NOTE! This Gravi/Chobits crossover will have nothing to do with the story line of Chobits or of Chi and Hideki. Just pretend that that anime is going on somewhere else and Yuki is just any other guy buying a chobit at your local Chobits store, kay? Thanks!

Disclaimer: Wow… this is my first disclaimer ever. I don't do it in my other fics. What is a disclaimer anyway? Just saying that I don't own the anime? That's kind of weird. Why would the owner of the anime make fan fictions about their own anime anyway? I don't own the anime or characters of Gravitation nor Chobits. There. Satisfied?

Rating: T

Summary: Yuki, an everyday romance novelist, is tricked into a deal of buying a Chobit at a local Chobits shop. He hardly knows anything about the, uh… creatures, and prefers not to mess with anything so complicated. But once he gets to know this strange, pink-haired android of some sorts, he comes to find the younger boy… enticing.

Warnings: Some perverted-ness and sexy- I mean, sexual content. Slight cursing and MUCH fluffiness.

A/N: I just got this crazy inspiration to make a Gravitation and Chobits crossover… don't ask me why, but it sounded good at the time, so here I am writing it down! Though with all my other fan fictions I still have to work on I don't know how frequently I can update this one. You will all just have to be patient then. Even me with my stories… ugh… anyway, here's the first chapter! Hope it's to your liking.

CHAPTER 1: Tricked, Swindled, and Cheated

It was one of those days where you felt like you had to just get outside and be active for once in your miserable life. A day where you would usually be sitting at home and doing practically nothing until you feel an urge to do something , but you don't know what. Even if it didn't help you get in shape like running or power walking, you just HAD to do something to make you feel like you're not one of those couch potatoes at home, watching the discovery channel and living with their mom.

Eiri Yuki, famous romance novelist and lady's man extraordinaire, hadn't had one of those urges in a long, LONG time. So, he thought a quiet trip around Tokyo city would be in order for the rest of the afternoon. Well… Tokyo wasn't exactly the quietest place on earth, but he really had to do something, and this is what he picked. All it involved was getting fresh air while walking. How straining could that be?

It was the middle of spring, a time for lovers and sakura tress, bird-song, and yada yada yada…. A big 'whatever' for the stoic Yuki-san. Sometimes he couldn't believe that he actually wrote about this kind of stuff. What could he say? It was his Satan-given talent and he had nothing better to do with it other than use it. It passed the time.

The sidewalks were brimming with couples and high school crushes, sweet-talking each other and giving chaste kisses to one another. Even a pair of five-year olds were skipping along the curb, hand in hand, laughing and giggling to the best of their abilities. Yuki was going to be sick. What was all the hum-bug about love anyway? It was totally overrated for one, and it never lasted long. Sooner or later, either the girl or the boy was going to get tired of their significant other's constant habits and annoying demeanor then leave them for someone else. It always happened that way. Wherever he went, whatever he wrote, it always turned out that way. An endless cycle of loving and letting go. It was all so… pointless.

Yuki had plenty of money with him, but wasn't planning on using it. Sometimes he would buy some cheap broad at a bar for a night, but that's about it. The author made it a policy to never buy street whores, for they were either inexperienced, or crawling with STDs. The ones that were professional and more down-to- earth usually hung out inside clubs or bars, looking for their next client and seducing men to letting them stay the night for some personal service. They could even be kept for more than one day, but Yuki usually drew the limit after one or two nights, then threw them out on their ass the next morning. The writer got slapped square in the face once for his rude conduct towards one of the prostitutes, but shrugged it off, said some cold things to her, and off she went crying down the road (probably going in search of another customer later on).

Anyway, Yuki didn't take a break to think about troublesome tramps. He headed straight toward a small vender that served chilled drinks. For spring, it felt pretty hot out.

The cashier asked politely what he wanted, and the blonde answered back a diet tropical punch with some light scotch in it. The man raised his eyebrow a bit and replied that they didn't serve alcohol here. Yuki cursed under his breath and grumbled his new order of a diet limeade. The cashier smiled at the more appropriate choice of drink, and quickly whipped it up for the customer. After finding a comfortable single chair table near one of the many trees grown on the sidewalk, he nonchalantly began sipping at his refreshment.

Yuki gazed around at the bustling streets and shops of Tokyo, Japan. It seemed so muddled, yet organized in some way. It was hard to explain, but even though it looked like a mess, everything had its proper place. If there weren't any people or trash, then it would probably look like a utopia. That was the problem of today's societies, as well as past ones.


