disclaimer:I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER!I DO NOT OWN "High School Musical" EITHER!

NOTES: Based on the Disney Channel Orignal Movie, "High School Musical"

The songs are from the movie, but some of the lyrics may be alternated to fit the story.

This story is AU!



Harry watched from his window seat as the other students milled about outside the Hogwarts Express. They were all saying goodbye to their parents and scurrying off to find their friends so they could discuss their holiday vacations. Harry smiled when his friends stepped into their usually compartment. They all greet each other with their "secret" handshake.

"Harry! How ya doing, mate?" Ron Weasley, Harry's best friend. The boy was tall about six feet two inches and he had a slight build like Harry. His vibrant red hair and blue eyes made Ronald Billius Weasley stick out in any crowd.

"Hey, Ron, I'm fine." Harry turned to the other five members of the Gryiffndor Quidditch team. "Hey, guys, happy new year."

"Yeah, a happy Gryiffndor New Year!" One of the team members shouted and they all nodded in agreement. "What team?"


"What team?"

"Gryiffndor!" The seven Gryiffndor team members were now in the hallway instead of inside their compartment.

"What team?"

"Gryiffndor!" The last Gryiffndor was shouted at the top of their lungs and they all laughed good-naturedly. "It's good to back with my friends. I wonder what Hermione's doing right now?"


"The train ride to Hogwarts gets shorter and shorter every year, I swear it does." Harry thought as the train came to its stop. Harry climbed in a carriage with Ron and two other members of the Gryiffndor Quidditch team. He tuned out the conversation the other three were having about the final Quidditch match of the year, Harry and Ron's last year, as they were graduating this year. His eyes lost focus on a spot just above Ron's head as he remembered New Years Eve and singing with Hermione. Harry was brought out his thought-induced-stupor when the carriage stopped outside of Hogwarts. He had arrived home…well his second home, anyway.

He quickly climbed out of the carriage, waited for the rest of team to join him, and then walked through the giant oak doors into the castle.


"Mom, my stomach- " Hermione start, but her mom cut her off before she could finish her sentence.

"is always nervous on the first day at a new school."

"But, mom, I really don't think that-"

"You better not be saying that you don't think you'll fit in here because I'll just rebut by saying that that is exactly what you said when you started Beauxbatons and you fit in well there, remember?" Hermione didn't fit in there as a matter of fact, but she had told her worrywart of a mother that she did so her mom wouldn't worry.

Hermione stomach continued to churn as they toured the massive castle. Hermione could easily tell a great deal about people upon first meeting with them. Hermione could tell from the moment she first shook Headmaster Dumbledore's hand that he was a man Hermione was going to like. He was a child at heart who had a sense of humor and a reasonable tolerance for practical jokes and mischief, but if you got on his bad side or hurt someone who was close to him (as few as that number may be) you better watch out because this was not a man to mess around with. She listened intently to what Headmaster Dumbledore was saying, but allowed her mind to wondered to the boy…. no…. he was most definitely not a boy, he was a man…she met on her vacation. He was the one person Hermione met that she couldn't peg. After she had left Harry on the balcony, she had gone to her mother to wish her a happy New Year; Hermione went back to her room and began searching the four books she had brought with her. She found Harry's in the Great Witches and Wizards of the Ages. She knew she seen and heard that name before! His name was mentioned in her History of Magic class two years back, but never brought up again. She had met and sang with THE Harry Potter. She grinned thinking about how many girls would have killed to be in her shoes that night before, she was brought back to reality by the squeak of the giant oak doors that lead to the outside of the castle as some of the professors entered from outside.

"I am sorry, Miss Granger, I had planned to have the Sorting Hat sort you before the other students arrived so that you wouldn't of had to be sorted with the first years, but it appears time has slipped away from us as the other students are just now arriving. I am afraid you'll have to be sorted along with the first years. Miss Granger you wait here for Professor McGonall," he said indicting the bottom of the steps "while I show your mother to our Floo fireplace. Oh and Miss Granger?" He said, "Don't worry, I have read your transcripts, I am sure that you'll do fine and that your light will shine very brightly here at Hogwarts." He turned to talk to one of the professor and Hermione turned to her mother.

"I don't want to be the school's freaky genius girl again." She whined to her mother.

"Just be Hermione." Her mother replied with a quick kiss on the cheek and a whispered good luck wish and her mother was gone around the corner. Not a second too soon either as students poured in the castle doors. A great number of students poured directly into what Hermione had assumed was the Great Hall. She had bought Hogwarts: A History a week earlier once she had been informed that she and her mother were moving back to England, where Hermione had spent ten years of her life growing up. Hermione received a letter informing her that she had been accepted to Hogwarts, would be continuing her studies as a seventh year (meaning that she still could graduate this year, that she wouldn't be held back to play catch up), and that she and her mother were invited to visit Hogwarts on the day she was supposed to arrive to attend the school anyway. She received that letter two days after the move back to England.

"Miss Granger?" asked a stern but kind voice. Hermione turned at her name to face a woman who appeared to be seventy or so, but who knew how old she was in witch years. Her gray hair was pulled up into a bun on the top of her and her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose. Hermione could tell that this woman was like Headmaster Dumbledore, only that she had a really low tolerance for practical jokes, mischief, and rule breaking.

"Yes?" Hermione answered politely.

"I'm Professor McGonall. I am the deputy headmistress, head of Gryiffndor house, transfiguration teacher, and head of the Hogwarts drama club. Welcome to Hogwarts, miss Granger."

"Thank you, professor." Hermione said. "That's an awful lot of jobs." She thought as she shook Professor McGonall's hand.

"When I was informed that Beauxbaton's most brilliant student in a century would be attending Hogwarts for her final year, I was shocked. I know you will do wonderful here at Hogwarts."

"I hope so." Hermione said looking down at her feet. "I have only been here for a little while and all ready everyone expects me to be valedictorian!" She knew the pressure was all ready stacking itself on her shoulders. While Professor McGonall got all of the first years to line up behind Hermione, Hermione let her mind wandered yet again to the beautiful man she'd met on New Year's Eve.

Harry entered the foyer to the Great Hall and walked right past Hermione without noticing. He may not have noticed her but she certainly noticed him. As he disappeared into the Great Hall with the rest of the team behind him, Hermione stared him in disbelief (unlike the first years behind her who stared in admiration).

"He goes here! I mean, okay it was possibility, but I thought for sure he went to Dumstrung!" She moved blindly forward as she was ushered in the Great Hall by Professor McGonall while the first years clumped up behind her in fear of what was come. Hermione barely registered that her feet were moving, her thoughts rolling around in her head.

That's all for this chapter folks. Sorry for the long in between period and I could bore you with about ten good excuses, but I am not going to.