They always ruined the most beautiful of sceneries with their incessant jabbering and clattering of shoes. If it weren't for people, the word would be a much more peaceful place, that was certain. There wouldn't have been any rivalry between the cowboys and Indians, no Holocaust, no world wars, no crime. Just tranquillity and balance between all of nature. Yuki didn't mind that he was insulting himself. He already knew that he wasn't the best of people either, and didn't plan to change that anytime soon. All he asked for was to live his life the way he wanted to and die a normal death. Of course, it was kind of impossible to live like he wanted to with his relatives constantly pestering him day in and day out. He'd have to do something about their meddling in his business later on.

It wasn't until he heard the coarse, congesting sound of the straw desperately trying to suck up any type of liquid left that he realized he was out of diet limeade. He closed his eyes, stood up, and tossed the plastic container in a nearby trashcan. He then fished for his cigarette and lighter, intent on lighting up for a good smoke. Once puffing out smoke rings from the white stick between his thin lips, Yuki decided to spend the rest of his time taking a simple walk around the blocks.

A happy couple came strolling down the same sidewalk as Yuki, and because of their giggling it caused the girl to bump lightly into him.

The novelist turned around, a little peeved.

"Oh! Sorry about that, sir. She didn't mean to bump into you." The boyfriend said apologetically. "Say you're sorry Mimi-chan." He smiled down at her. She then turned brightly to the blonde man and bowed, issuing a soft "gomenasai" toward him. Yuki was about to nod in acceptance at the two, but that's when he noticed something slightly disturbing about the girl.

'WTF are those things growing out of her head?' He thought awkwardly to himself.

The boy and alienated girl both noticed how Yuki was staring sceptically at them. This creeped the couple out, so they left in a hurry.

After a minute or so of contemplation, the confused author began walking again. 'Come to think of it… I've seen a few girls with those… ridiculous things on their heads quite a few times. I guess I just never registered it before. Is it some kind of new fashion trend or something? Women and their crazy accessories nowadays…' He rolled his amber eyes and whisked the thought away for the time being.

Not but a few stores ahead was a very nervous salesman, desperately attempting to get people's attention for something he was trying to sell. He was failing miserably, which only lowered his hopes of ever getting some cash for the day.

'Crap! If I don't get money for this thing soon, the boss'll kill me for sure! Today is the deadline to get the money in, damn it!' He rubbed his hands together in a cold sweat and glanced around at anybody walking buy who might want to buy his product. No one was even stopping to look at him and his exceptionally large suitcase beside him. It seemed that solicitors were still a big "keep away" for people.

'Aw man! I knew I should have been a lawyer! Hell, even a register boy at McDonalds would have been good enough. Anything but this job! Where did I go wrong in life? I'm sorry I let ya down mother!" The salesman bit his lip dramatically, waterfall tears flowing from his tightly shut eyes.

At that same time, Yuki came walking by the shop that the solicitor was in front of, still smoking his cig. The salesman noticed the foreign blonde hair zip by and stared determinedly at him. 'Okay… this'll be my last try for today. And if I don't get the cash I'm looking from him, I'll go to another district. Though I'd really like to get this over with as soon as possible…' He whined to himself. With a deep breath, the salesman strutted over to the taller man and stopped him in a loud, obnoxious voice, saying…

"Why, hello there my good man!"

The novelist halted in his tracks before he could run into the annoying little man in front of him. Who the hell was this guy, and why was he even talking to him?

"You know, you look like you could use something in your life. Are you depressed? Do you have an empty space within the void of your soul that needs filling? Are you lonely?"

"No." Came the automatic reply, and Yuki walked off. He noted the name tag stuck neatly onto that man's jacket and knew in an instant that he was selling something.

After an second of utter shock and denial, the solicitor scurried back up to the foreigner-looking guy and tried to get his attention once more.

"B-but wait! You haven't even heard what I was going to say yet! My name is-"

"I know who you are. You're one of those guys who want to sell me something and swindle me out of my money. Too bad, bud. I got better things to do." The author glared at him and kept walking.

Unfortunately, the salesman kept walking along side him. "Aw, c'mon! I promise it'll be real cheap! Just a couple hundred or so…"

"No way." The blonde snapped and continued to ignore him.

"Please? I'll throw in something extra if you'd like!" Though that wasn't true, the salesman was getting truly desperate now. Lying became an option!

"Stop following me before I get the authorities." Yuki said menacingly and started walking at a faster pace.

"But I'm licensed to work in this area! You can't arrest me!"

"Oh, I can, and I will." He answered threateningly.

"PLEEEEASE!" The solicitor dropped helplessly to his knees. This took the author by surprise as he stopped to glance back at the hysterical man. "I'm BEGGING you! Please just let me sell you this one thing and I'll never bother you again mister, I swear!" He clasped his hands together. "My boss will KILL me if I don't have the money by tomorrow. This is a matter of life and death my good man. Life and death!" He grabbed onto the writer's pant leg.

"Let go of me you crazy hack!" Yuki yelled at him and tried to shrug the guy off.

"PLEASE! Please, please, please, please, please! Just this one thing. It's only a couple hundred. Realize that I am selling it to you for half the original price that you'd find in a store of them. I have a family, a wife and two kids. Just let me sell this to you, please!" He was crying on the ground now, willing to make up anymore lies in order to get rid of this thing his boss ordered him to sell.

Yuki looked down at the pathetic display on the sidewalk floor, disgusted by the man's behavior at the moment. He was just about to tell the man off again when he noticed the many people looking at the odd pair. With all the stares and the never ending pleading of the salesman below him, Yuki couldn't take it anymore. It was all too embarrassing!

"OKAY! I'll buy your stupid crap or whatever!" The author shouted loud enough through the tears of the solicitor.

Immediately, the man looked at him with watery, happy eyes and replied, "Really! That's great!" He stood up like nothing had just happened at all and brushed off his suit. "Well then! Let me get the legal agreements to this sale!" He smiled cheerfully and searched through his briefcase for some paperwork.

Yuki shook his head in defeat and mentally punched himself for giving in so easily.

"Ah! Here we go!" The salesman handed him a fairly large stack of papers to fill out. "All you have to do is sign on the several dotted lines and the deal is yours!"

"Um, before I do, what exactly am I buying here?" Yuki asked cautiously, knowing that before any legal bond was made between the two, he had to know what he was purchasing for such a cost.

"A Chobit!" The salesman said without hesitation, grinning all the while.

"…." The novelist raised an eyebrow. "What the hell is that? Some sort of expensive candy?" He asked sarcastically, though the solicitor didn't give him any room to joke around.

"Yeah, yeah! Whatever you say buddy. Just sign here, and here, and here and here and hereandhereandhereandhereand…" The list went on. The sudden change in subject and directness of the salesman confused Yuki for the moment as he started to unconsciously sign every black offered to him. This was one of the things salesmen were famous for. It was skill one had to be born with.

"And that's it! Just write down your address here and the package will be delivered to you in due time!" He said in an all too giddy voice.

"Okay, anything else?" The author asked slightly irritated.

"Why yes! The, ahem… money please?" He extended his hand thoughtfully. Yuki snarled and took out his wallet, counting out the green leaflets to the exact purchase price. "Is that it?"

"Yup! 500$!" The salesman swiped the cash from Yuki's hand and flipped through it to see if it was indeed the right amount. Then, he swiftly slipped it into his front jacket pocket and smiled up at his customer. "It was nice doing business with you sir! I hope you are pleased with your purchase!" He tipped his hat at the tall foreigner, grabbed his suitcase, and marched off in the opposite direction, pleased with the sale he made today. And before Yuki could utter another question out to the solicitor, the swindler was gone in a flash, nothing but a dot in the distance.

The novelist sighed in exasperation. "Well he sure seemed like he was in a hurry." He peered inside his wallet to see only half of the money he brought with him left. "It's not the money issue I'm worried about though. I still don't know what I ordered." He wrinkled his mouth in annoyance and slapped the leather envelope together, shoving it unceremoniously back into his coat pocket. "I guess I'll have to wait until it comes in. And if it isn't something like booze or cigs, it's going straight in the trash." He crushed his old cigarette into the pavement below and lit up a new one. Deciding that he had enough excitement for today, Yuki headed back in the direction towards his condo, wondering all the while what his secret package could hold in store for him.

Preview for the next chapter: Yuki wait's a week until his package arrives and is shocked to see what it is!

A/N: Well, that's it! Hope you all enjoyed it. For those of you who read my other (unfinished) fics, I sincerely apologize for not updating in a while. I haven't had much inspiration lately, but I thinks it's coming back now. Don't worry! I'll finish up those fics soon, you'll see! See yall in the next chapter!